Change Operator Logo: Đổi logo mạng cho máy Symbian 3rd

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG HỆ THỐNG' bắt đầu bởi mobileman, 20 Tháng tám 2007.

  1. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Operator Logo Changer v0.02a Unsigned


    Adding oplogos to S60 3rd Edition without complicated procedures using hacks and file managers (and without using a program that stays in memory)
    Using any image in the gallery (with limitations in this release — images are squished to the correct size… future versions will allow you to crop or resize keeping aspect ratios as well as squishing)
    Hiding the oplogo so it is transparent
    Removing the oplogo, reverting back to the textual operator name
    So far, preliminary testing has revealed that coloured oplogos can’t feature transparency, which is a bit disappointing; so I’m looking at alternative ways to fix this (maybe automatically use the background of the current theme, placing the oplogo on top… although this would mean you would have to re-activate the oplogo every time you change the theme… an alternative approach would be to keep a program running in the background to artificially add an oplogo with transparency).

    The size of the oplogo varies between different resolutions. These might not be 100% correct (and hopefully alpha testing will reveal the exact dimensions), but from what I can tell, these are the oplogo sizes:

    For 240 x 320 resolutions (e.g. N95): 134 x 35 pixels
    For 176 x 208 resolutions (e.g. N91): 97 x 25 pixels
    For 352 x 416 resolutions (e.g. N80): 194 x 50 pixels
    Please note that these are for portrait resolutions only. I’m not sure about the oplogo sizes for landscape resolutions (or for resolutions not mentioned here). Feel free to experiment and let me know!

    So anyway, enough waffle… here’s how it works (with pictures):

    1. Once installed and launched, a menu appears. Ignore the yellow jigsaw icons for now — these are the default icons provided in the SDK and will be replaced by proper icons in future versions. From here, you can activate a new oplogo, make the logo transparent, restore the original operator text (i.e. remove the logo) or exit the application. The Help feature doesn’t work in 0.01a.

    So, I’m sure you’ve worked out that you just choose an option in the list to select the relevant feature.

    We’ll start with adding a new operator logo. Before I started, there was no oplogo installed, so the standard operator text (’3′) was displayed:

    Seems simple enough, doesn’t it? Basically choose a picture from the gallery, wait a few seconds while the program works it magic, reboot your phone and ta-da! It’s done. Could it be simpler? Of course, in future versions as I mentioned there will be advanced options to resize/crop/scale the image if it isn’t the correct size, but for now it’ll just squash any image to the dimensions quoted above, depending on your phone’s screen resolution.

    I also mentioned that there is no transparency for colour oplogos, so if you’re wondering what I did to get a seemingly transparent 3 logo, I made the logo transparent, took a screenshot, pasted the 3 logo on top, cut out the correct dimensions and saved it as a graphic which was sent to the phone and activated as an oplogo. Might sound complicated, but it’s straightforward. I’m considering automating this procedure based on the currently activated theme background. (If this doesn’t make sense, ignore it… I know what I mean even if nobody else does )

    A even easier process applies when making a logo transparent or reverting to the operator text. Simply choose the option, choose ‘Yes’ to confirm and reboot the phone. It’s done. See below for some screenshots:

    Making the logo transparent

    Hopefully as you can see, it’s really simple to make the logo transparent. Click the ‘Hide logo’ button, choose ‘Yes’ to confirm that you want to do it and reboot your phone. When the standby screen appears again, the operator logo area will be totally transparent - no logo, no text.

    Restoring the original operator text

    Ultimately, this is the same process as making a logo transparent - just choose the “Restore optext” button, hit Yes to confirm, reboot and it’s done.

    Remember, I expect that this software does have bugs, because it’s the very first release! Indeed, thanks to faquick he has discovered a couple of issues on his N80 (although it works fine on the N95) that the application may quit if you try to change or hide an operator logo without removing it and rebooting your phone first.

    Also on the N95, instead of rebooting your phone, you can switch to UMTS or GSM mode and then back again to Dual Mode to force the oplogo to change. This may (or may not) be more convenient than rebooting.

    As always, this is development software not suitable for final release so please back up your phone before installing and using this program, and I would recommend that it is installed on the memory card (although it should work on phone memory too). I cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of data as a result of using this program. I have tested it extensively and it works fine for me on my N95.

    Note: This version will expire at the end of April. A new version should be released well before then. Once expired, you will not be able to change or hide the operator logo, but you will still be able to restore the operator text.
    dpc, atimmortal, phuocthanh34 and 4 others like this.
  2. vo nguyen tan

    vo nguyen tan Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Hướng dẫn ji1 mà đọc ko biết đường mò luôn!
    a/ Mobile Phone Number = 0908699666 (nhập vào số điện thoại của mình!)
    b/ Mobile Country Code = 452 ( vina thì nhập ji???)
    c/ Mobile Network Code = 01 (vina thì nhập ji???)
  3. mobileman

    mobileman Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    bạn chạy cái XVI32 đó bình thường, rồi mở filemở file .opl trong thẻ SD:\Private\Mail\1000484b\00001001_S\a\0010000a_F
    muốn sửa số nào thì trỏ chuột đến đó và sửa thôi mà.

    [quote = namtuyen]
    bạn post ảnh hướng dẫn mình làm 2 cách này đi. mình thua đó hic hic

    5. OK ! Bây giờ chạy tiếp file XVI32.exe (hex editor) mở file .opl trong thẻ SD:\Private\Mail\1000484b\00001001_S\a\0010000a_F
    Ngay dòng đầu tiên sẽ có thấy chuỗi có dạng 30 - gh - ij - kl (dãy chữ và số theo operator mà bạn chọn ở b3). Việc tiếp theo các bạn phải làm là tính ra dãy chữ số của mình.

    6. Coi dãy số tìm được ( của tôi là 452-01) ở B4 là abc-de, các bạn hãy sắp xếp lại thành: baFced (Ví dụ: 452-01 ==>> 54F210) bây giờ bạn thay chuỗi gh - ij - kl tương ứng thành ba-Fc-ed (của tôi là 54F210) vào. Save lại và thoát ra.[/quote]
    [quote = vo minh tan]
    Hướng dẫn ji1 mà đọc ko biết đường mò luôn!
    a/ Mobile Phone Number = 0908699666 (nhập vào số điện thoại của mình!)
    b/ Mobile Country Code = 452 ( vina thì nhập ji???)
    c/ Mobile Network Code = 01 (vina thì nhập ji???) [/quote]

    Không cần phải tính toán nữa, chuỗi số tương ứng của các mạng như sau:
    vina: 54F220
    mobi: 54F210
    vt: 54F230 (chưa test)
    bây giờ chỉ cần làm bước 5: điền các số tương ứng trên vào lần lượt các ô 2,3,4 ở dòng thứ nhất.
  4. mobileman

    mobileman Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    HOT - operalogo changer

    Chào mọi người!
    Những ai quan tâm về vấn đề này không cần phải vất vả làm theo cách cũ nưa! đã có phần mềm chuyên làm việc thay đổi logo trên dòng 3rd rùi
    chú ý:
    màn hình 240x320 -> cỡ logo là 134 x 35 pixels
    màn hình 176x208 -> cỡ logo là 97 x 25 pixels
    màn hình 352x416-> cỡ logo là 194 x 50 pixels[​IMG]

    Making the logo transparent

    Restore the original operalogo

    Các file đính kèm:

  5. mobileman

    mobileman Thành viên

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  6. tom cat

    tom cat Thành viên

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    Hay quá ! để thử cái đã,nhưng cũng thank bác 1 phát mở hàng.
  7. lamphibang

    lamphibang Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    bác cho hỏi có cần phải sign không vậy,em không thể nào install được
  8. Shell

    Shell Thành viên

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    Tớ đã Sign nhưng vẫn không cài được nè, N73 ME
    Hiện thông báo lỗi này nè: "required application access not granted"
    Hình như nhiều người cũng có lỗi này thì phải ;)
  9. athars

    athars Thành viên

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    mình cũng thế:(
  10. akaoko

    akaoko Thành viên

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    Em cũng bị như thế.
    Có bác nào xài được chưa?