Symbian Guru Speed Dial Plus - Quay số nhanh không hạn chế số lượng cuộc gọi.

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TIỆN ÍCH' bắt đầu bởi tichau, 20 Tháng mười 2009.

  1. tichau Guest

    SymbianGuru SpeedDial Plus v1.0 S60v3 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned -TgSPDA/ErESPDA


    Thông tin chung:
    SpeedDial + ứng dụng tạo ra số lượng không hạn chế số lượng của riêng tốc độ của bạn quay số. Sử dụng Speed Dial + bạn có thể nhanh chóng mở bất kỳ ứng dụng, thực hiện cuộc gọi điện thoại hoặc gửi tin nhắn SMS đến một người nhận mong muốn.

    General Information:
    SpeedDial+ application creates unlimited number of your own speed dial numbers. Using Speed Dial+ you can quickly open any application, make a phone call or send SMS to a desired recipient.
    The application supports the following speed dial types:

    • Set speed dial to open the predefined application
    • Set speed dial to Change the status of your Bluetooth
    • Set speed dial to Create the shortcut with single key combination
    • Set speed dial to Send the message (SMS, MMS, E-Mail) to the appropriate contac
    • Set speed dial to Change the phone settings
    • Set speed dial to Open the webpage
    • Set speed dial to Open contact information
    • Set speed dial to Open the document like Work, Sheet etc.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It is very easy to use SpeedDial+.

    Right after the installation you should enter the application and set your own short numbers for speed dialing. You should attach a desired action to each number. Now you only have to remember your speed dials – and to use them anywhere in your phone!
    It is possible the substitution of the native Nokia speed dials. And you can dial as usual with one hand which is very convenient.
    So, if you want to launch the application, to send the SMS or change the Bluetooth status you should enter speed dial number defined by yourself and press the green Dial button. SpeedDial+ save your time and makes your work with mobile phone much more convenient.


    Software advantages:

    • Extending speed dial functionality of your mobile phone
    • Unlimited number of speed dials possible
    • Available for the newest Series 60.5 phones
    • Wide range of actions supported
    • Native speed dials can be replaced with extended actions
    • Multilanguage interface
    • FREE 10 days trial
    • Free future updates by purchase
    • Free software replacement when your phone is replaced
    Languages available:
    English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian.

    Please note! Using of two numbers speed dials is not possible dues to the phone manufacturer constraint. You generally can not dial two digits numbers, as they are reserved for requests to your mobile operator.

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  2. Be Yeu

    Be Yeu Super Moderator Staff Member

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    SymbianGuru SpeedDial Plus v1.0SymbianOS9.x Unsigned ******* by N0ePDA

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    rain_ho and nnq2784 like this.
  3. nokin

    nokin Thành viên

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    Soft này vẫn chưa nhanh và lợi hại bằng CuteKey.
  4. badboybeo

    badboybeo Thành viên

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    Thằng đấy là thằng nào hả bác, cho cái link a e tham khảo với!