Active Iphone Apple dùng Ipod và Wifi

Thảo luận trong 'Tin Tức Chung' bắt đầu bởi TA_MOBILE, 7 Tháng bảy 2007.

  1. TA_MOBILE +84904069909

    Mời các bạn tham khảo !


    Cách 1:

    I’ve found a way to activate a brand new unactivated iPhone without giving any of your money or personal information to AT&T. The iPhone does not have phone capability, but the iPod and WiFi work. Stay tuned!
    Magic iTunes numbers:
    Offset 2048912: 33C0C3
    Offset 257074: 28
    Offset 257013: 33C9B1
    Add “” to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
    Download Phone Activation Server v1.0 to activate your iPhone for iPod+WiFi use. Note that this application will not do anything unless you understand the magic numbers as well as add the hosts entry. Phone Activation Server (PAS) requires that you have the MS .NET Framework 2.0 installed.
    Download PAS v1.0 Source Code.

    Instructions step by step:
    1). Download UltraEdit-32, install it.
    2). Download PhoneActivationServerV1.0, extract it to desktop or anywhere you want.
    3). You might wanna backup the original iTunes.exe(located under C:\Program Files\iTunes) first.
    4). Run UltraEdit-32, open file iTunes.exe, use Ctrl+G to go to address 2048912, then enter 33C0C3. Do the same for the rest two offsets: Go to address 257074 then enter 28 and go to 257013 then enter 33C9B1. Save the file and close UltraEdit-32.
    5). Open Windows explorer and go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc. Open the "hosts" file in ULTRAEDIT and add the line it. This will redirect any DNS query of "" to your local host. Save & exit.
    6). All you need to do is to run Phone Activation Server V1.0 first, leave it running and then run iTunes. Now when you plug in your iphone it will activate automatically in about 60 seconds.

    Cách 2:

    « iPhone Activation Keys

    Activate your iphone without AT&T Service:

    Over the last few days, some intrepid geeks have been working on cracking the iPhone activation service and it works:
    Here is how:
    1.) Download the following file to your Mac.
    2.) Extract it to a directory on your desktop named iPhoneTool
    3.) Open the program “Terminal” location in HardDrive/Applications/Utilities
    4.) Type the following command into the flashing cursor:
    cd [SIZE=-1]~/[/SIZE]Desktop/iPhoneTool
    5.) Now make sure your iPhone is connected and you quit iTunes
    6.) To activate your iPhone type the follwoing command into the flashing cursor (note that there are two dashes before activate):
    ./tool –activate a.plist
    7.) Your iPhone screen should say something about a SIM error which is fine. Just slide the unlock bar over and it should work. Now connect it to your computer and you should be able to configure it through iTunes.

    Chúc các bạn có Iphone mà không dùng mạng AT&T hoặc Cingular tối thiểu có thể xài đc con dế của mình để nghe nhạc và lướt web vui vẻ :D

    And pls wait for unlock solution .... :D

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