Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Mobile GMaps v1.39.01


    Mobile GMaps is a FREE application that displays maps from Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, Windows Live Local (MSN Virtual Earth), Ask.com, Open Street Map and other sources on Java J2ME-enabled mobile phones, PDAs and other devices. MGMaps can connect to a GPS receiver over bluetooth or use internal GPS features on some phones in order to automatically display the map for your current position. You can pre-download maps and store them on your memory card in order to use them on the go without accessing the internet.

    Mobile GMaps is distributed under the Attribution - NonCommercial - NoDerivs Creative Commons license. You may download, use and distribute the application free of charge only for personal, non-commercial purposes

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] mgmaps.rar ( 206.4K )
    cuthitam and hungntnn like this.
  2. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    A4 Chinese Input Method -S60 3rd(Unsigned)

    For all the people out there who are looking for a new chinese input method instead of the traditional T9. This one is quite good. Please do not ask me how to sign the app or use it. Instructions are in the .rar. Look at the forum. App is stable. Tested and working 100%, no serial needed.

    For those of you who know CHinese..its called A4智能输入法-S60 3rd v1.1.016

    v1.1.016 更新说明:

    1. 增加界面设置功能,可以自定义窗口背景、圆角及阴影等效果(在ZTA4里面进行设置)。
    2. 增加屏蔽输入法功能(在ZTA4里面进行设置)。
    3. 增加文本区光标在输入内容首尾移动的功能。
    4. 添加长按【笔键】进行复制粘贴功能。
    5. 优化符号表输入,实现所有符号免摇杆输入:
    长按【*键】弹出符号表,【*键】向下逐行移动,【0键】向上逐行移动,支持【数字键】快捷选择符号,() 、《》、{}等符号支持成对输出!

    PLease sign the app yourself

    Attached image(s) [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] A4_S60.203rd_1.1.016.rar ( 732.31K )
  3. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Smartphoneware Best Dictaphone v1.01 S60v3

    Use FSCaller 2.o4 to generate the key

    email: 1@23

    tested on nokia n93

    Best Dictaphone user guide:

    Are you going to purchase a dictaphone? Don't hurry because you can turn your favorite phone into that device - just with one hotkey press! Best Dictaphone allows you recording an important idea and even a phone conversation!

    How to start:


    * 1. Assign hot key(s);
    * 2. Open settings and customize the options you need;
    * 3. Activate Best Dictaphone by Joystick click;
    * After this you can close the configuration application and press an assigned hot key at any time. When Best Dictaphone starts recording you will see a small window with time counter.

    Best Dictaphone features:


    * Start/Stop recording by one hotkey press at any time;
    * Recording phone conversations;
    * Unlimited record time! Limitation only by disk space;
    * Custom hot key for recording start/stop;
    * Multi hot keys;
    * Shift (Pen) 3 times hot key;
    * User defined folder for recorded files;
    * Customize sound beep before and after recording;
    * Customize default record file name;
    * Autostart option;
    * Custom record file format (wav or amr);
    * Play records directly from application;

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    quecui and ndthanh1369 like this.
  4. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Flv Player *hot* Flashlite

    Đây là phần mềm mà tôi đã chờ đợi từ rất lâu rồi: trình chiếu trực tiếp file video có dạng *.flv (một định dang file rất thông dụng trên Net)

    Lưu ý: Phần mềm chạy trên nền FlashLife 3.0 và file video *.flv phải được đổi tên thành dạng 1.flv, 2.flv, 3.flv...và đặt trong thư mục e:/others)

    Because of this player is based on FlashLite3.0, therefore, need to install FlashLite3.0.


    This player (swf), and that empty VIDEO folder on the memory card placed in the Other folders, download movies into good FLV VIDEO folder;

    As dynamic FlashLite not read (quietly said: XML, and in fact will load UTF-8 txt, actually very troublesome, or the disk can not be read independently said), small, new, and special provision for each read three most FLV file. You

    As long as the FLV VIDEO digital document named 1. FLV, 2.FLV, 3.FLV can use this player's number keys 1.2.3 counterpart opened. Figure 4.5.6 corresponding screen rotation direction, digital 7 to continue the suspension, Digital 8 To illustrate.

    Small new players with open this swf player 30 trillion around the FLV film really very smooth. (No big tried) But in some full-screen state Kaka, the main bottleneck is the FlashLite.

    PS: This resolution is 240 * 320 specially customized. (Because duality is 240 * 320) but other machines can also play, the time to change the cause 3250 and the horizontal screen.

    (Night writing process, the first big Welcome to jointly explore the preparation AS Kazakhstan, for the University of time once fascinated ah ~ ~ But for a long time was not really had some unfamiliar)


    guys 100% working on ma n91
    all you have to do is
    put the videos folder in e:/others
    in the videos folder put any flv file and rename it to 1.flv or 2.flv 3.flv
    then open cnpda flv player in flashplayer 3
    then press 1 your video will be opened
    press 4 and 6 for landscape mode

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] FLVplayer_CNPDA.rar ( 33.34K )

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    chauhung, MaiDinh, tamha and 23 others like this.
  5. qmai

    qmai Ex-Mod

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    Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition

    The Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition is now available for download from Adobe Labs. This is a standalone player and does not integrate with the browser, wallpaper or screensaver capabilities of Nokia mobile phones. The player is not IMEI locked which means that you can install it on any supported Nokia mobile phones.

    Here is the list of supported Nokia S60 3rd edition devices:

    3250, 5500 Sport, 5700, 6110 Navigator, 6120 Classic, 6121 Classic, 6290, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N71, N73, N73 Music Edition, N75, N76, N77, N80, N80 IE, N81, N81 8GB, N82, N91, N91 8GB, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N95 US 3G, N95 8GB

    The Flash Lite 3 Developer Edition is a standalone player for supported mobile phones to allow developers to test their Flash Lite 3 applications before commercial devices start shipping with the full version of Flash Lite 3 pre-installed. This installer only supports standalone content and cannot be used to view SWF files that are embedded in a mobile web browser or to test any type of personalization content such as wallpapers or screensavers.


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  6. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    One View Systems Voice Reminder v1.0 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Cr*cked BiNPDA


    R E L E A S E D E S C R I P T I O N

    Voice Reminder is an application to keep track of important
    events and notify the user through voice and text messages at
    predefined instances.

    The application helps the user to save time by recording voice
    message as reminder in the device instead of typing text

    Voice Reminder also helps the user to make only a single entry
    for events repeating on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly


    * add a new reminder entry.
    * option for recording the voice note.
    * view/edit the reminder entry.
    * search entries for a particular date.
    * delete a selected reminder entry.
    * options for setting repeat rule like daily, weekly, monthly
    and yearly.

    Note: Looks like only not repeating reminders are shown in app
    windows and the rest can be found in active standby screen.
    Don\'t know if a feature, bug or by design.

    R E L E A S E N O T E S

    Transfer the file to your device and install
    Register with any key. (Sometimes a specific amount of chars)

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] One.View.Systems.Voice.Reminder.v1.0.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.Cr*cked_BiNPDA.rar ( 245.11K )
    gsm66666 and leloi0610 like this.
  7. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

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  8. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

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    maubun and ndthanh1369 like this.
  9. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

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  10. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Cypher Vista 1.0 beta FlashLite 2.x for 9.1/9.2

    Ulimate Cypher Vista Beta is a free FlashLite theme for Nokia S60 that allows you to customize the look and feel of your S60 2nd or 3rd Edition ESeries & NSeries mobile device by changing the application launch start menu, icons and interface and make it look & behave like Windows Vista. This theme is designed for all types of screen resolution: 176×208, 240×320 and 352×416 and supports Landscape Mode.

    Some of the key features of Cypher Vista v1.0 include:
    -Complete Windows Vista look
    -Vista Start Menu Design
    -Send SMS text messages in a new interface
    -Dial a phone number from a completely new interface
    -The theme adjusts and works fine in the Landscape mode

    Attached image(s) [​IMG]

    gsm66666, cuthitam and qtrunghp87 like this.
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