Scleaner v0.4 alpha (EN)transl by I_placebo author: d(-_-)b************************** UPDATE! BEFORE INSTALLATION REMOVE EVERYTHING from the old version! ************************** Title: SCleaner Version: 0.4 alfa Language: English by I_placebo Sist.treb.: * Symbian 9 (I think, and the rest will go) * Python 1.4.5, not lower * Modules debugger, graphics, appuifw, appuifw2, key_kodes, time, os, TopWindow, sys, imp, sysinfo, e32, firware, zipfyle Status: Free Description: SCleaner - a program for a programmable cleaning your phone, with its auto-load, as well as for the backup necessary data and their subsequent recovery. At this stage, It supports: - Implementation of deleting files from the given list (cleaning); - Progress bar removal processes and copying; - View the program at startup (currently only viewing); - Create a backup of files and a directory; - Restore from a backup created kopiei; - Editor of lists. Changes in this version: - Now if there is a module firmware, it will start, otherwise just do not will be determined by phone model in the general information; - Added file editor lists (deleting the file list or string it is on the "C"); - Normal operation with cyrillic when creating or restoring the data; - Removed plugins (full, as unnecessary); - Small fixes in appearance; - Changed list file "(pay attention); - Even for little things a little PS: in the attached file module firmware, who need to take your (and who does not know on the path!: / Resource)