Game đỉnh cao đây FIFA2007

Thảo luận trong 'S60/S80/S90: GAMES - TRÒ CHƠI' bắt đầu bởi drtiendiep, 4 Tháng tư 2007.

  1. drtiendiep Thành viên

    Electronic Arts FIFA 2007 V 2.0
    FIFA 07 delivers complete authenticity with licenses for all the world’s top leagues, including MLS and Mexican 1st Division in North America, and 26 others from over 20 nations. This year, you have the power to shape your club’s destiny in the EA SPORTS™ Interactive Leagues, a new online mode that enables you to pit your club against supporters of your real-world opponents. The online interactive leagues feature the F.A. Premier League, Bundesliga, French League and the Mexican 1st Division. Experience the future of online gaming as you play your games according to the real-world schedule.
    When they play, you play. Track your team’s progress as the aggregate results determine your club’s position in the league table. Now you actually take to the pitch for the glory of your club. This is the season where you make the difference!

    New and improved FIFA 07 offers players a touch of real atmosphere in football stadiums with fans chanting the players names and club songs. The bitter defeat on your home turf and the joy of victory away has never felt this realistic. In FIFA 07 you can play several leagues including F.A. Premier League, Bundesliga, French League and more. The realism is improved with the game schedule similar to the real one, you play when the actual clubs play, and the player wages and values are even closer if not exact to what they really are.
    The AI is more intelligent than ever, players act like real professionals, finding space and passing, this also means you'll have to use the real world tactics to win. The CPU managers are more intelligent also, as are their strategies, and that makes your job more challenging. FIFA 07 includes a number of new features, including new shooting mechanics for improved accuracy, enhanced manager mode, better goalkeeper AI and much more

    link download:

    p/s: Download nên có hỗ trợ IDM để không bị đứt đường truyền!!!Chúc vui vẻ!

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  2. binkissy

    binkissy Thành viên

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    Mình là người khai hàng hả. không biết có chuẩn Game Ngage không đây.

  3. quocsu

    quocsu Thành viên

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    up bên NG rùi mà
  4. drtiendiep

    drtiendiep Thành viên

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    Cần cài thêm một gói đa ngôn ngữ nữa. Nếu máy không cài được bằng đuôi sis (khá lớn 12,9MB) thì có thể cài bằng đuôi jar sau đây!(Xin lỗi đường truyền kém chưa upload lên được!Chiều nay sẽ up lên sau vậy)

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    ZzzzZ15987 and hoangtuicblangson like this.
  5. 0987554751

    0987554751 Guest

    Cái này ai test trênN72 chưa à
  6. hungcan3110

    hungcan3110 Thành viên

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    Test trên 7610 chưa các bro?
  7. hoangpt

    hoangpt Thành viên

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    em không down được, huhuuh
  8. DQK85

    DQK85 Thành viên

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    link vẫn còn tốt mà bạn. 7610 ko chơi được các bác ah. Sau khi cài đầy đủ game,fix,.. đủ cả đến lúc chạy thì nó báo "app closed: gameAudioThread' thế mới đau chứ, sau đó em thử dùng trick UltraMp3 nhưng vẫn ko ăn thua vì ko đủ ram. Bác nào bày cách cho em với??
  9. bom318

    bom318 Thành viên

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    có chơi được trên N70 khôgn thế các bạn?
  10. verylove

    verylove Staff Member

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    mình test hết thãy 7610 , 668x và cã N72 ( 72 như 70 mà ) đều ok tốt mừ
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