Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Now you can record tracking data from your bluetooth GPS receiver and send the track via bluetooth to your PC for direct use with "Google Earth". For business, holidays and fun.

    There's no need for any conversion software on the PC side. The tracking data is ready to be used with "Google Earth". These files can then be sent by email to your friends or put them on your website.

    On the PC side you only need a bluetooth dongle and the ability to receive files from your phone.

    You can choose a logging interval from 5,10,20,30,60 and 300 seconds which covers driving speeds by car and bike and is also suitable for hiking tours.

    You can choose to send a file in plain Google Earth format, extended Google Earth format including automatic waypoints including altitude, driving speed and time/date and CSV (Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice) format.
    Compatible with Series 60 devices (6600 FW 4.09.1 and better and later models).

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  2. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    --+ Chụp hinh nhiều hiệu ứng, kỹ xảo..
    + Riêng đối với 6600 thì chụp sẽ cho hình ảnh đẹp nhất(theo mình), hơn cả photo acute..Tuy dung lượng nhỏ hơn so với acute..
    + Crack: chay keygen và chọn zensis photorite 5.2.1--

    v5.2.2 is released!
    Much better user interface!
    Support both front and back camera!
    Optimized for N70!

    Compatible with NOKIA 3230, 6600/6620, 7610, 6260, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, N70;

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    ducbmt86 thích bài này.
  3. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Power Call

    ---Hiển thị tên, hình, số điện thoại..v.v. khi gọi---

    is an enhanced software of voice call for Symbian S60 series mobile phones.

    Last Update: November 16th 2005
    Author: Wireless Lab Technologies
    Version: 1.0

    Author's Description
    Displays the telephone number, the name and BIG photo of remote side when you are in a voice call. Displays the time consumed in a call. Gives you the option to hang up a coming call and send a short message back to the caller automatically. Integrated with the built-in phonebook. Starts on phone boot, no manually start required.

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  4. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    ---Chụp ảnh nhiều kỹ xảo---

    New Nokia N90 compatible version available

    New 'Highlight' Colour mode

    New translations

    Note: CameraFX Pro is designed for use on Series 60 v2 phones only.

    Phones older than 18 months may not work correctly - please check compatibility with your phone using the menu to the left.

    -10x Digital Zoom
    -Red, Green, Blue adjust
    -Grey, Inverse Colour modes
    -New 'Highlight' Colour mode
    -Brightness / Contrast adjust
    -User-defined colour profiles
    -e.g. Sepia, B&W
    -'Nokia N90' compatibility

    Additional Features
    -Image Stretch
    -Image Flip

    Special FX
    -Mirror Image, Double Image
    -Lens, Outline, Twist
    -MultiScreen, Mosaic
    -Polar Lens, Kaleidoscope

    3D Special FX
    -SpaceTube, SpaceCube, Prism
    -Tunnel, Perspective, PhotoMaze

    All Special FX are produced in real-time on your phone!

    Extra Features
    -High quality filtered zoom.
    -Save captured images to the PhotoAlbum, or send via IR, BT, Email and MMS
    -Load up an image stored in the PhotoAlbum and add effects before sending
    -Multiple language support - Select language from within application, and easily add new languages
    -Send application trial to a friend via Bluetooth
    -Easily purchase via SMS from within application - 30 days trial or unlimited time!
    -Full on-line help

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    Anhanh12345 thích bài này.
  5. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Killer Mobile BlackBaller v1.12.S60,S70.SymbianOS.Cracked-BiNPDA

    ---Chặng cuộc gọi, tin nhắn---

    BlackBaller is an Extreme Mobile Filter that is designed to block (reject) unwanted calls and messages (SMS/MMS). BlackBaller is a full featured and easy to use program.

    BlackBaller - Extreme Mobile Filter/ Blacklist Application for Series 60 Mobile Phones - Call/SMS/MMS

    2005 © Killer Mobile
    Runs on All S60 Mobiles *

    * Please test before purchasing

    BlackBaller was the first program for the Nokia Series 60 mobile phones to combine both Call & SMS/MMS filtering - and is still the best!

    BlackBaller introduces the new Smart Reject Sensor system which allows you to modify your filter lists on the fly.

    Protect yourself from unwanted calls and messages

    Have you been BlackBalled
    BlackBaller is an Extreme Mobile Filter that is designed to block (reject) unwanted calls and messages (SMS/MMS). BlackBaller is a full featured and easy to use program which offers unique features such as message filtering, and the ultimate in user friendly features - Smart Reject Sensor. BlackBaller is the most user friendly and robust program of its kind.

    BlackBaller feature Summary:

    Block unwanted calls and messages (SMS/MMS)

    Supports two types of filters: Blacklists (Blocks all calls on list) and Whitelists (Blocks all calls except what are on the list).

    Tight integration with phonebook. Availability to block groups, persons, numbers and private numbers. Also includes an advanced option for setting block expiration date.

    Smart Reject Sensor - Ultimate ergonomic solution. When you reject a call the system automatically asks if you want to block this specific caller.

    The real background mode. BlackBaller is highly integrated into your mobile device. It works silently without keeping the program open and hidden and using up a lot of system resources.

    Complete log for rejected calls/messages.

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  6. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Zenomorph 1.03F + KG English

    Zenomorph 1.03F + KG English


    English version - KG from Arabic version

    Fast image warping software for your Series 60 phone


    Full control over placing control points - works on any photo
    Animate between normal and morphed images
    Fast response when moving points
    Load and save images to photoalbum
    Send via email/bluetooth/IR/MMS

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  7. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    ---Chơi file flash, test ok trên 6600..---

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    I.O.U thích bài này.
  8. quocgiang

    quocgiang Thành viên

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    Hàng tươi mới !!! đồ độc !!! Oxford Full Languages Mobile Dictionary !!!!Updated !!!!

    Đây là bộ từ điển Oxford Full cho các máy điện thoại S60 !! Đây là đồ độc , với giá thành là 1400$ , nó yêu cầu cả số seri !! Tất nhiên là chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp cả seri cho các bạn !! Chúc vui vẻ ...
    Bạn vào đây để download nhé:

    Thử một trong những serial sau nhé !!!: 20335-00505
    English dcitonary: 38444-54239
    Oxford Dictionary of Idioms and MSDictViewer(Series60) 07456-67111
    Pocket Oxford English Dictionary and MSDictViewer (Series60) 38444-54239
    MSDict Professional Dictionary Bundle (Series60) 20335-00505
    Oxford Medical Dictonary 07456-67111
    MSDict Professional Dictionary Bundle (Series 60) serial number is: 20335-00505
    The serial is 07481-27071. This is a purchased key so it should work
    MSDict Professional Dictionary Bundle (Series 60) serial number is: 20335-00505


    Oxford English Dictionary:
    Oxford English Pro Dictionary:
    Oxford Concise English Dictionary:
    Oxford Acronymic Dictionary:
    Oxford English Phrases Dictionary:
    Oxford Irregular Verbs Dictionary:
    Oxford Dictionary of Idioms:
    Oxford Synonymous Dictionary:
    Oxford French Dictionary:
    Oxford Concise French Dictionary:
    Oxford German Dictionary:
    Oxford Concise German Dictionary:
    Oxford Italian Dictionary:
    Oxford Spanish Dictionary:
    Oxford English-Spanish Pro Dictionary:
    Oxford Concise Spanish Dictionary:
    Oxford English-Spanish Phrases Dictionary:
    Oxford Business Dictionary:
    Oxford Medical Dictionary:

    vin, bambooneedlove and SET610 like this.
  9. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    MeetingPoint Symbian S60 0.95 awesome bluejacking app(extended version)

    MeetingPoint Symbian S60 0.95 awesome bluejacking app(extended version)


    Meeting somebody for the first time and worried if you could identify the right person? MP will fire an alarm when you and the other party are within Bluetooth range (30ft = 10m)

    MeetingPoint is a free, simple, short-range contacting software, using Bluetooth wireless technology

    Bluetooth can "see" through walls, doors and people, at all directions at the same time. Its effective range is usually 30ft (10m).

    MeetingPoint follows the CB-style paradigm of channels, where people on the same channel are able to send messages to each other.

    It works on supported Smartphones, PDA (Personal Digital Assistants), and also on Windows PC/laptops.

    It''s useful for:

    Arranging a meeting with someone you don''t know in person (e.g. virtual friends from a chat room). Just tune your MeetingPoint to a previously agreed channel, and go to the meeting point (airport, crowded pub, etc). When you are within range, both MeetingPoints will fire audible alarms, making you aware of the other party's location.
    Contacting like-minded people, or pals sharing your interests, religion or preferences. For example, if you are a huge fan of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, you might want to search for others using "REDHOT" as your channel.
    Mass-sending a message to everybody within range, not just MeetingPoint users.

    Version Expiry Date 01-04-2006

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  10. youngmonkey

    youngmonkey Thành viên

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    OggPlay1.65 (may broadcast wma) strengthens the mmc version

    OggPlay1.65 software formidable function everybody well known, but it does not support the wma form, personally thinks not conveniently, therefore changes. Software joins the wma decoding. Causes this software to be more perfect. One software does!
    Everybody down has a try. Got down must go against!
    The version hosts have a look to be allowed to add xx!
    Thanks eldest brother jie software.
    Under quotes eldest brother jie speech!
    Test type: 6260 passes
    Support type: 6630, 7610, 6680, 6681, 6670, 3230, 6260 and so on
    Only supports S70 and the S80 type

    English name: OggPlay
    Chinese name: OggPlay (because software too classical maintains original)
    Software edition: v1.65
    Software author: jie6600
    Sinicizes the author: jie6600
    Complete version otherwise: Complete version
    Software characteristic:

    (1) supports OGG, MP3, MP4, M4A, WMA, the AMR document broadcast!
    (2) withdraws the speed compares the preceding edition has the nature same enhancement!
    (3) supports the replacement skin!
    (4) supports from defines the hot key!
    (5) supports OGG supposes for the handset bell sound, the volume is small, the acoustic fidelity may compare favorably with MP3!
    Detailedly please looks eldest brother jie6600 software.

    mình thử trên 6600 của mình thì vào mục options cha thấy gì,???

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