Cập nhật phần mềm chạy trên nền Python

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG CHẠY TRÊN NỀN PYTHON' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 24 Tháng ba 2006.

  1. nhuhienltd

    nhuhienltd Thành viên

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Calcohol v0.3.4-rc1 S60v3
    {Real-time Alcohol/Caffeine absorption simulator}

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A real-time open source alcohol absorption and metabolism simulator for S60 3rd edition mobile phones. Can plot BAC graphs, predefined drinks, sobering-up time estimation and much more!

    Changes: changes in 0.3.4.: (TBA)
    - Extended xml loading, now default drinks, their sizes, caffeine content etc. are loaded from xml
    - Icon loading not tied to the default drinks anymore, icons are defined independently in the xml
    - Added a caffeine simulation model (NOT COMPLETE YET, RESULTS ARE ARBITARY)
    - Fixed a bug(a typo) in the options-loading that prevented the range attribute from being read
    - Fixed other bugs in options loading
    - Changed installation directory to data/Calcohol/ . all .py, .png and .xml files are installed there.
    - Fixed some other installation related stuff, updated to PyS60 1.9.2

    Các file đính kèm:

    Hoang An and nhu*hieu like this.

    DOAN DUNG Ex-Mod

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    ImageDesigner v1.27-powerful mobile client drawing tools english version

    ImageDesigner v1.27-powerful mobile client drawing tools english version


    Subject personalized cell phone color graphics
    can modify the color theme, they can try to modify the skin of a subject

    Main Features
    Cell phone on powerful image tools, including:
    pencil, pen, eraser, line, rectangle, oval-shaped, broken, polygon, filling, language, straw, magnifiers and other tools
    Image conversion: rotate, mirror, size, change the canvas size and change the pixels, inverted colors, into a panel.


    Toolbar add - elliptical
    Toolbar added - rope
    filter - color balance
    Exit program prompted increased
    rewrite the code
    Procedures should be faster to run
    Replacement of a new icon, and more beautiful
    Small adjust interface
    Menu template correction key
    License: Free Edition
    Software Type: image processing

    Has passed the test models: E50 and
    n95 8giga
    software support models:
    theoretically support the third edition of S60 models can not guarantee perfect compatibility

    Software required:
    Python platform 1.45 ,py plug-in modules megaPyModulePack 2.01
    Installation instructions:
    if installed before the Python platform and plug-in modules, and now contains first, then install the plug-in modules, and then install the platform and mobile graphics ImageDesigner
    cell phone if you are already running the other Python platform software, then download this directly with the mobile phone graphics ImageDesigner can be installed after the signature!
    install to C disk

    Các file đính kèm:

    akaoko, awp1323, Hoang An and 2 others like this.
  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyCalcohol v0.3.4-rc2 S60v3-Real-time Alcohol/Caffeine absorption simulator-(01.03.09)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    A real-time open source alcohol absorption and metabolism simulator for S60 3rd edition mobile phones. Can plot BAC graphs, predefined drinks, sobering-up time estimation and much more!

    Changes: changes in 0.3.4.: (TBA)
    - Extended xml loading, now default drinks, their sizes, caffeine content etc. are loaded from xml
    - Icon loading not tied to the default drinks anymore, icons are defined independently in the xml
    - Added a caffeine simulation model (NOT COMPLETE YET, RESULTS ARE ARBITARY)
    - Fixed a bug(a typo) in the options-loading that prevented the range attribute from being read
    - Fixed other bugs in options loading
    - Changed installation directory to data/Calcohol/ . all .py, .png and .xml files are installed there.
    - Fixed some other installation related stuff, updated to PyS60 1.9.2

    Các file đính kèm:

    Hoang An thích bài này.
  4. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyImageDesigner 1.27 English Icon Mod by sEBaRKh

    Imagedesigner 1.27
    English mod by sEBaRKh
    -Icon in menu now has English text /instead of
    Chinese squares...
    -English is now default language
    Software description:
    You can create new images, edit them, invert colors, including changing size of images.
    Main features are: powerful image processing, including: Pencil, eraser, line, rectangle, oval, broken, polygon filling, language, straw, magnifiers and other tools...
    Image: rotate, mirror, resize, resize the canvas and change the pixels, the colors reversed, in a panel.
    Changes in 1.27:
    added oval and rope tools
    Filter: color balance
    Program code is rewritten, so should run faster.
    Changes to interface
    Added Menu Templates
    Pythons 1.45
    megaPyModulePack 2.01 or ultramodulepack 3.0.2
    Install to phone memory!
    Hoang An thích bài này.
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Accelerated ball 1D, 2D & 3D by Mitch_s60 !

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsUhfsaNZxg"]YouTube - AccelBall 3D[/ame]

    Features :

    An updated version of the moving ball script in python, but this time it's in 3d Shocked Shocked
    draw your own 1D/2D/3D enviroment
    configure how hard the ball should fall & bounce or come back
    change the floor's color from red to invisible

    Options :
    change ballsize with joypad
    key 1 - 6 for changing from 1 to 3D
    key 7 & * for changing gravity
    key 8 & 0 for changing bounce effect
    key 9 & # for changing friction

    it needs python 1.45 & evilracer ultramodulepack to function properly

    Included are axyz 102 selfsigned & miso 1.95 selfsigned
    but installing these didn't make it work for me.
    It only works (for me) when i install UltraPyModulePack 3.0.2 by eViLRaCeR

    All credits go to Mitch_s60, you can read the original topic here at the nokia developpers forum


    Các file đính kèm:

    Pháp Sư, romeo76, Hoang An1 người khác thích bài này.
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Leopard-Vista 2 Aero for GDESK by pyrology_gene







    Các file đính kèm:

  7. Leonidas®

    Leonidas® Thành viên

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Wordmobi v0.6.0 -Wordpress Client-(supports py1.9) (Update:03.03.09)

    Wordmobi v0.6.0 -Wordpress Client-(supports py1.9) (Update:03.03.09)

    S60 client for Wordpress written in Python for Nokia mobile phones.


    Show a fixed number of recent posts

    Allow new posts with text and images

    Post deletion

    Post visualization

    support for editing the published post.

    Use your camera to add images during posting.

    Support for later publishing(draft post)

    Space tag added

    Initial support for comments.It is approve,delete and edit comments.

    Change log:

    * Issue 29 - Things to fix
    * Issue 18 - No categories in new post
    * Adding support for Python 1.9.2


    * fixing missing locale for "Approve"


    * Adding support for python 1.9.x (import e32calender as calendar)


    * Adding support for python 1.9.

    Due to import problems, all .py files need to use extrasdir (see release info for python 1.9.1)


    * removing key "categories" (not in use)


    * Replacing s60simplejson by original simplejson ported to s60


    * appuifw.app.screen='normal'at beggining was required
    * adding all menu option to app.menu
    * saving at exit
    * update support for py1.9 added


    * Issue 30 - "Impossible to update posts" with 0.4.4.

    fixing unicode conversion when argument is already unicode


    * creating persist file name
    * updating version info


    * btsocket replacing socket (see release info for python 1.9.1)
    * Issue 26 - Remove any slash at the end of blog name automatically

    * Adding Turkish translation
    * renaming es_cl to es only


    * Missing self.refresh() after adding a item to categories


    * Issue 28 - Camera problem E60 (and possibly other S60v3 without cam)

    * Adding support for including youtube links
    * Adding support for saving post locally
    * EditPost now using same close_app() from NewPost
    * Decoding category names properly when EditPost() is called
    * Allowing draft\publish at any time in EditPost(). Now, a published post

    may be converted to draft.

    * offline_publish() meny entry added for publishing offline post
    * smart popup menu (only related options are showed)
    * smart delete option, covering all cases for local, remote and mixed
    * EditPost() using post index instead post entry when called
    * Protecting several function against invalid selection from left key menu

    contents, send2twitter, comments, delete)

    * refresh() with special symbols for

    Local post only: @ Remote post with local modification: *

    * Improving merge routine:

    - local only posts are kept unchanged and listed - modified posts with remote copy overwrites the remote copy.

    User must delete the local changes if he wants

    - post are sorted by creation time


    * including cpickle for persistence
    * adding function for persistence: save(), load(), save_new_post(),

    post_is_only_remote(), post_is_only_local(), post_is_remote(), post_is_local(), save_exist_post(), offline_publish()

    * creating a dictionary with categories for faster processing in


    * added build_cat_dict() for rebuilding the category dict
    * improving delete_category() and fixing a localization bug (LABEL.)
    * update_posts() renamed to update_posts_and_cats() since both need to be

    updated. Performing merge operation with local posts.

    * edit_post() changed for support local posts editing
    * several new delete function for covering all cases.

    - delete_post() for deleting local/remote post - delete_only_remote_post() - delete_only_local_post()

    * DateTime() must use GMT for better integration with wordpress.

    WP must be set properly as well

    locales added

    * cm_list_approve = u"Approve"
    * pt_menu_offl_publ = u"Publish"
    * pt_list_save_it = u"No, but save it"
    * pt_list_yes_rem_pst = u"Yes, just remote post"
    * pt_list_yes_loc_ch = u"Yes, just local changes"
    * pt_list_yes_del_all = u"Yes, delete all"
    * pt_info_send_twt = u"Sending post title to Twitter" #no final period
    * pt_pmenu_linkyt_url = u"Youtube URL:"
    * st_menu_tr = u"Turkish"
    * st_menu_es = u"Spanish"


    * pt_info_alrd_pub = u"Post already published."
    * pt_info_send_twt1 = u"Sending post to Twitter."
    * pt_info_send_twt2 = u"Sending post to Twitter.."
    * pt_info_send_twt3 = u"Sending post to Twitter..."
    * pt_pmenu_updt_post = u"Update post ?"
    * st_menu_es_cl = u"Spanish (Chile)"


    * pt_pmenu_send_post = u"Publish post ?"
    * pt_err_cant_pst_cont = u"Impossible to download post contents"

    English (EUA) Marcelo Barros marcelobarrosalmeida (at) gmail.com
    BrazilPortuguese Marcelo Barros marcelobarrosalmeida (at) gmail.com
    Spanish Pablo Poo pablopoo (at) gmail.com
    Turkish drAdeLante (Deniz Karaoglu) drdeniz79 (at) gmail.com

    Các file đính kèm:

    Pháp Sư, Hoang An and namkhanhdo like this.
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyMobiFun Soft AgendaSaver v1.00 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1-illusion

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    AgendaSaver is a multi-functional screen saver. It will show you your new Emails, Appointments and To Do's. AgendaSaver will also let you know if you have a missed call, a new SMS or a new voice mail. Choose the privacy screen mode in case you don't want to show this information to anyone in the room.

    Main features:

    * Shows sender and subject of the last new emails on the chosen email accounts.
    * Shows your Appointments and To Do's.
    * Missed Calls, New Emails, New Voice Mails, Unread SMS and Locked Keypad indicator.
    * Shows Time and Date.
    * Shows your phone's battery level.
    * Privacy Screen Mode (available only in case the keypad is locked). The normal screen will show you only the Time, Date and the number of Missed Calls, new SMSs, new Voice Mails and Mails. In case you want to see the details of the new emails, appointments and to do's just press the center d-pad key.
    * Inverted Colors Mode. Choose this mode to see the AgendaSaver information with white text on black background instead of black text on white background.

    1.) Unpack
    2.) Install
    3.) Register with any 5 digits(except 00000) :-P
    4.) Enjoy!!

    Các file đính kèm:

  9. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyStumblr v1.1.0 -S60 Tumblr client

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Stumblr is a mobile Tumblr client for Symbian S60 devices.

    The program requires PyS60 and appuifw2 installed to your device.

    Features :

    -Simple interface

    -Text, Quote, Photo posts

    -Markdown syntax

    -Handy and simple text editor

    -Up to 5 mb photo files from your device.

    Các file đính kèm:

    Pháp Sư and Hoang An like this.

    DOAN DUNG Ex-Mod

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Wordmobi V0.6.0 -Wordpress Client-(supports Py1.9)

    Wordmobi V0.6.0 -Wordpress Client-(supports Py1.9) (Update:03.03.09)


    S60 client for Wordpress written in Python for Nokia mobile phones.

    • Show a fixed number of recent posts

    • Allow new posts with text and images

    Post deletion

    Post visualization

    support for editing the published post.

    Use your camera to add images during posting.

    Support for later publishing(draft post)

    Space tag added

    Initial support for comments.It is approve,delete and edit comments.

    Change log:

    * Issue 29 - Things to fix

    * Issue 18 - No categories in new post

    * Adding support for Python 1.9.2


    * fixing missing locale for "Approve"


    * Adding support for python 1.9.x (import e32calender as calendar)


    * Adding support for python 1.9.

    Due to import problems, all .py files need to use extrasdir (see release info for python 1.9.1)


    * removing key "categories" (not in use)


    * Replacing s60simplejson by original simplejson ported to s60

     [LEFT] [URL]http://code.google.com/p/wordmobi/so...unk/simplejson[/URL] [/LEFT]


    * appuifw.app.screen='normal'at beggining was required

    * adding all menu option to app.menu

    * saving at exit

    * update support for py1.9 added


    * Issue 30 - "Impossible to update posts" with 0.4.4.

    fixing unicode conversion when argument is already unicode


    * creating persist file name

    * updating version info


    * btsocket replacing socket (see release info for python 1.9.1)

    * Issue 26 - Remove any slash at the end of blog name automatically


    * Adding Turkish translation

    * renaming es_cl to es only


    * Missing self.refresh() after adding a item to categories


    * Issue 28 - Camera problem E60 (and possibly other S60v3 without cam)


    * Adding support for including youtube links

    * Adding support for saving post locally

    * EditPost now using same close_app() from NewPost

    * Decoding category names properly when EditPost() is called

    * Allowing draft\publish at any time in EditPost(). Now, a published post

    may be converted to draft.

    * offline_publish() meny entry added for publishing offline post

    * smart popup menu (only related options are showed)

    * smart delete option, covering all cases for local, remote and mixed

    * EditPost() using post index instead post entry when called

    * Protecting several function against invalid selection from left key menu

    contents, send2twitter, comments, delete)

    * refresh() with special symbols for

    Local post only: @ Remote post with local modification: *

    * Improving merge routine:

    - local only posts are kept unchanged and listed - modified posts with remote copy overwrites the remote copy.

    User must delete the local changes if he wants

    - post are sorted by creation time


    * including cpickle for persistence

    * adding function for persistence: save(), load(), save_new_post(),

    post_is_only_remote(), post_is_only_local(), post_is_remote(), post_is_local(), save_exist_post(), offline_publish()

    * creating a dictionary with categories for faster processing in


    * added build_cat_dict() for rebuilding the category dict

    * improving delete_category() and fixing a localization bug (LABEL.)

    * update_posts() renamed to update_posts_and_cats() since both need to be

    updated. Performing merge operation with local posts.

    * edit_post() changed for support local posts editing

    * several new delete function for covering all cases.

    - delete_post() for deleting local/remote post - delete_only_remote_post() - delete_only_local_post()

    * DateTime() must use GMT for better integration with wordpress.

    WP must be set properly as well



    * cm_list_approve = u"Approve"

    * pt_menu_offl_publ = u"Publish"

    * pt_list_save_it = u"No, but save it"

    * pt_list_yes_rem_pst = u"Yes, just remote post"

    * pt_list_yes_loc_ch = u"Yes, just local changes"

    * pt_list_yes_del_all = u"Yes, delete all"

    * pt_info_send_twt = u"Sending post title to Twitter" #no final period

    * pt_pmenu_linkyt_url = u"Youtube URL:"

    * st_menu_tr = u"Turkish"

    * st_menu_es = u"Spanish"


    * pt_info_alrd_pub = u"Post already published."

    * pt_info_send_twt1 = u"Sending post to Twitter."

    * pt_info_send_twt2 = u"Sending post to Twitter.."

    * pt_info_send_twt3 = u"Sending post to Twitter..."

    * pt_pmenu_updt_post = u"Update post ?"

    * st_menu_es_cl = u"Spanish (Chile)"


    * pt_pmenu_send_post = u"Publish post ?"

    * pt_err_cant_pst_cont = u"Impossible to download post contents"

    English (EUA) Marcelo Barros marcelobarrosalmeida (at) gmail.com

    BrazilPortuguese Marcelo Barros marcelobarrosalmeida (at) gmail.com

    Spanish Pablo Poo pablopoo (at) gmail.com

    Turkish drAdeLante (Deniz Karaoglu) drdeniz79 (at) gmail.com

    Các file đính kèm:

    Pháp Sư thích bài này.