Legit CC Dumps And Bank Login Vendor We are ready introduce you our service. We have dumps only with ORIGINAL TRACK1+TRACK2. Approval rate very high, we sell only good dumps. We have daily update. we sell only high quality dumps and guarantee they will work good, not for 20$ or 100$. We accept: Webmoney, Liberty reserve, Western union. We work 24/7 and have excellent customers support. Rules of our service: 1. I dont provide tests. 2. We are not checking dumps , our dumps dont need that. 3. Replacement 1 hour, for regular buyers can give more. 4. Webmoney - NO minimum payment, Liberty Reserve - NO minimum payment, Western union/Money Gram - 500 dollars min + 7-10% drop fee. First time buyers can ask me about 300 dollars first payment. 5. I give bonus for every order, for regular buyers give good discounts 6. Resellers Welcome. Our prices USA dumps: USA Track1 and Track2 Classic: 25$ Gold/Plat: 30$ Biz/Corp: 25$ Infinity: 30$ Canada Classic: 20$ Gold/Plat: 25$ Biz/Corp: 25$ Infinity: 25$ EU Classic: 90$ Gold/Plat: 120$ Biz/Corp: 150$ Infinity: 200$ USA AMEX no CID/DISCOVERY Amex Express=20$ Amex Green=25$ Discover= 40$ Amex Centurion = 45$ Amex Gold and Up = 30$ Dumps with CVV: 50-60 dollars Delivery dumps : Wmz/Lr - instant delivery Western union/Money gram - 30 Minuets, BANK LOGINS FOR SALE: UK BANK LOGIN IN STOCK: Abbey Fresh // Alliance & Leicester // CapitalOne Bank HSBC UK // Halifax UK // LLOYDS USA BANK LOGIN IN STOCK: Bank Of America // CHASE // WELLSFARGO CITI BANK// HSBC// WACHOVIA Special offers: 100 pcs plat - 1900$ 100 pcs mix 2200$ contacts: YM: hackcocain icq:625596447 Email: hackcocain@YAHOO.COM if you buy my stuffs and you enjoy please join forum and post your good comments