[2012.9.21] CyanogenMod 7.2 For SHW-M110S VER_3 = Update List = - WIFI FIX Repair WiFi unstable - WL Fix - the CODEC / DECode FIX decoding repair = Brush = 1, the Say_CM7_0921.zip into the SD card. The 2 into the dug mode ODIN brush into 1_CMKern_Say_2.tar . 3, reboot into recovery mode select [ Wipe data / factory reset ] 4, with CWM brush into Say_CM7_0921.zip . 5, brushing Go back and select reboot system now to restart the phone. Built-in SD location: install zip from sdcard - choose zip from internal sdcard - external card location: install zip from sdcard - choose zip from sdcard - = Download = http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=64084&uk=3607256121#dir/path=/CM7 VER_3 Nguồn http://bbs.gfan.com e đang up rồi cho các bác vài cái ảnh
Cái này vẫn lỗi mà bạn gọi vẫn mất sóng chả có gì hơn đâu khuyên anh em đừng ÚP, nên đợi chờ bản hoàn hảo