Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Unyverse Wikipedia J2ME
    Search Wikipedia from your mobile phone. Download the complete article with a formatting optimized for small mobile device screens. You can also save your favorite articles to your phone and read them even when you are offline. The Unyverse client software is designed to ensure fast access and navigation within Wikipedia articles, while minimizing the wireless network usage cost. It works on all Java J2ME (MIDP 2.0) and Windows Mobile phones, and requires a data plan from your wireless provider.

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  2. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Navigon mobile navigator v6.3 Uns*gn*d

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Navigon 6.3 runs on N95 n s60v3 fones


    A good news for all Navigon fans. The new Navigon 6.3 runs now on the N95, 6110 Navigator, E90 and a lot more devices.And it not only run on these devices it also find the internal GPS. I try to test this navigatiosystem as soon as possible.

    * Intuitive User interface
    * Lane assistant
    * Map material of europa with 38 countries
    * Quickest, shortest and ideal route
    * Real signpost display
    * Precise audio messages
    * Speed assistant
    * "Go home" function
    * 2D/3D view
    * Route planning with diverse reference points
    * Door-to-door navigation
    * Friendfinder

    The new generation of the navigation software MobileNavigator 6 is not only a brilliant invention concerning its numerous features. The easy operability of the navigation software was the ultimate ambition in the development of the graphic surface. See for yourself!

  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    MTVoid Calcium V3.0 s60v3


    Calcium is a fast, easy to use calculator for your S60 phone
    Getting tired of the S60 calculator? We were, so we made our own. Using some of the concepts that make ControlFreak so easy to use, we removed the need to select on-screen buttons and moved all the operations to the joystick. Doing basic calculations on your phone is now only a couple of clicks away.

    So how fast is it?

    Try this simple example: start the standard calculator and do 2/3 x 7. It takes 13 clicks. Using Calcium it only takes 6!

    Best of all, it's free

    Calcium is completely free and works with all 1st, 2nd edition S60 phones.

  4. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Unyverse Contacts S60v3 J2ME- Freeware


    Manage your contacts from your web browser and get them automatically on your phone. Type in some contact information in your mobile when you meet someone, and it is automatically uploaded to your web account. With Unyverse Contacts, your contacts are always in sync between your mobile and your web account.

    • Automatic Contact Synchronization with your Unyverse Web Account : all your contacts are synced between your mobile phone and your web account.
    • New Contact: Enter the Home and Mobile phone, Email, Address, Company, Notes.
    • Quick Contact Lookup: Browse the complete list of contacts and filter by typing the first few letters of the name.
    • One click call : simply click on the Call menu item to call the selected contact
    • Groups: Create groups to organize your contacts by e.g. Family, Friends, Business, etc...
    • Skype and Google maps integration : on your web account, you can call any contact via Skype and locate the contact adress with Google Maps
    Start application and Get an account from its site.

  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Four Vista Clock Screensaver/Wallpaper

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Four really cool Vista Clock Flashlite Screensavers/Wallpapers for your S60 phones.

    - Black background with round Vista icon.
    - Black background with Non-round Vista icon.
    - White background with round Vista icon.
    - White background with Non-round Vista icon

    Requirement : Flashlite 2.X

    PS - I searched but invain, so if this has been already posted either by naughtypope or gkataria, please delete it.

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    MaiDinh thích bài này.
  6. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Slick Version : 0.28


    Version history
    0.20 (Sep 7 2007) Initial testing version
    0.21 (Sep 11 2007) Fixed vibration crash, UIQ version, setting own status, setting auto-away mode after some time, receiving messages from users not in contact list, detecting and opening web links, reconnect option
    0.22 (Sep 26 2007) Dialog tabs, file download from url, download manager, traffic counter (on Shift key), Send by Enter key (option), groups that contain only offline contacts are hidden, drawing new msg icon also on collapsed groups, receiving html messages on ICQ/AIM
    0.23 (Oct 1 2007) Yahoo audibles, UIQ buttons, separate groups for each protocol, group management: create, delete, rename, buddy management: rename, change group
    0.24 (Oct 6 2007) MSN protocol
    0.25 (Oct 10 2007) Saving message history
    0.26 (Oct 14 2007) Online/total buddy count near group name, protocol-specific emoticons
    0.27 (Oct 17 2007) Fixed vibration crash (S60 3rd ed), fixed crash with emoticon selection, protocol logging
    0.28 (Oct 23 2007) Option to connect automatically or manually, better login progress display, protocol connection menu, option for more compact message display, optional message time display

    Các file đính kèm:

  7. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    EQ Calculator


    Another good alternative to the standard kalkulyatoru.Prost in the development, convenient for a large number of calculations, because unlike a standard calculator, every button (including joystick) perform obpredelennuyu operation. Appearance depends entirely on the topic.

    Call-button switching between functions, the numbers.
    Pencil-switching between latitudes \ radianami. When active futsnktsiyah translates current value deg

    Các file đính kèm:

  8. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Alarma Xmovil


    This another AlarmaXmovil
    with a strange laughter.
    this apps is a sort of security alarm for your phone

    Các file đính kèm:

    hoangloc11 thích bài này.
  9. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Icnvrge.Mobile.Anti.Theft.v1.00.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1 .Uns*gn*d.Cr*ck*d-BiNPDA


    Description :
    Mobile Anti – Theft is an application that ensures high-level security for your mobile phone. At present, there is no practical possibility of getting back your mobile phone, in-case it gets stolen.​

    However, with this software installed on your phone, as soon as the thief steals your phone and removes your sim card, replacing it with a new sim card, a message will be discreetly triggered to 3 predefined numbers, specified by the owner of the handset, in the Mobile Anti – Theft application. The thief will not be aware of this message being sent, as it will automatically get deleted from the sent folder. Thus, all 3 predefined numbers now have the perpetrators new phone number, making it extremely easy to track him or her down, and get back your cell phone! ​

    nqt0045 thích bài này.
  10. tichau

    tichau Guest

    SymbianOn.Mobile.Help.Genius.v2.00.S60v3.SymbianOS 9.1.Uns*gn*d.Cr*ck*d-BiNPDA


    Mobile Help Genius is a multi-purpose application with lots of functions:
    • Phone Guardian: protects the user if the phone is lost. If another SIM card has been plugged into the phone, a message will be automatically sent out to pre-defined mobile numbers. This way users can get to know the founder's or thief's mobile number. Code:
    • Turning the phone on and off. "Turn on": an alarm will be set automatically to remind you to turn the phone on. "Turn off": the phone will be turned off automatically at predefined time
    • Record phone call conversations without limitations: a simple press of the predefined key combination will start and stop recording
    • Record voice notes without limitations: a predefined key combination will start recording anytime, on any screen. There is no need to switch to the application to start recording
    • Capture screenshots
    • Keyboard autolock
    • Multi-function key: assign functions to a key. Currently two functions are supported: 'screen capture' and 'launch application'.
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