Mẹo vặt và kinh nghiệm sử dụng dành riêng cho dòng máy Symbian OS9 v3

Thảo luận trong 'S60 3rd: KIẾN THỨC & KINH NGHIỆM' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 26 Tháng mười một 2007.


Bạn có thấy topic này hửu ích cho người dùng Symbian OS9 ?

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  1. Averell

    Averell Thành viên

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    Bạn tải makekeys.exe về, bỏ vào 1 thư mục nào đó, ví dụ c:\
    Sau đó bạn vào command prompt (click vào start menu trên PC, rồi chọn Run, rồi gõ cmd, rồi enter), gõ cái dòng lệnh ghi trong step 1 (hoặc copy rồi paste vào). Nó sẽ tạo ra 2 file WorldKey.key và WorldCert.cer.

    Mình ko biết bạn đang vướng ở đâu để mà giải thích nữa

    makekeys -cert -password World123 -len 1024 -dname "CN=World User OU=Development OR=WorldCompany CO=FI EM=World@test.com" WorldKey.key WorldCert.cer
    RyanTom8891 thích bài này.
  2. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    How To Delete Dead Icon For Java Apps/Games
    Found by Opicks

    Sometimes, when you unistall java application or game from your device, you will still see the icon on the phone, even if you go to App. Manager, you won't be able to delete the icon. Even if you've re-format or reset yorr phone. So all installed java apps & games on memory card (mass memory) become useless. Unable to open & unable to delete. Re-installing again will get the message "Unable to install, already installed".

    First of all the java app/game won't dissapear also won't work. The other /appgame runs normally.. To remove the dead java icon installed on external memory, access yorr memory card via USB or Card Reader (Data Transfer). Make sure all folder & files are not hidden. If you use USB, select mass storage storage mode or data transfer. Then go to private\1000a3f\import\apps\NonNative\Resource\

    There you'll find 3 files in ..._reg,..._loc,.....MBM. Delete those files. So dead icon will disappear anymore

    P.S: I use ...(dots) to call those file because I don't know the names exactly. I don't have that app/game on my phone. The trick can be used to remove dead java icons

    Try the step, I hope it will solve your problem. [​IMG]
  3. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    How To Uninstall Games Which Are Not Working
    Found by Gizmoratty

    Now we all know the story of reformatting your phone or updating the firmware, just to find that your previously installed applications from the memory card are appearing in your apps menu - You go to open them, but nothing happens.. So maybe deleting them will work? Well it would be nice if it did..!

    Up until now I was under the impression that reformatting the memory card was the only way out, but this was often a very big inconvenience and so it was never a pleasurable way around it, but it worked. There again you could always move the icon to a remote location in a sub-folder hidden away in your menu somewhere - What you can't see can't hurt? :p

    I was roumaging through my memory card the other day and realised that symbian native applications actually included an uninstallation list - Meaning that you could view where all the installed files are dumped (This is used by the device in reverse to remove all the files)

    Mr G in his troubles, actually gave me the idea today to use this to our advantage - So I got onto the experimenting

    Now I'm no C++ expert, and I hardly had any idea as to which of these listed files would actually be the shortcut that we found ourselves stuck with in our phones - So by trial and error, I tracked down each file listed and removed it from the memory card, checking each time to see what effects were made (And replacing the file if nothing was found)

    Eventually I came accross a THE directory - The folder in which seemed to contain ALL installed application shortcuts! SCORE

    Anyway, I'll finish off my babbling and get to the point - Removing these files is easier than we ever could have thought!
    gsm66666 and RyanTom8891 like this.
  4. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Removing 'Stuck' Applications (Simple Version)
    Found by Gizmoratty

    Note: In these examples, I am going to refer to the Memory Card as 'E:\' - This may be different for everyone else

    1. Now the first thing you need to do is connect your phone via USB in Data Transfer/Mass Storage mode (Or get the old card reader out) - What you need to be able to do is view the hidden AND system files - So you can not do this internally

    2. Make you way accross to this folder from your computer:

    THIS is the folder that contains all shortcuts for applications installed on your memory card (You should see a/some *.rsc file/s and maybe another folder or two)

    *.rsc files refer to installed Symbian applications (*.sis/*.sisx)
    The folders refer to installed Java files (*.jar)

    You will most likely want to delete ALL of these files, but I shall explain the proccess in detail incase you want to remove individual shortcuts

    3. (For Symbian installations) Delete the *.rsc that refers to the application you are trying to remove (The file is easy to determine as it will be named in relation to the original application)

    4a. (For Java installations) This is a little more complicated - You will need to remove the folders one by one (Making a backup each time) to figure out which folder refers to the Java application in question (This is because the folder, nor its contents refer to the original application directly)

    4b. Now head to: E:\Private\102033E6\MIDlets\
    Here you will find the root folders for Java applications - You need to open each folder to find and delete the *.jar file and the 'uids' file that accompanies it

    And that's it! All shortcuts should be removed from your applicaions menu or anywhere else that the 'stuck' shortcuts were placed

    Removing 'Stuck' Applications (Advanced Version) (Optional)
    Found by Gizmoratty

    I mentioned earlier about the uninstallation files I found - These are located here:

    You may have numerous folders included in this diectory, but simply searching through them will aid you in finding the desired *.log file

    The *.log file can be viewed in Notepad or any simple text editor - It will include the directories of ALL installed files on the memory card for each application

    The trick is to follow the links and delete each and every file to maximise recovery of data storage

    I describe this as the more advanced option as you will need to KNOW what you are deleting or you may cause damage to other resources in the card

    Note: I have ONLY tested this on my v20.0.015 device so please inform me if this is not compatible with other firmware versions

    And thus concludes my little tutorial - I have tested this on numerous applications now with full success but I would love to hear any feedback you guys have! Also, any bugs reported will be greatly appreciated, but please MAKE SURE to follow this exactly as stated before coming back with problems.
    gsm66666, MaiDinh, romeo761 người khác thích bài này.
  5. trieunam

    trieunam Thành viên

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    Nói đơn giản nhưng ko hề đơn giản tí nào.Nếu forder chứa nhạc quá nhiều nhạc,làm như vậy Y-browser sẽ load rất chậm forder đó,và có thể dẫn đến treo máy.Mình sài N92,thẻ 2gb,có 1.4gb nhạc>>>>treo máy.

    Mình nghĩ đơn giản và khoa hoc hơn là sử dụng 1 chương trình nào đó cho phép sử lý thông tin của các bài nhạc đó(Album,artist...) Mình hay sử dung iTunes của Apple.Như vậy sẽ có đc 1 kho nhạc số rất khoa học phân loại theo album,artist...

    Khi copy vào máy,music player cũng sẽ phân loại cho bạn theo album,artist...Nghe nhạc thì chỉ cần chọn thể loại,albun,artist... mà mình yêu thích và "chơi":D
    RyanTom8891 and hogokaka like this.
  6. trieunam

    trieunam Thành viên

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    Tạo playlist trên PC bằng winamp chẳng hạn.Copy cả cái forder nhạc đó lẫn playlist vào trong đt là 1 cách nhanh.:))
    akaoko, MaiDinh and RyanTom8891 like this.
  7. hoangcung1939

    hoangcung1939 Ex-Mod

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    Mình nghĩ trước khi chuyển nhạc vào Fone, những bài nào bạn dùng để làm nhạc chuông thì nên Properties những File nhạc đó rồi chọn Details. Nhìn xuống sẽ có dòng Genre, click chuột vào và gõ Other; xong click OK. Những bài khác thì tùy dòng nhạc mà bạn có thể chọn đó là Dance, Pop hay Country chẳng hạn. Sau chuyển vào máy và Refresh lại, vào Music Menu và chọn dòng Genres; nó sẽ cho ra từng dòng nhạc mà bạn đã chọn ở PC và dĩ nhiên những File nhạc chuông sẽ nằm ở mục Other ;) :p
    RyanTom8891 thích bài này.
  8. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    How To Install Fonts on N95 8GB, N91 & N91 8GB
    Found by Wekke

    I had problems when installing .ttf fonts on my N95 8GB but now i have finally found the solution.

    1) Install FontRouter in your memory card sd, or mass storage in N95 8GB

    2) using the x-plore app, make a folder in PHONE (C:/) named fonts

    3) move the fontrouter.ini and paste in c:\data\fonts

    4) edit the fontrouter.ini file with x-plore like this

    5) search at:
    ;Extra font files to be loaded

    and change to
    ;Extra font files to be loaded
    exit and save the file

    6) Copy your *.ttf font to c:\data\fonts

    7) restart the phone, and now it should be free to use in (Multimidia Reader)
    this option can access the memory card, then its free to be used by computer!!!

    if you afterwards want to change your font
    edit the fontrouter.ini file again and change
    Enable=1 to 0
    restart and change the fonts, then Enable again to 1 and restart new fonts are displayd now.

    Good Luck!
    gsm66666 and RyanTom8891 like this.
  9. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Use Psiloc irRemote v1.00 full version without signing (HOT TRICK) 100% Working​

    You can now easily use Psiloc irRemote v1.00 full version.... just follow this systems.....
    we all know that Psiloc irRemote v1.00 has 3 parts.
    1. irRemote.Setup. 2. DRMCommonSolutions and 3.

    it's so sad that num 1 and 2 are signed but number 3 is unsign and nobody can sign it by using opensign process also.....

    at first install the number 1 and then install number 2. Don't touch number 3 now... and after complete don't try to open the app now.....

    now turn off your phone and remove memory card. plugin it PC by using Card Reader...

    i attached here 2 zip files... ...

    unzip number 1 zip file.. here you will find a file called PsilocSC.dat . copy this item to E:\Resource\CommonDRM\ (means memory card)

    unzip number 2 zip file.. here you will find 3 files called PsilocSC.dll, DRMBiNPDASignerCore.dll and DRMCommonLicSrv.exe . copy all them to
    "E:\sys\bin\ (means memory card)

    Now again attach memory card and turn on your phone.. again install 1. irRemote.Setup and 2. DRMCommonSolutions ... I mean replace the application... and EnJoY

    this trick is 100% working with N95...
    not working with N95 8GB
    RyanTom8891 thích bài này.
  10. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    New One Trick in Handy Taskman 2.0!

    After close any aplication(s) in task list view, then press and hold Menu key to compress RAM memory! It realy works!