speeding up series 60 device!

Thảo luận trong 'S60/S80/S90: KIẾN THỨC & KINH NGHIỆM' bắt đầu bởi DarkHunter, 27 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. DarkHunter Thành viên

    [font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]here's how you do it..

    First go to ur To-do List (default app of ur N6600)

    - Make a note and input as follows
    Subject: Speed
    Due Date: 01-29-2005(mm-dd-yy)
    Priority: set to High
    then press Done

    - Make a second Note and input as follows
    Subject: Qoukie
    Due Date: 01-29-2005(mm-dd-yy)
    Priority: set to Low
    then press Done

    - Do not exit yet, Press the Option of your Subject note w/c is Speed and Mark as done

    - then Press the Option of your Subject note w/c is Qoukie and Mark as done

    - Now, reboot ur mobile.

    Sounds like bullshit? did to me too but i still tried it and well.. my phone was pretty fast before so maybe thats why i can't notce any change but the person who discovered this says it was told to him from the Nokia service department in the philipines! try it for yourself and comment here if it works!

    em đã làm nhưng ko có film mà xem thử. có bác nào thử cách này chưa.
  2. langtucodon_911

    langtucodon_911 Ex-Mod

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    Cách này nói trong diễn đàn rồi bạn ah. Không làm được nhanh hơn mà còn làm hỏng máy.:D. Tốt hơn hết là bỏ cái đó đi nhé:)
  3. huunhon

    huunhon Thành viên

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    hu' hồn , tính làm theo
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