Xin k*y, cr*ck... của các ứng dụng Symbian UIQ

Thảo luận trong 'UIQ: THÔNG TIN PHẦN MỀM' bắt đầu bởi anh17d4, 11 Tháng ba 2005.

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  1. pdthanh242423

    pdthanh242423 Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    cho Vesion 2.03 đi bác .Tiện thể thể em dưa bác lun IMEI của em
    351965-00-264379-8, cám ơn bác trước :D
  2. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Bạn search tập tin ZiVkFep.fep trong máy (hay thẻ), sau đó download file này copy overwrite thử xem nhé.
  3. pdthanh242423

    pdthanh242423 Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    hix , ko được bác ạ
  4. sonlethanh

    sonlethanh Guest

    Bác nào có key của Taskman 1.0 cho em voi. Thank bác trước
  5. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Smartphoneware Best TaskMan v1.0


    This view shows the information about running applications. Here you can see how much memory the running app uses, switch to the selected application, close or kill an application, get its extended and threads information.

    You can see the current amount of memory left in the caption on the right side of the menu title.

    You can perform various actions with the selected application when keeping the focus on it (see commands description below). To switch to the selected application just click on it again or use 'Switch to' button.

    TaskMan view commands:
    • TaskMan preferences - here you can indicate whether to show hidden applications or not.
    • Switch to application - switches to the selected application.
    • Close application - closes selected application.
    • Close all applications - closes running applications, the ones that can be closed without damage to the system only.
    • Memory and disk info - shows total memory and disk information, total number of running applications and their memory usage.
    • Compact memory - it reclaims some amount of memory back from a running application and the system.
    • Application info - shows detailed information about the selected application.
    • Threads info - shows all applications threads and their details.
    • Kill application - kills selected application.

    Processes view


    In this view you can see information about running processes.

    It shows a list of running processes sorted by ProcessId in descended order, in simpler words the last started process comes first in the list.

    ProcessMan view commands:
    • TaskMan preferences - here you can indicate whether to show ROM based process or not. Only processes runned by 3rd party applications are shown by default.
    • Detailed info - Shows the detailed information about selected process.
    • Threads info - Show all processes' threads and their details
    • Kill process - Kills selected process.

    Global settings

    here you can assign special actions to system keys (Camera button, Blue button, Jog dial press up and down) as well as an action performed on flip open. You can select between the following values:
    • Don't handle the key
    • Back to the previous app
    • Close current application
    • Pop up TaskMan
    • Pop up ProcessMan
    If you assign a special action to a key you can press the key anytime you work with the device. E.g. to add 'close' or 'go back' ability to any application or invoke your desktop with one key press.

    Default settings:
    • Camera button - Don't handle
    • Blue button - Don't handle
    • Jog dial press Don't handle
    • Jog dial press up - Don't handle
    • Flip open event - Don't handle
    If you don't want to assign a special action to a key just select "Don't handle" here.

  6. sonlethanh

    sonlethanh Guest

    Có bác nào xài Frofimail 2.51 rồi chưa cho mình xin cái key voi
  7. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Có file k*ygen đó mà bạn...
    Nếu không thì bạn cài lại bản 2.4x có cái k*ygen, sau đó cài bản 2.51 này lên xem sao.
  8. joko

    joko Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Các bác ơi cho em xin cái License của SmartMovie 2.47 serial:351546000281201. Và cho em luôn cái code của game SkyForce có number là: 351546-00-028120-1
    Em xin cám ơn
    Mail của em là:
  9. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Smartmovie đã có bản mới nhất là 3.21 rồi bạn ạ. Bạn search sẽ thấy, có hướng dẫn đăng ký luôn đấy (đổi ngày về 1/1/2006, cài bản 2.7x rồi đăng ký, rồi cài đè bản mới nhất này lên).

    Về SkyForce, bạn sang bên Games UIQ để tìm nhe. Có bản đăng ký sẵn rồi đấy...
  10. joko

    joko Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    hihihih, tui có rồi smaetmovie là: 16947

    con` SkyForce thì chưa
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