App. WeeWheel - Sử dụng phone làm Joystick cho PC

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TIỆN ÍCH' bắt đầu bởi tichau, 5 Tháng một 2010.

  1. tichau Guest

    WeeWheel v1.20 S60v3/v5 -Remote joystick Emulation With an Accelerometer-


    What is it?
    WeeWheel is an application that uses the built in accelerometer to detect movement and convert it into joystick, mouse and/or keyboadr signals for your PC, so you can play games by only moving your phone!

    - Remote joystick emulation with an acceleromenter through Bluetooth
    - Up to 8 Josytick button emulation through phone's keypad
    - Mouse & Keyboard emulation!

    Change Log :

    - Solved: WeeWheel crashes at startup when no internet connection is available (checking updates)
    - Solved: Calibration does not work 100%
    - Some minor speed improvements
    [​IMG] Attached Files
  2. tinhsi_korea007

    tinhsi_korea007 Thành viên

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