Apple Activation Server

Thảo luận trong 'Firmware - Jailbreak - Unlock' bắt đầu bởi trung674, 6 Tháng bảy 2011.

  1. trung674 Thành viên

    It has been about 15 hours since Apple Activation servers are down.
    Due to these activation servers being down, it is currently impossible for anyone to activate their iDevice even if they have their UDID registered. I currently have 3 clients who are experiencing this issue.

    This issue is for anyone who attempted to have their UDID activated during the time the activation servers were down. If you already had your device activated previously, then you have nothing to worry.

    UPDATE ( 7/7/2011) : Hê thống Activation đã được sửa , mọi người lại có thể Add UDID thoải mái . ( => Close Topic )

    Có vẻ sau khi vụ Apple bị AntiSec hack , hệ thống Activate của Apple đã bị hỏng . Ai bây giờ muốn lên Ios 5 b2 là không thể ( trừ ai có đã Add UDID ) . Lưu ý nhé . ( 5/7/2011)

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