Vừa mới được cập nhật Android Jelly Bean vào hôm qua , nhưng rất nhanh thì Samsung Galaxy S3 đã có cho mình một số rom cook tương đối ngon Và đây là 1 trong số đó.Về hiệu năng thì chúng ta không cần phải quan tâm vì khi ở Jelly Bean thì S3 còn cao hơn Iphone 5 chạy ios 6 cơ mà. Changelog : Build từ stock DLI8 Jelly Bean Base: DLI8 Android 4.1.1 Jelly bean Deodexed Zipaligned ROOT Permissions Addition, the application SuperSU Chainfire 9.png optimized Nexus bootanimation Framework-res optimized RAM optimized SystemUI original Camera of the Galaxy Note II Gallery of Galaxy Note II Power Menu 'extended Added Bravia Engine Removed some applications Samsung Added Suoneri, Notifications, Sounds IU Android Jelly Bean Calculator replaced with the AOSP JB Application Browser replaced with the AOSP JB Sostiuita Music application with the AOSP JB The keyboard is the default AOSP LatinIME JB (Removed the Samsung) Các app removed AccuweaterDaemon.apk AccuweatherWideget.apk Accuweather_Main.apk AnalogClockSimple.apk AnalogClockUnique.apk DeepSea.apk DialerWidget.apk DigitalClock.apk DigitalClock21.apk DualClockAnalog.apk DualClockDigital.apk DualClockDigital42.apk FmRadio.apk GameHub_2.0_ICS.apk Lcdtest.apk MusicPlayer.apk PolarisViewer.apk SamsungApps.apk SamsungIME.apk SamsungWidget_FavoriteApp.apk SimpleFavoritesWidget.apk SSuggest.apk WeatherWall.apk Ringtones, notification sounds, etc. (added those Android JB) Theme Completely changed the UI, now the colors are more 'soft Changed Menu 'SMS Changed Menu 'contacts Changed Menu 'settings Change the icon of the app with the AOSP Samsung Notification icons on the bar in HD percentage battery Background menu 'dropdown transparent Removed the bar brightness' Changed the buttons throughout the UI % battery Telephone keypad in HD Changing the menu 'settings Change all PopUp windows, now in style Jelly Bean Icons more 'sharp Add some style icons Jelly Bean Added new images "style cartoons" in your SMS Ottimizatte 9.png in the Framework and SystemUI Added the ON / OFF button in the selection menu 'settings Added some changes to the Launcher Added the original background of the Notes II The bar is now in the center and is blue The time and date in the menu 'pull-down are blue More .. Cách up rom : Vào cwm - full wipe ( wipe date/factory reset - wipe davik - wipe cache ) - rồi flash rom - cảm nhận nhé