Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    SymbianWare PowerTorch v 1.01

    Have you forgotten a torch? Or you haven't thought about it at all and suddenly found yourself in some dark place? PowerTorch will easily cope with this problem!

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  2. Gus

    Gus Ex-Mod

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    Text editor for symbian.

    The Notepad for Symbian is a personal productivity application for smartphones that allows editing text documents. This application has functionality like an ordinary text editor "Notepad" in Windows. It has a good known Windows XP GUI design, which makes it a highly user friendly. With the Notepad for Symbian you can edit text documents that were created on a stationary PC and copied to mobile phone. And text documents created by Notepad for Symbian can be transferred to PC.

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    heavenloveptit thích bài này.
  3. handsome_vnhacker

    handsome_vnhacker Thành viên

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    sao cái keygen kèm theo của Power Torch có đủ soft của symbianware mà kô register được,imei 16 số điền 15 số là hết được ,xong nó báo imei error checksum ..Ai có biết vậy là sao kô?
  4. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Vẫn xài đc bình thường mà bạn, mình crack đc nè. Bạn phải điền mail trong điện thoại và trong register giống nhau mới đc. Thân!

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    • 1.JPG
      Kích thước:
      22.9 KB
  5. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Symbian Commander v1.43 S60 SymbianOS Cracked BiNPDA

    Symbian Commander v1.43 S60 SymbianOS Cracked BiNPDA


    The Symbian Commander is a directory browsing and file management utility that provides a flexible, powerful and convenient way to work with files and directories on Symbian smartphones. It uses a good-known two panel user interface. By using full screen space of the smatphone it provides an intuitive user interface to the operating system, aiming to be a useful tool for users with any level of experience

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  6. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Internet Time v1.20

    Internet Time v1.20


    Synchronize your clock with an Internet Time Server. Internet Time keeps your mobile phone clock automatically synchronized with Internet Time Server via SNTP. Internet Time has many features including:

    * Different predefined Time Servers.
    * Automatical time synchronization: daily, every 3 days, every 5 days, weekly and monthly.
    * Ability to setup exact time for schedule synchronization.
    * Support for international regions, multiple time-zones and daylight-saving anywhere in the world.
    * Automatical time synchronize on device startup.

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    Anhanh12345 thích bài này.
  7. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Dictaphone for Series 60 Cracked File

    Dictaphone for Series 60 Cracked File


    Your boss is giving you important document names, your wife is telling you what to buy for dinner, your friend is giving your his new address. "Dictaphone" with its one click recording can make your life easier.
    Main features of "Dictaphone":
    One-click recording Just one long key press and recording is started - no menu browsing, no filename queries. Another long key press will stop recording. Simple and fast to use - can be activated even without looking at the phone.
    Recording phone calls You can start recording even in the middle of the phone call No record length limitsRecording length is limited only by your phones memory Options to customise It is possible to choose which key will be used for the recording, and where recordings will be stored (phone memory or memory card).
    !!! Open Zip File After Instaled file Copy : DICTAPHONE.APP To Folder Install File

    Compatible devices:
    - Nokia 7650
    - Nokia 3600/3620/3650/3660
    - Nokia N Gage / N-Gage QD
    - Nokia 6600/6620
    - Siemens SX1

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  8. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Weather software for Nokia Series 60 smartphones provides you with always up-to-date 5-day weather forecast for any city in the world. Several cities can be observed simultaneously. The database of Weather application contains more than 40 000 cities. You can also add any arbitrary location by specifying its coordinates (latitude and longitude).

    Weather data is provided by the server of AccuWeather Sales and Service, Inc. (, located in State College, Pennsylvania, USA.

    Weather views
    Weather software for Nokia Series 60 smartphones has three main views: 5-day weather forecast, detailed day forecast, and 5-day temperature graph.

    Detailed day forecast contains the following data:

    High and low day temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit;
    Weather type icon and text;
    Real feel (Rf) temperature (what temperature really feels like);
    Wind direction, gust and speed in mph, km/h or m/s;
    UV index (the sun’s ultraviolet intensity level);
    Amount of day precipitations in in, cm or mm.

    Screen saver
    Weather application for Nokia Series 60 smartphones contains Weather screen saver.

    If activated, Weather screen saver will replace the built-in screen saver and will show the following information:

    Time (big digits) and date;
    Day of the week and week number;
    Indicators - keypad lock, silent or offline profile, Bluetooth state, new messages and missed calls;
    Time of the next due alarm;
    Today and tomorrow weather forecast for your home city.
    To activate the screen saver, go to Menu > Themes, scroll to your current theme and select Options > Edit, select Screen saver and choose Weather.
    Attention: the screen saver mode isn't available for Nokia N90.

    Automatic updates
    Automatic update of weather forecast is the key feature of Weather Nokia Series 60 software. You can set to update weather forecast in a certain interval (4, 8, 12 or 24 hours) or at preset time. Weather forecast will be automatically downloaded on your phone, no matter if Weather application is running or not. This will enable you having weather forecast always up-to-date and do not waste your time on manual downloads.

    You should have Internet-GPRS (or EDGE/UMTS) service subscription on your phone. Contact your network operator to check this. WAP-GPRS service also might be used in the most networks (depends on an operator).

    Note: The traffic generated by Weather application for Nokia Series 60 smartphones is very low. It is only 2 Kb per city forecast per download.

    You can use Weather application during 14 days demo period. Then you will need to purchase one-year subscription to the weather service. After a purchase you will get your serial number by e-mail. The serial number consists of 2 groups of 8 digits, e.g. 12345678-12345678. To enter the serial number, go to Options > Register in Weather application. After one year you will need to renew your weather service subscription at our web site.

    Program interface is available in English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, and Russian.

    Note: If your native language is not supported yet and you can help us with translation - please write to

    Compatible devices
    Weather application works on all phones with Series 60 2nd Edition: Nokia 6600, 6620, 7610, 6260, 6630, 6670, 3230, 6680, 6681, 6682, N90, N70; Panasonic X700, X800; Samsung D720, D730.

    Weather application does not work on all phones with Series 60 1st Edition: Nokia 7650, 3650, 3660, N-Gage, N-Gage QD; Siemens SX1; Sendo X, X2.

    Epocware makes no express or implied warranties, guarantees or affirmations that weather information will occur or has occurred as the reports, forecasts, data, or information state, represent or depict and it shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever to any person or entity for any inconsistency, inaccuracy, or omission for weather or events predicted or depicted, reported, occurring or occurred.

    Epocware shall not be held responsible for any failure or malfunction in power or communications, nor the failure or refusal of third party transmission intermediaries to perform, continue or renew their contractual arrangements with any person or entity (Weather application customer), nor inability to perform occasioned by any events beyond the control of Epocware

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  9. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Rip The Mic I

    Rip The Mic I


    Lookin' for some fresh new flava, Rip The Mic, features the hottest underground and upcoming artists around. You get music videos and video freestyles on your mobile phone!

    1MB of free space on the device

    Compatible Devices
    Samsung SGH-D730, Nokia 6260, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6620, Nokia 7710, Nokia 9300, Nokia 9500, Nokia 6600, Nokia 3230, Nokia 6670, Panasonic X700, Nokia 3650, Panasonic X800, Nokia 6630

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  10. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Pocket Protector File Information (JAVA)

    Pocket Protector File Information (JAVA)


    Pocket Protector is a personal secure record storage for the MIDP platform. Pocket has been developed to act as a storage for Personal Authentication Information. This may be bank PINs, SSH/ftp/telnet usernames and passwords, office access codes, or any type of similar information

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