Cập nhật phần mềm chạy trên nền Python

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG CHẠY TRÊN NỀN PYTHON' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 24 Tháng ba 2006.

  1. nhuhienltd

    nhuhienltd Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Python 1.4.4
    megaPyModulepack 1.5.2

    lAtEsT vErsionS hErE iT gOeS fOr 3rd eDiTioN,,,, dUn kNo wEtHeR iTs aLrEaDy pOsTeD HeRe NeWaYz NjOy mEaNwHiLe...!!
    New version of a compendium of modules for Python.
    The main composition:
    appswitch, cenrep, feature, fgimage, hack, iapconnect, keypress, misty, pathinfo, uikludges, uitricks, dialog, miso, misoalarm, pyextaccel, xprofile, lite_fm, minidb, easydb, mbm, powlite_fm, proshivka, rusos, fonts, prgbar, ftplib, prodb, clipboard, error, datetime, smidi, aes, _pyexpat, xml, akntextutils, envy, tsocket, RDAccelerometer, blues, aXYZ, pys60usb; -- Modules: appswitch, cenrep, feature, fgimage, hack, iapconnect, keypress, misty, pathinfo, uikludges, uitricks, dialog, miso, misoalarm, pyextaccel, xprofile, lite_fm, minidb, easydb, mbm, powlite_fm, proshivka, rusos, fonts , Prgbar, ftplib, prodb, clipboard, error, datetime, smidi, aes, _pyexpat, xml, akntextutils, envy, tsocket, RDAccelerometer, blues, aXYZ, pys60usb and others

  2. nhuhienltd

    nhuhienltd Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    SmartGET v3.00 Final - Download Manager (RU) [UpdatE 16 Sep'08]
    SmartGET 3.00 - Manager download files from the Internet for smartphones in the Symbian OS 9.x [Russian]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    -- Injection of up to 5 files simultaneously;
    -- Displaying detailed information on injection;
    -- Dokachka files after the cliffs and reboots;
    -- Establish a list of links and its editing;
    -- Cataloguing downloaded files date or expansion;
    -- Tracking links in the buffer exchange;
    -- Injection of timer at the right time;
    -- Many settings;
    -- Window of all windows;
    -- Graphical interface;
    -- Support for skins;
    -- Hot keys.

    Improvements in the latest version:
    -- By compiling the script being reduced load the consumption of RAM and 2 times;
    -- Returned with a simple restart (say working properly only with a module socket).

    How do their skins:
    -- Go in and System_Apps_SmartGET_Skins create a copy of the appropriate Default.skn name in English, for example MyNew.skn;
    -- Go to Settings-Interface and Skin in paragraph select from the list Your MyNew;
    -- Go to Settings-Colors and set the desired colors for all interface elements;

    Keyboard Shortcuts:
    -- Use joystick left-right to select toolbar icons
    -- Use joystick up-down to select downloads in queue.
    -- Numeric Key 7 - Auto-orientation
    -- Numeric Key 8 - portrait
    -- Numeric Key 9 - Landscape

    Requires Python 1.4.4 and megaPyModulePack 1.5.2

    Pháp Sư and butchibutbi like this.
  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    ImageDesigner 1.08

    Update photo editor c opportunities.

    -- Creating / Opening / Store images in png or jpg format.
    -- The possibility of opening multiple images simultaneously in different windows.
    -- Work / between images via the clipboard: selection, cutting, copying, pasting from the buffer (only within the program).
    -- Tools: pencil, brush, erasers, line, rectangle, ellipse, broken, polygon, filling, sprey, text, pipette, Magnifier, selection, template brush.
    -- Image conversion: rotate, mirror image, resizing, changing the size of the canvas, cutting selected, change bpp (bits per pixel), invert colours, transformation into a mask, the replacement of color, saturation, sepia, light, shading, blur
    -- Cancel, repeating actions.
    -- Exporting, importing palette of colors.
    -- Molbert for selection of color.

    Annex must sign!
    For applications need to establish a functioning Python 1.4.4 and megaPyModulePack!


    Các file đính kèm:

    dangem and butchibutbi like this.
  4. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyMenu Editor 3.05

    Update programs written in Python, to work with the menu.

    - Ability to edit / add any folder icon on
    - Ability to bekapa / recovery menu
    - Ability to rename icon

    Upgrading to version 3.05:
    - You can now add their icons to 30 pieces
    - Ability to raise the standard icons from Nokia, which will not be replaced by icons theme
    - Slightly changed the internal architecture of icons

    - It works only on Symbian OS 9.2
    - Only works on the release of the smartphone
    - Set up only in memory smartphone
    - Before installing remove all previous versions of

    Just through the program - select the folder (podpaki also supported) - Options - Rename - (enter the name of the folder) - ok - (enter the name of the group (still do not know that it is better not to change)) - ok - (choose an icon) - Central -- ok.
    Icons will change after the release of the program via Exit

    * after replacing icons, themes with third party icons do not change these folders.
    * after removing all the programs folder become the standard without pictures.

    Note 2
    * / / To ensure that this does not happen previously, before using the program to copy the file C: \ private \ 101f4cd2 \ Content \ appshelldata.xml (it kept all the records on the location of the menu folders and icons, but also prescribed for skin icons so). After removing the program to replace the file that she left on what is zabekapili earlier.
    In the most extreme case, if lost backup, simply delete the file on this path, Simbian itself will restore the file origanala, the only thing that every location on the menu will be standard. Just check that you have not left a program file C: \ resource \ apps \ menu.mif. If you leave, then delete unwanted debris is not needed. Smartphone overburden for the change is needed. Just enter the menu, cause Options and select Exit. When posleduyushem entrance Menu overwrite. / / © Mabeka

    To add third-party icons:
    1. You take the correct icon in *. MIF
    . 2 Program SmartSIS raspakovyvaem icon (MIF-utility - Unpack the MIF. Indicates file). Get one or more *. SVG files, take those that are liked, and copied to a separate folder.
    ... repeat it as many times as necessary icons (not more than 10 *. SVG in each folder, and no more than 30 in total)
    3. Put them all *. SVGshki stacks of 10 pieces in a folder. (For once, you can pack up and less than 10 icons, do not worry)
    4. Enters the SmartSIS (MIF-utility - A package of MIF - files in the folder. Specify the folder where the *. SVGshki).
    . 5 The resulting *. MIF file with several ikokami inside (lies in!: / SmartSIS / MIFs) renames it Own.MIF or Own2.MIF, if the first file already exists, or if there is Own3.MIF and second.
    6. Moves this (these) file (s) in the folder C: / recource / apps / MenuEditor.

    PS signed root certificate from LeftUP `a.
    The program requires Python!

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    dangem, trungN958GB, MaiDinh and 3 others like this.
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Python SMS Reader(PSR)-my first python application


    Hello Freinds [​IMG], you might have noticed my inactivity on the forum lately, that's coz i was toiling away all night long and all through the day trying to learn python so that i could programme like the great men (we know of) do .
    This is my first application, so you might find a lot of bugs in this application . When yo do , plz do report it in this very thread for me to solve in the next release, along with the added features i plan to implement [​IMG]
    Plz note that python for s60 is required for the use of this application .
    So plz install python before you proceed

    The menu is quiet self explanatory [​IMG].
    As soon as you start the app, the app starts to read out the sms to you .
    It will not read out any sms if you've turned profiles into silent mode
    Plz consider this as an advantage, you don't keep your phone silent when you don't have to(unless you're among corporate friends) and at those times , this app will keep it's trap shut, while at other times, it will speak your incoming sms'es .

    Now press options> hide
    I've kept two options for you, hide to menu, or hide to background(back to standby screen)

    Next check out credits,info , about, and anything else you see in the menu to check out what i've kept in here .

    TO exit the app , just press right soft key, or go to options>exit

    For your convenience, i've added it to autostart, so whenever you restart your phone, you don't need to search for where it is

    Besides it's small on your system ram, so you never need to worry about it eating away at your ram making your system slower

    Plz do write about it when you can as it's my first app, i would have the courtesy to update it whenever necessary

    And remember, this application will always be a freeware so consider donating too, to help my cause

    And yes all feature requests can be made here in this thread or at my email at aloycasmir@ymail.com

    Have a nice day


    For you, if you've installed megapypack modules already:
    For others who've not installed megapypack modules:
    PSR repacked with MEga py pack modules:
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pybtkeyboard - PC keyboard as bluetooth keyboard for mobile

    * Allows the use of your PC keyboard as bluetooth keyboard for inputing text and controlling your mobile
    * See btkeyboardphone.py to define your own mappings
    * Uses keypress from
    (modified to allow raw event input)


    * Requires python, pyblues, nucurses
    * run "python btkeyboardpc.py" in terminal

    * sign and install keypress_unsigned.SIS
    * copy btkeyboardphone.py to python dir e.g e:\python
    * add your PCs bluetooth address to btkeyboardphone.py
    * run btkeyboardphone.py

    Các file đính kèm:

  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pySMS 1.1.0 [NEW][27.09.08] with Phonebook, SMS Bomber Option & Add Symbol

    Here is my new App. [pySMS]
    Look at the Screenshots and u know what it is.​

    - U can send SMS with "new" Symboles
    ☺ ☻ ♪ ♫
    ♥ ♦ ♠ ♣
    ☼ ♀ ♂ © ®
    » « ► ◄ ▲ ▼
    █ ▓ ░ ▒
    ∞ ½ ¼ ¾ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞
    0º 1¹ 2² 3³
    √ ⌂ ¶ ▪
    (not all symboles displayed in all phone models, but they all working on N Series, E Series and new SonyEricson )​

    - "pySMSflooder Function" SMS Bomber included​

    - U can select the phonenumber from Phonebook​

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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    Hoang An, MaiDinh, kinhcannet and 3 others like this.
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    AlertMe Beta v1.1{Alerts while touching the phone}

    App by mclightning

    How To use:
    First of all u need to save the position of the phone from the "Save Pos." menu
    Then when u press start button it will start the protection
    if phone moves it will start to alarming
    You can change the sensitivity from the menu by writing a number between 0 and 10.but Please dont write numbers lower than 5Wink.write 10 for low sensitivity.5 is default

    Needed with python 1.4.4 and mmpack 1.51


    Only put file in C:\resource\apps\ and overwrite original!

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    nguyen bao and tyn_tyn95 like this.
  9. nhuhienltd

    nhuhienltd Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    PowerTimer v3.0.1 S60v3 [Updated 30 Sept 2008]

    -new background
    -new icon
    -fixed a bug in timer restart/shutdown
    -added stop countdown option (right softkey when timer running)

    i made this program cos i like winxp restart scheduled shutdown but i don't like it's graphics... so with this simple ui python standalone app you can restart/shutdown your phone after X minutes or at selected date/time

    EQrestart and EQshutdown are needed to work (maybe in future i'll add restart & shutdown in the script), and python obviously....

    it supports hiding in background.... to stop countdown simply press right softkey when timer's running!



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  10. tichau

    tichau Guest

    py mif tool by wook

    friends, im just packed new mif tool.
    it is for now only for s60v3, soon will be s60v2 and wind0ws.
    this application requires:
    python 1.4.4
    Powlite_fm and/or megapymodulepack

    works with mif, svg, some imgs formats and ico,but only with png context.

    graphics used in app is packed/converted by this app and drawed in inkscape
    by Z-Mario

    enjoy and all reports to forum or email
    Author:wook[Symbian-freak Team]


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