Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    SHAPE Services AllFinder v1.12 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1


    Have you ever had a time when you needed to find that message from a friend of yours with some important details? Well, your quest is solved with AllFinder, an application that will quickly and easily locate any text message, e-mail, contact or calendar event on your handset. Simply type in the keyword and press the Search button and the list with the relevant results will appear on the screen. These search results can be organized and managed in a usual manner.
    AllFinder is compatible with all Symbian S60v3 mobile devices.

    • Quick search of text/e-mail messages, contacts and calendar events.
    • Easy installation and easy to use.
    • One-time fee. All future updates included with your purchase.
    • Free 5-days full-functional trial.
    • Search by keyword or by date.
    • Customize the settings according to your preferences.
    • Find the message and forward/delete it.
    • Find the contact to call or send a message.
    • Find the calendar event and edit/delete it.

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  2. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    SHAPE Services IMPlus v6.04 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1


    IM+® Mobile Instant Messenger is a complete solution that allows users to exchange messages within the most popular IM systems (MSN®, AOL™, ICQ®, Google® Talk, Jabber® and Yahoo!®) between mobile devices and PCs in real-time.

    IM+ users can use the same accounts on mobile devices and PC regardless of the mobile operator - it's very convenient for using in business trips.

    Key Features:
    Direct and simultaneous connection to all supported IM systems: MSN®, AOL™, Yahoo!® Google® Talk,ICQ® and Jabber®
    Mobile-to-Mobile and Mobile-to-PC real-time communication.
    No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.
    One-Time Purchase Licence: all further updates included.
    You can try IM+ for 7 days absolutely free.

    New feature in v.6.04:
    Voice messaging enabled. Send and receive voice messages with IM+.
    Support requests. Send support requests directly from mobile devices.
    Global status. Set status for all IM services with one click.
    Set up melody alert. Select the melody for messages received. Select the melody when another user gets online.
    Other features:
    Message History. View correspondence with your contacts even when you're offline.
    File transfer. Excellent alternative to MMS, send files over GPRS.
    Full presence status support. Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood.
    You can see your contact's status in dialog window.
    Contact list management functions including add/delete features.
    Layout aware. Screen renovation during the orientation change (portrait and landscape).
    Multiple dialog windows. Don't miss a moment, chat with several buddies simultaneously.
    Smileys. Add emotions to your messages, a huge set of funny faces available.
    Multiple code pages support. Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone.
    Integrated help function. Easy to configure and easy to chat.

    tnl, gsm66666 and cku like this.
  3. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    WebGate SMS Spam Manager v1.01 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1
    U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d Cr++ked-BiNPDA


    SMS Spam Manager
    for Nokia S60 3rd edition devices

    No more unwanted messages and SMS Spam!


    SMS Spam Manager blocks the unwanted SMS messages without producing any sound or light indication.


    With SMS Spam Manager you can effectively filter all your incoming SMS messages.

    There are 6 different types of filters to block unwanted SMS. You have the freedom to choose whether to reject all incoming messages or to accept messages only from people listed in your phonebook. You can also choose to block incoming SMS messages from a defined phone number, from a defined prefix number and even messages that contain a defined phrase.

    With SMS Spam Manager you can tune your phone with 4 different modes and choose among 6 different filters to block junk and unwanted SMS messages:

    Accept all (inactive) - the phone will accept all incoming SMS messages.
    Block all - the phone will block all incoming SMS messages.
    Accept phonebook only - the phone will accept incoming SMS messages only from people listed in your phonebook.
    Block from black list rules - the phone will block the incoming SMS messages, which meet at least one of the rules listed below.
    Block from black list rules option allows you to filter and block incoming SMS messages in three different ways, choosing one of the three black list rules:

    Telephone number - all messages coming from a defined phone number will be blocked.
    Prefix number - all messages coming from a defined prefix number will be blocked.
    Text match - all messages that contain a defined phrase will be blocked.
    You can check all blocked messages anytime, as they are kept in "Blocked SMS log" and restore them into your SMS Inbox if needed. You can also easily check the number of messages rejected and accepted since SMS Spam Manager has been started.

    caophi thích bài này.
  4. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    WebGate Advanced Call Manager v2.62 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1
    U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d Cr++ked-BiNPDA


    Take control of your incoming calls!

    You are busy, constantly in important meetings and discussions and your mobile is always ringing in a bad moment? All you need is the Advanced Call Manager. It will handle the incoming calls for you and personalize your approach to the callers - answer with a busy tone / drop, send a kind SMS, divert calls, mute the ringer or play a personal greeting.

    "A must have for any businessman …", "Really Useful!"

    View clients' ratings of Advanced Call Manager for Sony Ericsson P800/P900/P910 View clients' ratings of Advanced Call Manager for Nokia 9300/9500

    Important Advantage

    The Advanced Call Manager unique feature is the ultra-fast recognition of remote callers which allows personalized replies (SMS, mute, reject, accept, greet, divert) to be attributed within a part of a second leaving the caller unaware of your current availability. The application rich functionality makes it a very convenient tool for any manager as it saves time by taking over the management of your incoming calls when you are too busy to do it by yourself.


    With Advanced Call Manager you can organize your phone book into custom lists like Black (people you don't like to disturb you), White list (important people who are "allowed" to call you) or any other custom lists (a very special custom group could be your family to which you can wish to send a personal SMS if somebody calls you during a meeting). The application enables you to set different actions for the groups you have defined - you can accept, reject, divert calls, send personalized SMS, play personalized greeting or mute the ringer. In SMS templates you can set special messages for each group very easily. You can do the same with the personalized greetings.

    The Advanced Call Manager lets you tune your mobile into several modes:

    Accept all calls (inactive)
    Reject all calls
    Accept Phonebook only
    Reject from black list (you have to define the list in advance)
    Accept from white list (you have to define the list in advance)
    Reject all + custom action (e.g. send SMS to your wife or girlfriend if she calls)
    Additionally you can specify:

    Reject hidden callers (you can avoid people whose numbers cannot be retrieved)
    Accept hidden callers
    For reject-call actions you can choose to:

    Send busy tone / drop
    Reply by SMS
    Divert calls
    Mute the ringer
    Send personalized greeting (only for Series 60)
    Main product features

    Ultra fast searching algorithm recognizes the remote caller within a part of the second
    Convenient management of all incoming calls
    Auto run at power-on feature*
    Status indicator of the program activity
    Tight integration with the contacts from the phone book

    tnl, trieunam, caophi and 2 others like this.
  5. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    mIRGGI v0.02b - The first IRC client for S60 3rd Edition devices

    What Is It?

    mIRGGI is the first IRC client for S60 3rd Edition devices. It is currently in early stages because I just began writing it on 10th of March. I've been meaning to do this for a long time but haven't gotten to it. I don't like the J2ME IRC clients (one big reason is that they suck up a lot of memory on S60) and I don't like using PuTTY, especially on devices without keyboard. Also their fonts are quite ugly (I like small vector fonts, as is obvious from this release
    This is a hobby project and mainly targeted at my needs but I will try to find some relaxing time to enhance it. And especially the things that bother me personally will get fixed fast. There are most certainly some bugs but I have successfully used it for several hours at a time via GPRS without problems.
    There will be also a version for 2nd Edition devices later on. mIRGGI has also been seen for a selected few as a terminal IRC client for Linux and Windows. Those versions haven't been updated for a loooong time and were never really released. I might do a version for Windows Mobile someday, too.



    Where Is It Now?

    The current version is 0.02 beta. It contains the following functionality:
    • connecting to one server
    • joining channels
    • query windows for private chatting
    • 10k per channel/query backlog
    • jumping to desired window with numpad
    • ident daemon
    • UTF-8 decoding
    • T9 can be used
    • usually needed commands implemented
    • the font is small and nice (at least on tested devices)
    • the memory requirements should be very small
    • settings for autojoin and autoquery on connection
    • will not be bloated with unneeded themes, skins, scripts, now playing -crap etc
    How To Use It?

    First, change the settings (they are automatically displayed when running mIRGGI for the first time). Input nick, username, realname and server. Press back and then connect.
    If you want mIRGGI to connect to channels or open query windows on startup, input them to Auto windows setting. Separate channels and nicks with commas. If you need keys for channels, you can input them too. Example: #channel key,&channel2,nick1,nick2 will open #channel with a key, &channel2 without a key and query windows for nicks nick1 and nick2. These windows are numbered 1-4 and you can use keys 1-4 to quickswitch to them.
    NOTE! Disconnecting and connecting or connecting after network disconnection might not work. Close mIRGGI and start again. Yes, this will be fixed.
    To input text, press enter or OK button. This will bring the cursor to the input line at the bottom of the screen. Press enter or OK to send the line/command. If you don't want to type anything, pressing OK/enter on an empty line disables inputting. If the line starts with / it is considered a command, otherwise the text is sent to the channel or query target.
    When not inputting text, left/right change the windows. Also pressing 0-9 will jump to that window (0 is always the server window, channels and queries start from 1). Up/down will scroll the current window. At the moment, the window scrolls down when new text arrives. I know, this can be annoying sometimes.
    Windows are created when joining to a channel or starting a query. They are not closed if you leave a channel at this time. You can use /cquery command to change the nick in the current query window if the other party changes their nick.
    What Commands Does It Support?

    Commands start with / as usual and the following commands are supported: msg, nick, join, leave, part, query, cquery, mode, me, topic, away, who, whois, whowas. Mode accepts * as the first parameter which means the current channel.
    All other lines starting with / are sent as-is to the server, like /quote command on some clients. So you can also send commands that are not on the list, you just might have to add : characters to certain places.
    mIRGGI also should be CTCP compliant as it provides responses to these required CTCP messages: CLIENTINFO, VERSION, PING. Also CTCP ACTIONs are shown and sent. mIRGGI does not yet implement sending these.

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  6. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    scanR v1.01

    scanR Scan, Copy and Fax

    scanR turns your camera phone into a scanner, copier and fax. Scan business cards, fax documents and capture whiteboard notes.
    The Java version works with many recent camera phones.
    The Symbian version requires a Series 60 3rd Edition phone.
    scanR is working on support for more phone models. If your model is not supported, you can email pictures directly from your phone. See scanR.com for more information.

    caophi thích bài này.
  7. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Mobile Systems Woman Mobile v2.10 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 R*gg*d-SyMPDA


    WomanMobile is a medical calendar for the S60 platform designed to assist women in keeping accurate records of their menstrual cycle. It is also a handy assistant when it comes to contraception, family planning and getting control over one's body... and life.

    Menstrual Calendar
    The software predicts the future menstrual cycles and ovulation periods. You can keep track and view in a glance information on:

    * Menstrual Cycle Days
    * Ovulation Days
    * Future Cycles

    Daily Diary
    Keep the important information about your body and life in one safe depository. With Woman Mobile your can record daily information of your

    * Basal Temperature
    * *** Intercourses
    * Protection
    * Doctor Appointments
    * Personal Notes

    Moreover, Woman Mobile allows you to see visual charts of your menstrual periods and temperature.
    Your diary, charts and notes are password protected and encrypted.

    Assistance in Everyday Life at Hand
    Woman Mobile is also indispensable help when it comes to:

    * Planning of vacations or travels, sport competitions, and special events- Now you will always know the time when you will not be having your period and plan your activities.
    * Natural Family Planing- your fertility periods are determine by your ovulation. The software will calculate your fertility days and indicate them in green.
    * You Life- if you have heavy PMS you will be prepared when to expect bad disposition and the upcoming emotional changes, and plan your life accordingly.
    * *** Life- if you are dating it will be good to choose the appropriate time for a special night.

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N75 (S60 Erd Edition)
    Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N80 IE (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N91 8Gb (S60 3rd Ed.)
    Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition)

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] Mobile_1_.Systems.Woman.Mobile.v2.10.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.R*gg*d_avi_SyMPDA.rar ( 223.01k )
  8. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Screenshot v2.60.SymbianOs9.1


    Easily capture screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones.
    Screenshot for Symbian OS is a FREE program to take screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones (UIQ or S60).
    You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM format.
    The screenshot can be sent directly to a PC via Bluetooth or infrared and another mobile phone.
    Furthermore, you can customize the shortcut key, file name and delay of capturing.
    It supports continuous mode that allows you to capture screenshot every a few seconds.

    Supported devices: for Nokia 3250, N71, N73, N80, N91, N95, E50, E60, E61, E62, E70.

    Attached File(s)

    [​IMG] Screenshot_v2.60.SymbianOs9.1.rar ( 117.55k )
    g_phuonganh and gsm66666 like this.
  9. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    @All: Tôi nhắc lại:

    1/ Đây là topic cập nhật và giới thiệu phần mềm mới. Các bạn không nên post bài thắc mắc ở đây !. Tất cả các bài post sai chủ đề sẽ bị xóa !.

    2/ Hãy đọc kỹ hướng dẫn cách cài đặt và m.ở k.h.ó.a (có trong 90% trường hợp) trong các file đính kèm trước khi hỏi.........bằng cách PM cho tác giả bài viết. Nếu link die thì PM cho tắc giả, không được post bài làm lạc chủ đề của topic !

    3/ Gần đây xuất hiện nhiều PM, yêu cầu phải sign riêng cho từng máy, rồi thì mới có thể cài đặt được. Do vậy, các bạn nên cố gắng tự làm lấy, không khó lắm đâu, đã có topic riêng hướng dẫn chi tiết !.

    Ví dụ: 02 PM (ACM và ADL) trong các bài viết trước. Các bạn phải sign file ACM gốc để cài đặt vào mobile trước và lại còn phải sign cả file ACM.Cr*ck để cài vào sau để m.ở kh.ó.a.

    Mong các bạn hợp tác để tôi không phải nhắc nhở và cảnh cáo vi phạm !.
  10. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Quod Software QuodDb v1.09g S60v3



    QuodDB is a generic database application aimed at mobile devices. As a database it allows you to store your own defined information in a organized way – for example your business clients or suppliers or your personal music collection or book collection, even your appointments or general contacts.

    Key Features

    - Native Symbian OS application developed in C++, only 200K (*) more on your device.
    - Possible column types include text, integer, phone number, date, time, user defined list between others.
    - Speed dial for fields of phone number type.
    - Direct Import and Export of PC produced CSV and TXT files.
    - Sort by any database column.
    - Improved user interface that allows easy database access and - lookup even in a limited mobile phone.
    - Advanced filtering and lookup options.
    - Available in English, German, Spanish, French and Portuguese.


    QuodDB is a set of tree main modules :

    - Data definition : Where you can define the structure of your database. For example you will be able to define that you want to create the database "MyBussiness" containg a particular business related information with the tables "clients" and "products". Check the example of a possible database in the picture bellow :


    - Data edition : Where you can insert information related to a pre-defined table, for example in the current table "clients" above you would be able to insert new clients and the fields "ID", name and Phone would be present.
    - Reports : The output module where you can access the inserted information. Here you can list any table and apply filters or other operations on the inserted data.

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