New Games for Symbian ( Update liên tục ...)

Thảo luận trong 'S60/S80/S90: GAMES - TRÒ CHƠI' bắt đầu bởi trai_quynhon, 9 Tháng mười một 2005.

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  1. cutesky

    cutesky Thành viên

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    Em còn noob,nên mong moi người thông cảm,hì hì.Nhung nếu down về mà giải nén tùm lum file thì dung giải nén gì cả,chì việc sữa lại thành đuôi .jar là để vào cài được áh.
  2. nxs175

    nxs175 Thành viên

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    em hỏi làm cách nào để cài các game trên này khi tải về giải nén lại ra các file meta inf và .class! em đang dùng 3230!
  3. verylove

    verylove Staff Member

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    bạn nói file .class là file nằm trong game hay sao đó , nó hình như là 1 file đễ chơi game mà bạn muốn chơi . Chĩ việc giãi nén ra .sis hoặc .jar là ok rùi
  4. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    To all: Đó là file *.zip các bạn cứ làm theo cách của cutesky nhé... (đổi *.zip-->*.jar)

    Test OK trên N-gage QD đó :D :D

    to cutesky: Bạn làm vậy thì đâu phải noob đâu :)
  5. cutesky

    cutesky Thành viên

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    :hug: Thx thx..Vì em trước giờ toàn down game trên diễn đàn về thôi,mà chẳng đóng góp được gì,hôm nay gặp phải những thắc mắc của người khác post lên,thấy giống mình hồi xưa,lúc mới vào forum áh,hì hì nên biết gì thì chỉ đó,chỉ sợ chỉ sai không giúp được moi người..
    Nghe NhiKhan nói vậy thì bé Hy tự tin hơn nhiều..:whew:
    Sẳn đây thank Nhikhan và anh em trên forum đã post nhiều game hay cho mọi người.Chúc NhiKhan săn được nhiều game hay để Share cho Hy với.hì hì=D>
  6. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Sea Battle 1.00

    [FONT=&quot] [​IMG] [/FONT]Sea battle is a well known board game where two players have the same set of ships placed on a battlefield that is invisible to one another. The goal is to destroy opponent's battleships using blind shots based on probable coordinates of their locations.
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  7. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    PocketBaseball 1.03

    [FONT=&quot] [​IMG] [/FONT]Pocket Baseball is a fun cartoon style baseball game simulation. Choose your team and start!
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  8. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Dymanic Pixels Winter Lines
    [FONT=&quot] [​IMG]

    [/FONT] HeroCraft, a well-known indie developer of games for mobile phones in cooperation with Dymanic Pixels releases new J2ME game.

    Winter - the wonderful season when everything around is starting to celebrate Christmas and New Year! This is the mood of Winter Lines game. The colours have been chosen in order to make the player feel the coming of winter. An excellent soundtrack adds to the beauty of the picture.Winter Lines features excellent graphics, music and user-friendly interface. And indeed, can you imagine Christmas and New Year without joyful music and bright colours.

    The rules of the game are the same as in the classic Lines. But there's a small exception - Winter Lines features bonus balls. This is the miracle ball you get when you reach 100 points. It can substitute a ball of any colour, which helps to make the lining up easier.Another thing which is really worth talking about are the wonderful soundtracks. During the game one of the several lively melodies is played according to what's happening on the screen, since no Christmas can really go without joyful music.

    On top of that, there is the excellent graphics. All in all, the game can be played for hours nonstop and you won't ever get bored with it.

    Features :
    • bright graphics
    • lively music
    • friendly interface
    • an automatic ball selection system
    • bonus balls and melodies
    • the mood of Christmas and New Year

    Supported Mobile Phone :

    Nokia 3155i 6230i 6255 6255i 6630 6680 6681 6682 8800 N70 N90
    Siemens C75 CX65 CX70 CX75 M65 M65i M75 S65 SL65
    SonyEricsson D750i F500i J300c K300c K300i K500c K500i K508c K508i K600i K700i K750c K750i S700i S710a V800 W550i W800 W800i

    © HeroCraft 2006. All rights reserved. HeroCraft and the HeroCraft logo are trademarks of HeroCraft
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  9. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Doctor Bungle Jungle Mayhem
    [FONT=&quot] [​IMG]
    [/FONT]Doctor Bungle is always in trouble! Whilst exploring in the jungle his map was stolen by some monkeys and shredded into several pieces.Help the Doctor find his way back to the safety of his base camp by collecting the five map fragments scattered around each level and then following the trail marked by the witchdoctor's stick.

    Your journey will be perilous and take you over land, water, and high above the jungle canopy! Only you can save him!
    Good luck and watch out for those exploding bananas!!

    Compatible with :

    Nokia Series 60 :: Nokia 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 7650, N-Gage
    Nokia Series 60v2 :: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 7610, N70[FONT=&quot]
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  10. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Plastic Cow Games Absorbed
    [FONT=&quot] [​IMG]

    [/FONT]Stretch and slide your way around the levels helping Shmoo absorb the bubbles and collecting the bonus pick-ups in this Platform game. Aswell as stretching and sliding, Shmoo can also smash his way through decaying rock, seep through porus platforms and even changing colour to help absorb the bubbles. Absorbed is available in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

    Features :

    - 30 levels of absorbing bubble bursting mayhem
    - High score table
    - Multiple bonus pick-ups
    - Multiplayer bluetooth co-op mode (on selected mobiles)

    Compatible with :

    Nokia Series 40v2 / 128x128 :: Nokia 3220, 5140, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6230, 6235, 7260, 7270
    Nokia Series 40v2 / 128x160 :: Nokia 6101, 6170
    Nokia Series 60v2 :: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 7610, N70
    Nokia Series 80 :: Nokia 9210, 9290, 9300, 9500
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