Yêu cầu: 1.6+ Wifi manager giúp bạn quản lý việc kết nối Wifi dễ dàng hơn. Ứng dụng cung cấp cho bạn 2 Widget ở màn hình chủ: 1 hiện thông tin kết nối, 2 là chuyển qua lại giữa các kết nối với nhau. Xem thêm: Mã: https://market.android.com/details?id=org.kman.WifiManager&feature=search_result Tải về: http://appstore.vn/a/index.php/home/app/2133
2.1.1 What's in this version: Added a 1x1 widget (to hide in Launcher list - see the app's settings). Added German translation. Added graphics and layouts optimized for tablets, esp. 10" with Android 3.2. Added a check for existing purchase after a phone flash / restore.
What's in this version: 2.1.2: Adjusted widget sizes for 10" tablets based on user feedback. Added a 1x1 widget (to hide in Launcher list - see the app's settings). Added German translation. Added graphics and layouts optimized for tablets, esp. 10" with Android 3.2. Added a check for existing purchase after a phone flash / restore.
What's in this version: ** Crashes after updating? Market bug. Uninstall and reinstall often helps. 2.1.3: Fixed a crash when picking the notification sound on the Samsung Galaxy S / Nexus S. Fixed a few other crashes and bugs. Added a setting to show signal levels as dBm in radar mode. Added a 1x1 widget (to hide in Launcher list - see the app's settings). Added German translation. Added graphics and layouts optimized for tablets, esp. 10" with Android 3.2.
*** Crashes after updating? Uninstall / reinstall often helps. 2.6.7 Added "sticky broadcast" permission which is not needed, but there are firmwares who think it is, and crash the app