Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    World Weather v0.79.27

    New update of World Weather:0.79.27. Previous version 0.79.2. World Weather furnishes the forecasts of the time in a lot of nations and countries of the world and in more show the images from the satellite of the nation that interests us.Enjoy!

    Attached image(s) [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] World_weather.zip ( 48.14K )
  2. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Vito Audio Notes v1.25.2

    here is a screenshot but from a PDA version
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Description: MP3 and WAV Recorder for your Nokia

    recording phone calls

    Automatic inclusion of a microphone and a voice activation system

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] vitoaudionotes_v1_25.zip ( 577.45K )
  3. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    SurrealTech ScrapBook v0.9.2 J2ME

    Short description: A java midlet, use to send voice and image messages to other users using gprs connection.

    Product description for ScrapBook 0.9.2:
    ScrapBook (Java-midlet) allows its users to write multimedia scraps over the gprs\edge channels, with costs less than the normal mms charges. The scraps are saved in the mobile for offline viewing. The application enables quick and efficient voice, image and text messaging through an easy to use interface.

    3230, 3250, 3650, 3660, 5500, 5700 XpressMusic, 6110 Navigator, 6120 classic, 6121 classic, 6260, 6290, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, 7650, 7710, 9210 Communicator, 9210i Communicator, 9300 Smartphone, 9300i Smartphone, 9500 Communicator, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90 Communicator, N-Gage, N-Gage QD, N70, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N81, N81 8GB, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB

    Attached image(s) [​IMG]

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] Scrap_Book.zip ( 63.29K )
  4. minhtue

    minhtue Super Moderator Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Resco Photo Viewer S60 3rd

    Version 4.50 (28 Sep 2007) with k*yg*n


    Which images:
    • Images taken by your built-in Nokia camera
    • Images taken by your digicam
      (Did you ever try to insert another MMC card into your phone?)
    • Images received via email, MMS, beam etc.
    • These formats are supported:
      JPG (incl. progressive),
      GIF, animated GIF,
      BMP (incl. OS2 and RLE-compressed),
    What can you do with an image:
    • view (full scale or reduced)
    • zoom, rotate
    • edit (adjust colors, brightness, contrast)
    • resize
    • crop (save image cut-outs) NEW!
    • exchange (via MMS, email, Bluetooth or infrared)
    • manage (copy, move, rename, delete)
    What else can you do:
    • watch animations
    • view multi-page faxes NEW!
    • run slide show with attractive transition effects
    • manage folders
    Other features:
    • speed (fastest viewer on the market)
    • list or icon view with three different icon sizes
    • resize images to fit or fill the screen, display in full size
    • multi-selection support for file operations, beam and slideshow
    Keyboard maps

    The maps display the keyboard layout and assigned shortcuts.
    They are formatted as PDF documents and require Adobe Acrobat Reader.

    News for Resco Photo Viewer v4.50

    • Improved TIFF/FAX support
    • Added support for JPEG2000 file extensions (they are not filtered out now)
    • More slideshow durations (up to 5 minutes)
    • Add image to contact
    • Improved support for Nokia E90 or similar devices
    • Improved quality of displaying zoomed out images (zoom ratio less then 100%)
    • Added optional info about currently displayed image when image is displayed
    • Added optional ask before exiting application
    Bug corrections
    • Fixed bug with rendering on 16bit displays
    • Fixed displaying Exif button on Memory info dialog
    • Landscape display orientation UI drawing issues (settings, color correction control)

    Nokia N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95
    Nokia E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90
    Nokia 3250, 5500 Sport, 5700, 6110 Navigator, 6120, 6121, 6290
    LG KS10 JoY
    Samsung SGH-i400, SGH-i520

    Các file đính kèm:

    kwt99, hbinhlove2003, yeuchip and 7 others like this.
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Rock-Your-Mobile! VideoRingtones v1.00 Incl. Desktop S60V3 U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d Cr*ck*d-BiNPDA

    Everyone is exited about so called "Video Ringtones" for modern headsets. Obviously normal audio ringtones are much too boring and do not use all of the tremendous technical possibilities of Smartphones. "Video Ringtones", the new software solution of Rock Your Mobile!, enables the user to use any video file as a video ringtone. YouTube content, own videos, trailers of famous movies...there are no limitations at all!

    "Video Ringtones" is completely embedded in the operation system of Nokia S60 3rd Edition Smartphones. Usage and configuration of the video ringtones is easy and understandable due to the fact that it follows the same principles of normal ringtones. Of course "Video Ringtones" fully supports the build-in Profiles of the used headsets. From now on it is possible to play videos for contacts, groups and special phone numbers!

    Nokia Communicator 9500, Nokia Communicator 9300, Nokia Communicator 9300i, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia 3250, Nokia N91, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N80, Nokia E50, Nokia 5500, Nokia E70, Nokia E61i, Nokia E62, Nokia E65, Nokia N93i, Nokia N95, Nokia E90, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6120, Nokia 6110, Nokia 6290, Nokia N76, Nokia N77, Samsung i520, LG JoY, Nokia N70, Nokia N90, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6630, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6670, Nokia 3230, Nokia 6260, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7710

    Features and functions:

    * Unlimited Video Ringtones for Nokia S60 3rd Edition Smartphones
    * Support of DVD, AVI, WMV, MP4, MOV, 3GP, ASF video formats
    * Support of contact and group information
    * Free of charge Desktop Client
    * Completely embedded the operation system
    * Support of phone profile
    * Easy and smart usability

    Supported languages:
    English, German and Russian

    This is an Unsigned Version, You need to sign this application before it can work!

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] Rock.Your.Mobile.VideoRingtones.v1.00.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d.Cr*ck*d_BiNPDA.rar ( 99.12K )
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Email Sites - Mobile Clients S60v3 (8 in 1)

    Get acess in checking your e-mail box in your S60v3 phones.
    • Sina Mail
    • Windows Live Mail
    • Gmail
    • QQMail
    • Mail Sohu
    • Yahoo
    • 126
    • Tom Mail
    Just sign in!
    Youu can also update it, if there is a update available it will add more sites

    Install it on Phone Memory


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] email_sites.rar ( 132.86K )
  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    mIRGGI v0.4.96 [Update]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    mIRGGI is the first S60 3rd edition IRC client. It's free for all uses but it's not open source.

    Version 0.4.96d changes:
    * Windows are reused if server connection breaks and you reconnect
    * Server windows can't be closed (should be: if connected, I'll fix it later)
    * away shows correct infos and in correct windows
    * Menu for joining 10 last channels for each server
    * Menu item for joining to a new channel
    * /nick newnick will update the nick that is shown to you
    * server name shown in main window
    * URL detector should find also URLs starting with www. and not http://
    * Keepalive for IRC (not well tested)
    * Vibration error fix
    * Some other minor fixes and changes

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] mIRGGI_0496d.zip ( 90.41K )
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    MobileDVD S60v3 V2.0 Self-Signed

    MobileDVD is the easiest and most enjoyable way to play videos on your S60 phone. Moreover, with the MobileDVD free Convertor for Windows you can shrink any video from your desktop PC, make it compact and playable on selected phone model, and allow you to take your favorite movies everywhere you go- in your travels, on vacation or simply on your way to work.

    Four Easy Steps to Get Video on Your Phone:
    With MobileDVD you can convert desktop video files and watch them on your S60 phone. Amazingly whole movies fit on a memory card as small as 128 Mb.

    1-Locate and open the video file in MobileDVD desktop converter.
    2-Let MobileDVD make the file smaller and optimize it for your phone model.
    3-Transfer the new video to your mobile through Bluetooth or cable
    4-Enjoy the video on your mobile handset.

    Simple and Feature-packed:
    MobileDVD is with a simple still elegant interface for easy playback and access to most used playback functions and settings.
    MobileDVD Player
    Portrait and Landscape playback modes;
    Support of full screen;
    Adjustable volume;
    Adjustable brightness;
    File browser for easy access and management of video files.

    PC Video Converter
    The free desktop video converter that comes with MobileDVD is a powerful media tool that supports a wide variety of codecs and video formats formats, and allows you to create small video files for playback on mobile phones.
    Embedded video player, allowing you to preview the files that will be converted;

    Ability co convert just selected parts of video files;
    Ability to split the original video file into multiple segments for easier unload on memory cards;
    Adjustable quality parameters for video streams, allowing you to create video file for your needs and preference;
    Adjustable target device screen resolution;
    Compression with the most commonly used video and audio codecs DivX, XDiv and Lame MP3.


    Attached File(s)

    [​IMG] MobileDVD_S60_3_0_v_2_0_Signed_1_.sis.part1.rar ( 1.46MB )
    [​IMG] MobileDVD_S60_3_0_v_2_0_Signed_1_.sis.part2.rar ( 1.31MB )
  9. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Resco Photo Viewer v4.50 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1

    Turn your Nokia into a mobile digital photo album.
    Easy-to-use, fast and powerful viewer;
    use to view, organize and share your images and to give attractive presentations.


    Which images:

    * Images taken by your built-in Nokia camera
    * Images taken by your digicam
    (Did you ever try to insert another MMC card into your phone?)
    * Images received via email, MMS, beam etc.
    * These formats are supported:
    JPG (incl. progressive),
    GIF, animated GIF,
    BMP (incl. OS2 and RLE-compressed),

    What can you do with an image:

    * view (full scale or reduced)
    * zoom, rotate
    * edit (adjust colors, brightness, contrast)
    * resize
    * crop (save image cut-outs) NEW!
    * exchange (via MMS, email, Bluetooth or infrared)
    * manage (copy, move, rename, delete)

    What else can you do:

    * watch animations
    * view multi-page faxes NEW!
    * run slide show with attractive transition effects
    * manage folders

    Other features:

    * speed (fastest viewer on the market)
    * list or icon view with three different icon sizes
    * resize images to fit or fill the screen, display in full size
    * multi-selection support for file operations, beam and slideshow


    Certified by Symbian signed
    Improved TIFF/FAX support
    Support for JPEG2000 file extensions
    More slideshow durations (up to 5 minutes)
    Add image to contact
    Improved support for Nokia E90
    Improved quality of zoomed out images
    Info about currently displayed image
    Optional ask before exiting application

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia N71, N73, N80, N91, N92, N93,
    Nokia E50, E60, E61, E62, E70,
    Nokia 3250, 5500 Sport

    Các file đính kèm:

    g_phuonganh thích bài này.
  10. tichau

    tichau Guest

    PhoNetInfo v1.6.0.S60v3.U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Author : Patrick Frei

    Features: Information about the following topics can be retrieved: Phone manufacturer and model, firmware version, battery level, WLAN MAC, bluetooth device address, IMEI, running tasks, active profile settings, network signal strength and cell ID, network name / ID and country code, CPU speed / type and architecture, size of RAM and ROM, etc.

    PhoNetInfo is a software that retrieves detailed phone and network information. It runs on Symbian S60 3rd edition mobile phones (e.g. Nokia 3250, 5500, 5700, 6110, 6120, 6121, 6290, 6500, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80 [see README ch. 3], N81, N91, N92, N93, N95, E50, E51, E60, E61, E62, E65, E70, E90).

    1.6.0 changes from 1.5.0 September 29, 2007

    Fixes, changes and additions:

    Profile tab:
    --> Fixed bug in "Warning tones" (application reported warning tones as 'off'
    when they were 'on' and vice versa)

    Network tab:
    --> Fixed typo (it should be "... strength", not "... strenght")

    HAL tab:
    --> Added the following new phone models to the CPU ABI type and CPU
    architecture programming routines to correctly distinguish between
    ARM11 and ARM4 CPUs:
    ====> Nokia E51 (0x20002D7B)
    ====> Nokia N81 8GB (0x20002D83)
    ====> Nokia N95-3 NAM (0x2000060B)
    ====> Nokia N95 8GB (0x20002D84)

    More info: ​

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] PhoNetInfo_v1.6.0_Unsigned.zip ( 72.33K )
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