Mẹo vặt và kinh nghiệm sử dụng dành riêng cho dòng máy Symbian OS9 v3

Thảo luận trong 'S60 3rd: KIẾN THỨC & KINH NGHIỆM' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 26 Tháng mười một 2007.


Bạn có thấy topic này hửu ích cho người dùng Symbian OS9 ?

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  1. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    15. in "import" there are your themes, here you should find the themes you installed into memory card

    [​IMG] Reduced: 70% of original size [ 1024 x 640 ] - Click to view full image

    16. don't close this folder and come back to the folder where you exctracted the theme with unsis

    17. just cl!ck "back" so you can see your folder selected into the "import" folder

    [​IMG] Reduced: 70% of original size [ 1024 x 640 ] - Click to view full image

    18. choose all the folder and select "copy"

    [​IMG] Reduced: 70% of original size [ 1024 x 640 ] - Click to view full image

    Pháp Sư and RyanTom8891 like this.
  2. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    19. go back to the "import" folder into the memory

    20. right cl!ck and make "paste"

    [​IMG] Reduced: 70% of original size [ 1024 x 640 ] - Click to view full image

    [​IMG] Reduced: 70% of original size [ 1024 x 640 ] - Click to view full image

    21. here we are, now your theme is again in the memory card

    22. just restart the phone and control if theme is ok, if there is not in the theme menu, something get wrong :p and you need to repeat the recovery process

    23. I don't think this method will work on themes you installed on Phone memory but it will definitely work on Memory Cards

    Hope this method will work for you!
    MaiDinh, gsm66666, Pháp Sư and 2 others like this.
  3. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Changing Fonts on S60 3rd Edition Devices! 100% working
    Found by Varunzzz

    Create your own fonts and use them on your s60v3 device.

    Tested successfully on N95, N73, N80 & E61i.

    Just follow the instructions mentioned below.

    Ok. First you find whichever .ttf font that you want to use. In my case I just went to the font folder on c:/windows/font on my desktop. Pay close attention... what you NEED to do is create a folder on your desktop. Name that folder Fonts. Since you cannot just copy and paste a font from that windows folder, its safer to have both the fonts folder from your windows drive open AND the fonts folder that you just created on your desktop (which should be empty at this point). With both windows side by side, select the font that you would like to use and MOVE it to the other font folder by holding down the control button and dragging and dropping to your new font folder.

    [​IMG] Reduced: 57% of original size [ 700 x 366 ] - Click to view full image

    From the font folder that you created you can now right click and select copy and move it back to the windows font folder. Once thats done you can close out the windows font folder.

    Now at this point you should have your created font folder open with the font that you moved inside. From that one font type you need to create 3 copies. Don't worry about the titles, we will change that later. Right click the font and select copy. From the edit tab on the toolbar select paste. So basically you are copying and pasting within the same folder.

    Now its time to rename the files of your font. Open Y-Browser from your device. Select z:/resource/fonts. Here is where you will find the names of the fonts that are preinstalled on your device. Keep in mind that different devices have different font names. So far I've tried this on the N73 and N95 and each device has different font names.

    [​IMG] Reduced: 57% of original size [ 700 x 366 ] - Click to view full image

    Once you have the correct file names from your device you can now go back into your created folder on your desktop and rename the files. The titles shown above were the font types that are installed on my N95. Now that doesn't mean that this will work on all N95's because the font types might differ by region, especial the APAC region.

    Once you have renamed the files you can close the window. Now its time to transfer them to your device.

    This next method can be done 2 ways. I suggest using a card reader because after the fonts are installed to the memory card you can no longer use the phone in Mass Storage or Data transfer mode.

    The second method is to connect your phone via USB and select Mass Storage or Data Transfer. Once connected and the file manager opens, go to your Resource Folder. This will be your E:/ drive. Open the Resource folder and copy your Fonts folder stored on your desktop to this location. Once the transfer is complete close all windows and go to the USB folder on your phone and select PC Suite mode. The reason that I do this is because it is safer to power off the device once out of Mass Storage or Data Transfer.

    Power off your device and power back on... Thats it. !!!

    The following is a screenshot of the changed fonts on a N95


    NOTE: You might want to install FontRouter LT S60v3 9 Beta (Build 20070619) UNSIGNED to some phones like E61i, N73 & other devices for you to be able to make the fonts to work
    MaiDinh, gsm66666, romeo761 người khác thích bài này.
  4. chauhungvnpt

    chauhungvnpt Staff Member

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    Bạn đọc kỹ lại đi chứ mình thấy đúng là hướng dẫn mà, tuy là bài hướng dẫn của nước ngoài nhưng vấn đề là muốn sưu tập nó để đưa lên cho các bạn cũng đâu phải dễ, nhiều thông tin, nhiều vấn đề, phải chọn lọc cái nào cần thiết theo số đông các thắc mắc thì mới up lên đc, ví dụ như mod chieutruc up bài thay đổi fonts để các bạn có thể tham khảo ứng dụng đưa vào đt để đọc tiếng Việt thay vì phải đổi product code của máy. Còn muốn hướng dẫn cụ thể vấn đề nào đó thì bạn cứ đưa vấn đề đó lên đây các anh em có thể hướng dẫn tùy theo mức độ hiểu biết của mỗi người.
    RyanTom8891 thích bài này.
  5. cku

    cku Thành viên

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    hướng dẫn để cho Music player không có file nhạc chuông

    Trước tiên bạn phải gom các file nhạc chuông của bạn vào một folder nhất định (C:data\sound hoặc E:\sound). Mỗi lần bạn chép thêm/xóa file nhạc, trước khi "Refresh Music library" bạn cần làm như sau:

    Dùng các phần mềm quản lý file, ví dụ Y-browser, sửa cái "Attribute" của folder file nhạc chuông lại là "Hidden".
    Bây giờ bạn mới "Refresh Music library". Music player sẽ không list ra các file nhạc chuông nữa.

    Cuối cùng bạn vào lại phần mềm quản lý file để trả lai cái "Attribute" như cũ là xong.

    Cho đến hiện nay, đây là cách nhanh nhất, đơn giản và hiệu quả nhất để làm việc này.
    MaiDinh, gsm66666, gnasmal and 3 others like this.
  6. Averell

    Averell Thành viên

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    Xin lỗi bạn, lâu ngày mình ko có điều kiện online.
    Để chạy bước 1, bạn phải có tool makekey.exe, mình đã sửa lại bài viết để đưa link download rồi (size 328KB). Máy mình có sẵn file đấy nên lần trước khi post bài không để ý.
    RyanTom8891 thích bài này.
  7. doicoluu

    doicoluu Thành viên

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    Vẫn chưa hiểu được bận àh, bạn có thể ví dụn cụ thể hơn không? Mình cũng đã tải được makekeys đó rồi...
    RyanTom8891 thích bài này.
  8. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Disable ScreenSaver on N95 forever

    Ater searching in the web to fine a solution to fix the screensaver in N95 ( only 90 sec to work ) but nothing at all ... only one app (60spoton) can do this BUT with light always on .. so this is bad thing from nokia i hope to to fix it in next update ...

    so i try in my free time to do something to fix it ... and FAINALY [​IMG] ... i found a way to disable the screensaver for EVER [​IMG]

    lets start the magic [​IMG]

    First you need :

    - PhotoDancerscreensaver <<-- click on it to download it.
    - Memory card reader OR cable from the phone to PC

    lets begin:-

    1- install Photo Dancer Screensaver IN the memory card (( dont forget ... in the memory card ))

    2- from your phone go to [Tools --> Setting --> General --> Personaisation --> Themes --> Power Saver] .. now select photo dancer screensaver to be your screensaver.

    3- remove your memory card from the phone to the memory card reader OR plug the cable to the phone then select Data transfer.

    4- from the memory go to ?:\resource\apps in apps folder just delete these files (( only the yellow highlight )) see the pic

    [​IMG] Reduced: 87% of original size [ 459 x 400 ] - Click to view full image

    5- download this file file to paste it in apps.zip also you can downliad it from Attched Files.

    6- Copy the files in the folder (( files to paste in apps )) and paste it in ?\resource\apps

    7- remove the memore card and put it in your phone OR unplug the cable.

    8- go to the PhotoDancerScreen app ... you will see the icon of the app hide ... only text name of the app.. if you see this .. just wait 90 sec and see if the screen will work or not ..

    ... i test it on my N95 and it's work %100

    - note: test only on N95 .. so maybe it's work with other s60v3

    try it and tell me if it's work with you

    i hope i can help who dont like or anyone want to disable the screensaver

    thanx for reading and have a nice day

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] files_to_paste_in_apps.zip ( 75.83K )
  9. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    How to delete the OLD Album folders in MUSIC LIBRARY
    In N95 8GB & N95 (Firmware V20)
    Found by Evil_Night

    This is a bug currently being faced in N95 8GB and N95 (FirmWare V20)

    When you delele an album contents in the music library, even the album content is completely removed , an empty album will still remain in the MUSIC library, even you refresh the music library ,it will still exist.

    If you try to delete it , you will get an error or try to open it.

    "General : Feature not supported" or "No Songs"

    Here is the solution to delete it:

    * Firstly, connect your phone to a PC via USB.
    * Choose Data Transfer (also known as Mass Storage). Do not select PC Suite because you won’t be able to browse protected folders in PC Suite mode.
    * Open Windows Explorer on your PC.
    * Go to \private\101FFC31 on the phone’s folder.
    * There, you should be able to find the mpxv1.mpd (for MP3) and pcv5.mpd (for AUDIO PODCAST)
    * Go to \private\101f8857\Cache
    * Go to \private\101ffca9
    * In all the 3 folders delete all the files NOT THE FOLDER.
    * Now refresh your music library
    *Enjoy this trick
  10. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    LCG JUKEBOX Crash When move to next track?? COME IN..., sOME tRiCkS

    I found the solution why crash occur.
    if u installed
    DRMCommon Solution based programs(e.g irRemote ...)
    when u run them after exit two files are resident in memory.
    they are processes and u must kill them
    of course kill one of them is enough
    u must have Fexplorer or Active file installed
    then go to task or process in this programs and kill
    now goto LCG JUKEBOX and enjoy.
    u must remember every time u run DRM Common Solution based programs.
    repeat this instructions.

    use this taskman to kill DRMCommonSrv ....
    note that it is unsigned.
    MaiDinh, gsm66666 and RyanTom8891 like this.