Cập nhật ứng dụng trên source [20/01/2014]

Thảo luận trong 'Phần Mềm Cydia' bắt đầu bởi thieuhc, 24 Tháng mười 2011.

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  1. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    QuickDo 3.6.2

    v 3.6.2
    * Add API, so other tweak can use QucikDo events.
    * Add "biteSMS Quick Compose" action.
    * Support Activator action.
    * Fix other bugs and optimize code


    CardSwitcher 1.9.9-65 | Dependency

    Requires iOS 4.1 or higher
    Not compatible with iPad yet

    WebOS style application switcher.
    Swipe between your open apps smoothly and easily!

    To Use: you must first choose an activation method from Settings.; choose your own activation method with Activator.

    No icon is added to springboard, all options are found in the settings app itself.

    Completely rewritten for iOS 5, but still supporting down to 4.0.

    - Live application views
    - refined swipe gestures
    - new grid mode, designed primarily for the iPad
    - vastly improved performance and memory usage

    xCon Alias 32 | xCon v.31

    Support for McAfee EMM

    LSCameraExtender 1.2

    - Airplane toggle added
    - Bluetooth toggle added
    - Wi-Fi toggle added
    - Now show all the toggles in one bar
    - Ability for devs to make their own toggles
    - Ability for devs to include their own Preference bundle

    iDitDahText 1.9

    iDitDahText is a keyboard alternative for the iPhone and iPod touch that allows you to enter characters by tapping their Morse code. The interface is a dual lever touch paddle (which also can be used as single lever paddle), coupled to an iambic keyer and decoder.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Please watch the video on youtube for details along with a demonstration of text being entered at 50 WPM.

    iDitDahText also provides a plugin for a game called Typing Sebastian: a simple, fun way to learn how to use Morse code with iDitDahText. Again, See the video on youtube and FAQ for more details.


    Many thanks go to the folks on and, in particular: august, BigBoss, Cobra, copumpkin, DHowett, erica, francis, go2, linuxh, Optimo, phoenix3200, Sakurina, and saurik.

    SBSettings is required to use this package

    * Plugin for Typing Sebastian always gets loaded regardless of whether or not iDDT is enabled

    [NOTE] You need to be connected via WiFi or 3G while installing this for your license to be downloaded. If something goes wrong the license will be anyway downloaded the first time you use this tweak.

    Snappy5 3.0.1

    Compatible with iOS 5 or higher

    Never miss a photo opportunity again! If you find yourself fumbling to launch the camera only to miss a candid moment, Snappy5 is the app for you. Snappy5 is the iOS5 compatible update for the popular Snappy tweak. It is a camera application that launches quickly, without having to exit your currently running application. This is a free upgrade, but it is *not* compatible with 3.x and 4.x iOS versions. You are encouraged to upgrade your device to iOS 5.x if available, but the original is still available: Snappy for iOS 3 & 4

    A video that demos an older version can be found at Snappy website

    Configure options from Settings - See larger Screenshots below:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    v3.0.1 (Jan 17, 2012)
    * Issues can be submitted and tracked at Github
    * Fixes mode override for open to camera/video from lock screen (Issue #26)
    * Fixes snap on launch from lock screen (Issue #25)

    [NOTE] You need to be connected via WiFi or 3G while installing this for your license to be downloaded. If something goes wrong the license will be anyway downloaded the first time you use this tweak.
    Civic, FeandMo, thieuhc and 4 others like this.
  2. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    Mail Enhancer Pro 1.0-2

    v 1.0-2
    * Hotfix: Memory Leak that leads to a Respring when more than one message arrives

    [NOTE] To activate this go to Settings app > Mail Enhancer Pro, tap on "About" and then on "License". You must be connected via Wifi or 3G while doing this, for the license to be downloaded.
    FeandMo, thieuhc, xuantrung and 4 others like this.
  3. thieuhc

    thieuhc Cydia Noob

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    Ôi nhiều hàng thế, thank anh keke.

    Sent from my iPhone using Forum Runner
    xuantrung, conan2901 and Civic like this.
  4. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    LSCameraExtender 1.2-1

    - Toggle is placed instead of camera button when only one toggle is enabled
    thieuhc, conan2901, FeandMo and 3 others like this.
  5. jix

    jix Thành viên

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    Mywi 5.0 đã có trên source bigboss nhưg trên Cydia mình chỉ tìm đc Mywi 4.0 và Mywi on Demand hỗ trợ tới ios4 thôi :(
    conan2901 and Civic like this.
  6. thieuhc

    thieuhc Cydia Noob

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    Vì nó chưa có cờ rách bạn ah ;)
  7. Civic

    Civic Staff Member

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    App để khoá ứng dụng là app gì anh nhở ?! Em quên mất tiêu zùi :(.
    Bác playboy hàng đâu mà nhiều đến chóng cả mặt thế ko biết:|
  8. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

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    App để khóa ứng dụng trên 4x là LockDown Pro 2.1.1 hoặc iProtect 2.7 (LockDown Pro dùng tốt hơn)

    Trên iOS 5x thì dùng AppLocker 2.1.1 nhé?
    conan2901 and Civic like this.
  9. thieuhc

    thieuhc Cydia Noob

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    Ôi cái món Morse code thật là khó xơi, môn này phải dành thời gian học thật sự thì mới thành b-(
    conan2901 and Civic like this.
  10. conan2901

    conan2901 Gác Cổng Chợ Staff Member

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    cái này ở phòng trọ rồi tán gái phòng bên cạnh thì ngon =))
    mã moc này dùng hay, ngán cái học đc em nó chắc cũng mệt =))
    Civic thích bài này.
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