Tải về: Google Apps http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip Nightlies http://get.cm/?device=n7000 Cài đặt: 1. First time installing CyanogenMod 9 to your Galaxy Note, or coming from another ROM: - Make sure you're running a proper working ClockworkMod-Recovery - DON'T flash FROM ANY SAMSUNG ICS! - If you want to have a safe kernel, you might want to flash this kernel with Odin : http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1068654&d=1337346991 - Copy GApps and CM9 ZIPs to your internal SDCard - Boot into Recovery - Flash CM9 zip - Flash GApps zip - DO A DATA WIPE / FACTORY RESET (otherwise your calendar sync will not work) - Reboot - Don't restore Apps using Titanium Backup! 2. Upgrading from earlier Teamhacksung build or Cyanogenmod nightlies (NOT Imilka's or any other build): - Copy CM9 ZIP to your internal SDCard - Boot into Recovery - Flash CM9 zip - Wipe cache partition and dalvik-cache - Reboot Changelog: http://changelog.bbqdroid.org/#n7000/cm9/next