[ROM] GT-I9100 Resurrection Remix JB v3.0.6[04/09][AOKP ICS/JB](AROMA+OTA)

Thảo luận trong 'SAMSUNG' bắt đầu bởi Khỉ Con, 22 Tháng chín 2012.

  1. Khỉ Con interista

    Một ROM rất nổi tiếng cho GS2, topic của ROM trên xda đã có hơn 9 triệu lượt xem !
    Hướng dẫn up ROM tại đây


    GT-I9100 Resurrection Remix JB v3.0.6 dựa trên AOKP, CM9/10; nghĩa là không liên quan gì tới ROM gốc của Samsung; vì thế ROM rất nhẹ và nhanh !

    Tính năng của ROM:

    Cài đặt:
    1. Wipe data - factory reset
    2. Cài ROM
    3. Trong AROMA, chọn "custom installation"
    4. Chọn tính năng bạn thích
    5. Xong thì Wipe Davik Cache
    6. Fix Permission
    7. Wipe Cache Partition
    8. Khởi động lại máy và enjoy

    Tải ROM về:


    Video giới thiệu:

    Topic trên xda:

    dongthaiphong and punlinh2007 like this.
  2. Khỉ Con

    Khỉ Con interista Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    SGS2 changelog V3.0.6

    -Updated siyah kernel 4.1.2
    -Updated inverted pack -added inverted google+
    -Updated gapps to latest version
    -Updated superSU
    -Framework improved totally renewed added holo icons
    -Aroma installer improved
    -Weather from cm10
    -Fixed bluetooth A2DP Connection
    -HSPA+ Support ( credit to bejee11)
    -Safe Headset Volume (Prevent Full Volume When You First Plug Your Phones In)
    -Allow "Touch To Focus" option to have a user-defined time out in Camera
    -GPS Source (Change Antenna To External Bluetooth Antenna)
    -User Defined Lockscreen Text Color
    -Change Clock Color In Status Bar
    -Disable pattern visibility on lockscreen
    -Set time before secure lock is activated
    -Exit to Home on End Call
    -ADB over WIFI (Settings>Developer Options)
    -Lockscreen Calendar
    -Lockscreen Text Weather
    -Status Bar Weather
    -Launch Custom App with Click of Weather
    -Option to unlock device with menu button (Devices with soft/hard key menu buttons)
    -Option to disable IME switcher
    -Option to disable volume change sound
    -Install bootanimation.zip via Rom Control
    -Enable 180 degree rotation
    -Option to add a "Kill all" button to recents menu
    -Option to unlink ringer and notification volume
    -Return of down arrow if keyboard is open
    SGS2 changelog V3.0.5

    Renewed aroma installer
    added 5 different modem to aroma
    siyah kernel 4.1 beta 6
    updated RR wallpapers
    updated system apks
    Custom Carrier Text
    Led Settings Customizable For Individual Applications
    Safe Headset Volume (Prevent Full Volume When You First Plug Your Phones In)
    Allow "Touch To Focus" option to have a user-defined time out in Camera
    GPS Source (Change Antenna To External Bluetooth Antenna)
    User Defined Lockscreen Text Color
    Change Clock Color In Status Bar
    updated camera firmware
    wake clock fixed
    updated gapps
    updated update me
    fixed navigation buttons on /off
    SGS3 changelog V3.0.4
    Code: [Select]
    Latest merged changelog AOKP & CM10
    updated siyah kernel v4.1 beta 4
    updated cm10 kernel
    updated rom control 
    updated (phone ,browser,keyboard,camera,email,calendar.mms)
    many of system files up to date 
    fixed faceunlock 
    system ui improved
    more free ram 
    better deep sleep
    updated inverted apps 
    fixed inverted contact apk
    updated jb launcher
    SGS3 changelog V3.0.3

    updated latest siyah kernel v4.0.1
    updated from latest cm10 and aokp sources
    updated system apks
    fixed deep sleep issue (improved)
    updated camera 
    added new aokp features
    updated inverted apps
    added hardware info
    updated phone app
    improved sounds,
    better battery life (improved)
    faster gps ,faster wifi, (improved)
    framework issues fixed
    and more improvements
    SGS3 changelog V3.0.2
    Code: [Select]
    updated  latest AOKP features 
    updated from latest cm10 source 
    updated latest cm10 kernel
    siyah kernel 4.0
    sd storage issues fixed 
    sounds improved 
    improved gpu performans 
    improved framework 
    fixed youtube 
    updated camera 
    updated gmusic app
    updated inverted apps
    updated phone app
    updated browser
    graphic glitchs fixed
    many more improvements....
    SGS2 changelog V3.0.1

    based  on latest AOKP & CM10 SOURCE
    added siyah 3.5.2 kernel 
    added dream kernel 2.6.8
    updated latest cm10 kernel
    added theme chooser 
    added extweaks
    updated camera
    updated settings 
    updated bluetooth
    added holo red theme 
    fixed apn issues
    repaired framework.res 
    performans and batterylife improved
    many more improvement
    changelog V3.0
    Code: [Select]
    jb aokp preview build 6
    aroma installeller and many more 
    fixed & modded framework
    improved performans  
    update me 
    cm9 kernel 
    task manager,samsung apps,polaris office (aroma)
    added swipe 
    inverted & default apps (aroma)
    enable / hide navigation buttons options (aroma)
    sgs2 settings
    everything is working wifi ;bluetooth;gps etc 
    ready to use daily drive 
    more to come ..enjoy
    changelog V2.6.1

    updated siyah kernel 3.4.1
    updated cm9 2012.07.22 kernel
    GPS ,M.DATA and WİFİ improved 
    bluetooth improved issues fixed 
    camera firmware updated
    camera issues fixed  (inc; iso,touch to focus v record ,timer and brust mode)
    most of apps updated to latest version
    fixed swipe speak to text
    fixed notification toogles and date
    updated build prop
    updated lib files 
    updated latest gapps
    updated R-wallpepers
    added apex launcher JB HD theme (aroma)
    deep sleep & battery life improved 
    and many fixes included in update ,,
    volume drop patch not including because causes other unexpected issues
    dongthaiphong thích bài này.
  3. d_inhhuy

    d_inhhuy Thành viên

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