ND-EXCITE v1.2 For Bold 9000 OS5 Design by : xinloimottinhyeu_812 Một vài hình ảnh: HOTKEYS : Show Undread icon (Click button and show 6 icon) Hide Undread icon (Focusin Button and Focusin Weather) Memory Clean (j) Camera (Shift + Z) Recorde Voice Note (r) Music (x) Profiles (f) Pictures (z) Files (Shift + F) Videos (Shift + X) iCallManager Pro ( * ) ControlBBanel ($) HaloHalo (+) AntiBrokenNet (#) ManageConnections (@) PowerOff (Shift + J) Applications (h) SMS (n) sms and mms (n) passwordkeeper (i) Downloads (0) IM+ Pro (1) BeejiveIM (2) Rock File Manager (3) DDict (4) berrybuzz (5) FlashOn (6) Barcode Assistant (7) SMSBlocker (8) baonet4 (9) Download : Mã: http://www.mediafire.com/?105nkwoo624ps7g