Ứng dụng mới cập nhật Symbian OS 9 (Phần II)

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 29 Tháng mười hai 2007.

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  1. jaychan9x

    jaychan9x Thành viên

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    Bluetooth guard
    Giới thiệu
    Bạn là người thường xuyên sử dụng bluetooth? Bạn có bao giờ lo lắng về virus, lỗi… lây lan qua con đường này không? Làm sao để bảo vệ “dế” yêu của mình khỏi các nguy cơ đó bây giờ?

    BT Guard là một ứng dụng bảo mật và tự động tắt bluetooth khi bạn không sử dụng nữa. Bạn sẽ không cần phải ghi nhớ việc tắt bluetooth nữa và điện thoại sẽ tránh khỏi tất cả các lỗi, bệnh lây lan qua đường này.
    Bạn có thể đặt chế độ tự động hoặc hỏi bạn trước khi tắt bluetooth. Khi bluetooth đã tắt, pin của bạn sẽ không bị tiêu tốn nhiều và người sử dụng sẽ có thể sử dụng điện thoại lâu hơn, không mất công sạc nhiều lần.

    Ngoài ra, bạn có thể cài đặt thời gian cụ thể chương trình sẽ tắt bluetooth. Đây cũng là một cách cài đặt được khá nhiều người sử dụng ưa thích. Dựa vào công việc, hành động cụ thể sử dụng bluetooth, người sử dụng sẽ quyết định được khoảng thời gian đó.

    Tương thích Nokia 5500, Nokia E50, Nokia E60, Nokia E61, Nokia E62, Nokia E70, Nokia N71, Nokia N73, Nokia N75, Nokia N80, Nokia N91, Nokia N92, Nokia N93, Nokia N95, Nokia 3250, Nokia N Series, Nokia E Series, Nokia E65, Nokia N76, Nokia E61i, Nokia N73 Music Edition, Nokia N77, Nokia E90, Nokia 6120, Nokia 5700, Nokia 6110 Navigator, LG KS 10, Nokia E51, Nokia N81, Nokia 6121, Samsung SGH-i400, Samsung SGH-i520, Nokia N82, Nokia N93i, Nokia 6290, Samsung SGH-i560, Samsung SGH-i550, Samsung SGH-i450, Nokia N95 8GB, Nokia N81 8GB, Nokia N91 8 GB, Nokia N96, Nokia 6210 Navigator, Nokia 6220 Classic, Samsung G810, Nokia N78
    link dow...
    http://www.box.net/rssdownload/128187929/SymbianGuru BT Guard 1.00 S60v3.zip
    cku, nvtinh, chauhung and 2 others like this.
  2. cku

    cku Thành viên

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    SHAPE.Services.IMPlus.v7.08.S60v3.Symbia nOS9.1.Cr@cked-illusion

    Bản mới nhất Version 7.08 ra ngày hôm qua 24/5/08.
    Đã fix lỗi Yahoo Messenger.

    down ở đây

    IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger

    Chat with IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger within AIM®/iChat, MSN®/Windows Live™ Messenger, Yahoo!®, ICQ®, Jabber®, Google Talk™ and MySpace® IM from your mobile device in real-time. Communicate with friends and colleagues wherever you are regardless of location and mobile operator.


    Main Benefits:

    - Simultaneous connection to all supported IM systems.
    - No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.
    - One-Time Purchase License: all further updates included.

    Key Features:

    - Message History. View correspondence with your contacts even when you're offline.
    - Search in contact list and chat history.
    - A list of contacts who you have new messages from will be displayed by focusing on the envelope in the upper right-hand corner.
    - Template Messages. Send a messages using templates. Create your own templates for your messages
    - Voice messaging enabled. Send and receive voice messages with IM+.
    - File transfer. Excellent alternative to MMS, send files and photos over GPRS.
    - Full presence status support. Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood.
    - Contact list management functions including add/delete features.
    - Layout aware. Screen renovation during the orientation change (portrait and landscape).
    - Set up melody alert. Select the melody for messages received. Select the melody when another user gets online.
    - Multiple dialog windows. Don't miss a moment, chat with several buddies simultaneously.
    - Smileys. Add emotions to your messages, a huge set of funny faces available.
    - Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone.
    - Integrated help function. Easy to configure and easy to chat.
    - Support requests. Send support requests directly from mobile devices.
    strenghofspeech and jaychan9x like this.
  3. jaychan9x

    jaychan9x Thành viên

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    athars and GMGMGMGMGMGM like this.
  4. jaychan9x

    jaychan9x Thành viên

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    BuddyCloud v0.01.392 S60v3

    Đây là phần mềm tương tự như 1 cuốn sổ địa chỉ với nhiều tính năng tiện ích như thông báo tâm trạng của bạn, chat tán gẫu trực tuyến với chức năng tạo nhóm, chủ đề.Hay tính năng định vị vị trí của bạn cũng như bất cứ ai trong danh sách (Cái này chưa test được)


    athars thích bài này.
  5. jaychan9x

    jaychan9x Thành viên

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    athars, hddh and hoangloc11 like this.
  6. jaychan9x

    jaychan9x Thành viên

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    LCG Jukebox 2.17 Patched Authentication.Check
    Thông thường khi dùng bản Jukebox 2.15 trở lên thì sẽ gặp tình trạng check tính hợp lệ của KKK qua internet và ko dùng đwowcj.Vì vậy hầu hết mọi người đều dùng bản 2.14 (Nhưng khi cài lại phải chỉnh lại ngày giờ rất bất tiện)

    Đây là bản LCG Jukebox đã loại bỏ phần check tính hợp lệ của K*y qua internet và phần Update.
    Sẽ ko gặp tình trạng này nữa:

  7. jaychan9x

    jaychan9x Thành viên

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  8. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    Beeper,Multifunctional for S60 devices
    Beeper: Multifunctional freeware utility for S60 devices

    Beeper for S60What does it do? It is really hard to say what the Beeper is because it is the multifunctional application with lot of handy and highly customizable features.

    The application itself is similar to Timebar but it has more useful features and completely configurable window which allow you to select where and which information you want to display. Application of course stays resident in memory and continues to update the display in real time.
    However, what is most interesting about this application is that everything is under control, bar is completely customizable, fonts, colors, items, everything. You can change the Bar size, Bar position and Bar color. It is the same with the text and application allows you to change the Text style, Text color and of course Text position. Furthermore it supports the bunch of items to choose from, you can choose between the Time, Date, Ram, Signal and battery.
    Basically it is capable to show the any system information anywhere on your display and not only on the standby screen, clock, or date, or ram will be displayed on the top of all layers so no matter what you are currently working and which application is active you’ll always be able to check the necessary information with the zero effort.
    Beeper for S60 Beeper for S60
    Beside the Bar functionality it is also capable to play a sound file of your choice for the every hour or to use one sound as the alert for all 24 hours. If you want the same tone for all hours than it will be enough to select a single sound but if you want to have your own custom Big Ben chimes you’ll have to select a folder that contains 24 sound files named as 00.mp3 …. . . .24.mp3 where the 00-23 are sounds for hours, while the file 24 is for battery.

    Of course notification volume is also adjustable but keep in mind that notifications will not work if your phone is in silent mode. There is an also option to set this hour notification to be activate only from 6 through 23 for example and give you a chance to sleep on the night without interruption by sound notifications.
    Beeper for S60 Beeper for S60

    That’s not all of course, there is many additional features make this small application much more practical all in one solution. For instance, you can track the battery charging and choose the sound that will warn you once when the battery is full.

    There is also a handy Program starter and you can choose which allows you to choose one application that will be started automatically for certain time. Further more there is an option Restart the phone, Export SMS messages to the txt file and quite surprising call recording feature with customizable pat and format.

    The last but not the least there is an embed simplified version of the his WakeUpMe soft which basically means that it has fully customizable WakeUp assistant that lets you WakeUp with any of your favorite songs, albums or radio stations.
    Beeper for S60 Beeper for S60

    The best of all, applications is completely free and you’ll get all these useful features free of charge and therefore you should give it a try. If nothing else, once you start using Beeper you'll know exactly what time it is, clock, calendar or any other item can stay always on top and inform you about the time or system status.

    To get it to work you have to install latest Python version. It is also high suggestible to install application and Python in the phone's memory (C: drive). There is no need to sign Beeper but if you sign it Beeper will autostart with phone.

    There is also no need for the module Miso, but if you install Miso module and if vibra is enabled in the active profile, Beeper will use vibra with sound notification.
    If you like this application you should try some of other Damian's applications like[​IMG]ySnake, pyPiwo, pyRybka, pyMoneta, pyPoziomica, WakeUpMe, pyEkran, pyGenerator, pyGadacz, pyRestart, Lottomat and lovely PC application Signomat.
    Hour Power
    Source: Author: Teo

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  9. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    Group Creator v.98 s60v3{reads the mobile phones contact list and group them}

    Group Creator is a small freeware that reads the mobile phone contact list and group them according to the settings. There are group rules by company, city, country, family name, note and job title. Group Creator uses the group functionality in the phone book to organize your contacts by adding them to existing groups. If the group not exists Group Creator will create the group. Group Creator never removes or deletes anything, it only adds.

    Group your contacts by select Group contacts in soft menu. Open the soft menu by press down the navigation key or left soft key.

    Group Creator requires Symbian S60 3rd edition (ie. Nokia 6120,N73,N82,N95,E51,E65,E90, etc) or later.

    Changes log

    - Main menu is now divided in three parts, My Contacts, Settings and Latest changes.

    * My Contacts shows a short summary in following format: number of contacts/number of groups/number of total grouped contacts (percent of number of grouped contacts). By pressing navigation key it is possible to group contacts, undo and delete groups as well to open Contacts group view.
    * Settings shows a short summary of the current settings. By pressing navigation key it is possible to change settings in the settings menu for group rule (city, company, country, family name, job title and note) and minimum of number of contacts in one group (1-99).
    * Latest changes shows time and date when the latest changes are made. By pressing the navigation key a dialog will opened with more information about the latest changes.

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    intel05 and vithudu like this.
  10. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    LiveStream Mobile v4.2


    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    - LiveStream Mobile allows watching your webcams on your mobile handset.
    - With LiveStream Mobile you can start, stop and view your and public webcams remotely.
    - LiveStream Mobile works in conjunction with LiveStream Broadcaster.

    Compatible With:
    All J2ME Models

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