Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. tichau

    tichau Guest

    MobiMedic - First Aid Advice On Your S60V3 - J2ME [CHI]


    MobiMedic is an application java that contains all the necessary information (anymore the images) for a ready help to the people. Ideal to know whether to do in case of traumas, wounds and so much other.

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] MobiMedic___First_Aid_On_Your_Phone_1.0_S60_v3.rar ( 189.03K )
  2. tichau

    tichau Guest

    ChatMX Mobile v2 Beta Out now - Mobile to Mobile Chat Application


    ChatMX Mobile is a prototype group chat application developed for mobile devices supporting Adobe FlashLite Player. Users can send messages to each other from Mobile to Mobile, PC to Mobile and Mobile to PC.

    ChatMX Mobile is optimized for 176x208 screen resolutions running FlashLite player.


    This application is useful for chatting from a mobile location from any cellular phone running FlashLite. ChatMX Mobile uses GPRS connectivity to send receive message which costs less if compared with traditional SMS messaging.

    Required : Flashlite 2.x

    PS - This is a new Beta version released with more compatibility

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] chatmx_mobile2_beta.zip ( 20.93K )
  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Security [Alarm for mobile phones-J2ME]


    The program works this way. You open security. If nobody touches a whatever key of the telephone security it doesn't play. If someone presses an instead any key of the telephone security starts to play and will feel a siren type that of the police and the display of the telephone changes color!
    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] Security.zip ( 22.19K )
  4. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Bitween MyLook v1.03 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d Cr*ck*d-BiNPDA


    MyLook is an incredible application that let you change at
    predefined interval the wallpaper of your phone so you can
    create different image calendar per your selection once create
    in the list of image to be rolled out. Mylook is an incredible
    application that boost your multimedia phone.

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] Bitween.MyLook.v1.03.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.Unsigned.Cracked_BiNPDA.rar ( 588.08K )
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Seven mail J2ME


    Here is seven mail in J2ME for Nokia Mobiles that support java MIDP2.0, it worked on mokia 6230i, nokia E65 tested.

    This version support Oulook Web Access (OWA), GMAIL, YAHOO, IMAP and POP, its simple
    and deserve to try it.
    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] 7mailJ2ME.rar ( 409.02K )​
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Slick v0.27

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    • Supported protocols:
      ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN
    • Text messaging
    • Emoticons
    • Alerts - sound, backlight, vibration, notify window displaying number of new messages
    • Group and buddy management (add, delete, rename)
    • Message history
    • Downloading files sent as links
    • More features to be added
    nguyenhuyphuxxx thích bài này.
  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Active Notes
    Advanced notes manager(e90) now for all s60 3rd edition! In addition to text, you can embed images, sounds, videos, contact cards, Web bookmarks and files/documents. It saves all your jottings and object goodness in plain HTML format in an 'Activenotes' folder, from where you could drag them onto your desktop, objects and all, for further manipulation.




    Attached Files

    [​IMG]Active Notes.zip (684.9 KB) ​
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    KISS60 beta - 0.8.5 (18/10/2007) [Free Flash Lite screensavers]

    KISS60 is a free mobile application that allows you to use, manage and enjoy Flash Lite screensavers on S60 phones.

    Please UNINSTALL previous version before installing new one

    1 Download and extract screensaver ZIP file

    2 Send it to your phone via Bluetooth or cable

    3 When you receive the file on your phone, see options menu and set the Flash Lite content as wallpaper or screensaver, where available.

    Compatible with:

    Nokia 3250, 5500 sport, 5700, 6110 Navigator, 6120 Classic, 6121 Classic, 6290, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N71, N73, N73 ME, N75, N76, N77, N80, N80 IE, N81, N81 8GB, N91, N91 ME, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 8GB, N95-3 NAM

    Attached Files[​IMG]KISS60.0.8.5.zip (297.1 KB)
    tuan_new and spiderboy2 like this.
  9. tichau

    tichau Guest

    MobileMaths V1.7 J2ME



    The full version of MobileMaths program is the most powerful mathematical tool for mobile. The software is must-have for students, engineers and researchers. MobileMaths program includes a lot of applications with a large of features. The famous mobilemaths is designed in order to fullfill the needs of every one(student, engineer, researcher... .). By using mobilemaths you can make your handset as home computer and will get substantially all of the computing capabilities desired by a large fraction of the public. All the calculations made by mobilemaths are very accurate. The program is proposed for mobile phones running java (MIDP 2.0, cldc 1.1).

    Chancelog version 1.7:

    Revised version of MobileMaths version 1.6

    Supported languages included:


    Note:This is a trial version but it works well: made a will on N73.

    Attached Files

    [​IMG]MobileMaths V1.7.zip (300.4 KB)
  10. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Marek Sedivy Bt Info v1.08 S60 J2ME

    Program to control and read informations from other phone



    Connect via BT/Irda
    Reading SMS
    Changing time/alarms
    Pressing keys...

    Các file đính kèm:

    truongss, MaiDinh and Pham Hoai Nam like this.
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