WeeWheel v1.14 S60v3/v5 -Remote joystick Emulation With an Acceleromenter-(08.09.09)

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TIỆN ÍCH' bắt đầu bởi tichau, 8 Tháng chín 2009.

  1. tichau Guest

    WeeWheel v1.14


    WeeWheel là một ứng dụng có sử dụng được xây dựng trong gia tốc để phát hiện chuyển động và chuyển đổi nó thành phím điều khiển, con chuột và / hoặc tín hiệu keyboadr cho PC của bạn, để bạn có thể chơi trò chơi bằng cách chỉ di chuyển điện thoại của bạn!​

    What is it?
    WeeWheel is an application that uses the built in accelerometer to detect movement and convert it into joystick, mouse and/or keyboadr signals for your PC, so you can play games by only moving your phone!

    - Remote joystick emulation with an acceleromenter through Bluetooth
    - Up to 8 Josytick button emulation through phone's keypad
    - Mouse & Keyboard emulation!

    Change Log :

    · Much better calibration!
    · Possible to also use WeeWheel with the standard bluetooth drivers of windows XP/Vista
    · Better key detection. We can now actually detect up/down key events, so using button press timeout is history! (Crucial for real gamers)
    · Added more button support. See below for a list of supported buttons.
    · Phone's keypad binding, bind a key from your phone to a action of WeeWheel.
    · Macro mode, record and play your movements! You can save the macro's and open it later to play it again! The macro files have the .wwm extension and are just text files, so you can do crazy stuff with it (During setup the .wwm extension is automatically associated to WeeWheel!)
    · I created a completely other design!
    · Save settings as INI file, so you can make several settings for several games.
    · Autostart of python, no "start python" button· Preview pane gone but added 4 progress bars, which indicate status of accelerometer.
    · For 5th edition devices: removed the 9 squares on the screen, please user virtual keypad/board!

    Các file đính kèm:

    hieukhop thích bài này.
  2. hieukhop

    hieukhop Thành viên

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    BinhDa Super Moderator Staff Member

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