Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Zindell Technologies Apps S60 J2MEv1.Retail-BiNPDA

    Zindell Technologies Apps S60 J2MEv1.Retail-BiNPDA


    BMICalc calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI) based on your weight and height. Your BMI is a helpful indicator of obesity and underweight in adults. BMI is used to screen, monitor and detect risk of health or nutritional disorders. In an individual, BMI alone is not diagnostic and other data must be used to determine if a high BMI is associated with increased risk of disease and death.

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  2. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Mystic Pack, 1.0.0

    Mystic Pack, 1.0.0


    Pack of eight great mystical applications: Soul Number, Personal Day, Life Path, Personal Year, Zodiac Match, Blue Eye, Numerology and Love Numbers.

    This pack includes 8 great mystic applications that were developed for Nokia Series 60 handsets. The titles were tested and certified on Nokia 7650. This pack includes the following amazing titles:

    Soul Number
    SoulNumber is based on the Numerology theory. It describes your soul according to your name.

    Personal Day
    Personal Day is based on the Numerology theory. It describes your personal day according to your birth date.

    Life Path
    LifePath is based on the Numerology theory. It describes your Life Path according to your birth date.

    Personal Year
    The "Personal Year" number analysis is calculated based on the Numerology theory. It describes your personal year according to your birthday.

    Zodiac Match
    ZodiacMatch checks the romantic match between two people according to their astrological signs.

    Blue Eye
    BlueEye is known to bring good luck. Use this application before important moments in your life but do not rely on it solely!

    Numerologix enables you to enter personal information (name and birthday),and generate a Numerology report. You can choose various types of reports,based on either the Chaldean Numerology system or the Pythagorean Numerology system.

    Love Numbers
    Love Numbers enables you to enter the names of a couple, and to receive in return a Love Number report, based on Numerology. The report displays the numbers calculated for each person, and a short description on the compatibility of the two numbers. Many factors contribute to make a successful relationship, not just the compatibility of the Love Numbers, so just use this application for fun.

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  3. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Chamsa, 1.0.1

    Chamsa, 1.0.1


    Have the Chamsa on your mobile and be protected against Evil energies

    For centuries the Chamsa has been used as a symbol of Good luck. Originating in the middle east the Chamsa represents G-d''s protective hand and shields its owner from the curse of the Evil Eye. The Chamsa''s positive energy draws happiness, riches and health. Chamsa is a J2ME application you can have on your mobile telephone to make sure Evil energies don''t hurt you

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  4. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    DateToDate, 1.0.1

    DateToDate, 1.0.1


    alculate the difference (in days) between two given dates.

    DateToDate helps you calculating the difference between two dates. Enter the two dates, select Calc and get the difference in days

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  5. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Finance Pack, 1.0.0

    Finance Pack, 1.0.0


    Pack of excellent applications that help you with saving your money: XPrice, CostManager, Convex, Passwords, JTip and MyCar.

    This pack includes 6 great productive economic applications that were developed in order to assist you with saving your money. This pack was developed for Nokia Series 60 handsets. The applications were tested and certified on Nokia 7650. This pack includes the following great economic applications:

    Passwords allows you to store different username and password pairs. Each pair is provided with an Item name. Thanks to the advanced algorithm we use, your data will be stored in a safe place close to you.

    XPrice helps you to keep in memory and compare different products'' prices. An excellent tool for buying the right product in the right place. Select ''Add product'' from the main menu to add a new product name. Then you can add different prices for this product. The prices can be easily edited, added or deleted. The products can be easily added and deleted. Deleting a product will automatically clear all the priced associated with it.

    Cost Manager
    CostManager enables you to keep track after your expenses. You can add your expenses'' types to the phone''s memory and add the costs whenever they occur accordingly. This software enables you to view a report for a period you choose. This software also enables you to delete costs that occurred in a period you choose.

    My Car
    MyCar is a simple program allowing you to keep track of your gas mileage. Just enter the odometer reading and quantity of gaz filled every gas fillup and enjoy several types of reports available (overall, by dates and last readings report). MyCar can be easily configured to European (kilometers and liters) or American (miles and gallons) measuring system.

    Convex allows you to convert from one currency to another. The currencies and the exchange rate are user defined and can be easily changed. Using the setting screen you can set the currencies'' names and their exchange rate. On the Main Screen you can enter the sum you want to convert and select ''Next'' to get the result.

    JTip calculates the tip you need to pay in a restaurant according to your requested tip percentage and the bill amount

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  6. Whitelist

    Whitelist Guest

    EpocWare Weather v1.03 S60.OS7 Cracked-BiNPDA

    EpocWare Weather v1.03 S60.OS7 Cracked-BiNPDA


    Weather for Series 60 - a new application that provides you with always up-to-date 5 day weather forecast for any city in the world.

    Weather software for Nokia Series 60 smartphones provides you with always up-to-date 5-day weather forecast for any city in the world. Several cities can be observed simultaneously. The database of Weather application contains more than 40 000 cities. You can also add any arbitrary location by specifying its coordinates (latitude and longitude).

    Weather data is provided by the server of AccuWeather Sales and Service, Inc. (, located in State College, Pennsylvania, USA.

    Weather views
    Weather software for Nokia Series 60 smartphones has three main views: 5-day weather forecast, detailed day forecast, and 5-day temperature graph.

    Detailed day forecast contains the following data:

    High and low day temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit;
    Weather type icon and text;
    Real feel (Rf) temperature (what temperature really feels like);
    Wind direction, gust and speed in mph, km/h or m/s;
    Night temperature diagram;
    UV index (the sun’s ultraviolet intensity level);
    Amount of day precipitations in in, cm or mm.

    Screen saver
    Weather application for Nokia Series 60 smartphones contains Weather screen saver.

    If activated, Weather screen saver will replace the built-in screen saver and will show the following information:

    Time (big digits) and date;
    Day of the week and week number;
    Indicators - keypad lock, silent or offline profile, Bluetooth state, new messages and missed calls;
    Time of the next due alarm;
    Today and tomorrow weather forecast for your home city.
    To activate the screen saver, go to Menu > Themes, scroll to your current theme and select Options > Edit, select Screen saver and choose Weather.
    Attention: the screen saver mode isn't available for Nokia N90.

    Automatic updates
    Automatic update of weather forecast is the key feature of Weather Nokia Series 60 software. You can set to update weather forecast in a certain interval (4, 8, 12 or 24 hours) or at preset time. Weather forecast will be automatically downloaded on your phone, no matter if Weather application is running or not. This will enable you having weather forecast always up-to-date and do not waste your time on manual downloads.

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    Anhanh12345 thích bài này.
  7. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Student Pack 1.0.0

    Student Pack 1.0.0


    StudentPack includes three great applications for every student.

    JMemo is a simple application that helps you to memorize what you need for your studies. Add a word and its definition to the phone\s memory, and then scroll through the words trying to memorize their meanings. You can choose to view either the word first and then its explanation, or to view the explanation first and then present the word. JMemo can present the items in the order you\ve entered them into the phones memory, or in random order.

    My Average
    My Average calculates the average of your marks. You can add your marks whenever you get them and keep track after your average.

    My Stuff
    My Stuff enables you to keep track of the stuff you lend to others. MyStuff provides you with three categories of items (CDs, money and books). However, you can add more categories. You can then add loaned items to the phone\s memory whenever it is relevant. You can view the reports of loaned items sorted by loan date, category or person to which an item was loaned. Both items and categories can be easily deleted.

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  8. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    HeartRate, 1.1.0

    HeartRate, 1.1.0


    HeartRate is an application that calculates your recommended heart rate zone.

    HeartRate is an application that calculates your recommended heart rate zone as well as your maximum allowed heart rate when doing aerobic exercises. Pls consult with your physician before using this application and when following its recommendations.

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  9. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    to Toan751215: Bạn đang xài máy gì? có thể là do đụng PM nào đó thôi. hãy cài thử vào phone khi đã rút thẻ ra. Lần sau có thắc mắc thì thì bạn hãy gửi mail vào nick của mình nhé! Topic này kg tiện cho việc trả lời lắm.



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  10. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    --- lưu danh bạ----

    Description: EASYBACKUP, 1.0
    by Wireportal

    With EasyBackup you can rapidly backup/restore all your phonebook contacts on the multimedia memory card of your phone.

    EasyBackup is a great utility to save all your phonebook contacts easily into the multimedia memory card of your mobile phone. The contacts saved can be also transferred from your mobile phone to another or from your mobile phone to a PDA or PC via MMS, E-MAIL or Bluetooth! Wireless Description: EasyBackup is a great utility to save all your phonebook contacts easily into the multimedia memory card of your mobile phone. The contacts saved can be also transferred from your mobile phone to another or from your mobile phone to a PDA or PC via MMS, E-MAIL or Bluetooth!

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