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Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG CHẠY TRÊN NỀN PYTHON' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 24 Tháng ba 2006.

  1. nhuhienltd

    nhuhienltd Thành viên

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    EasyPySay v1.6


    EasyPySay is a great little program to have some fun, and now its even usefull! Have fun with this program, joke around with your friends or fool some persons around. Just type something in and let your cellphone say it.
    You typed in something very funny or long? Now, besides the “say again” function, you can store it under one of three available patterns, and use it any time! It contains a direct pattern preview.
    And now its even usefull! You can read out textfiles with EasyPySay v1.6. In addition, now you can directly let your phone say whats in your clipboard.
    You want to joke someone really badly? Now in v1.6 there is the repeat function! You tell the phone how often it should repeat and then start! Use the speech engine of your phone in a new way!
    So here a list of all functions of EasyPySay v1.6:
    ~ let something you typed in spoken aloud by you phone
    ~ say that again
    ~ save it under 3 availible pattern
    ~ use these patterns any time
    ~ let your phone read out a text file
    ~ say whats at the moment in your clipboard
    ~ repeat function

    Known Bugs:
    At least none, but i wouldnt recommend try to
    read out none-txt files, like e.g. *.jpg. Its
    at least even possible, but it takes lot of time
    and it got no sense at all.
    New in 1.6:
    ~ Repeat something x-times
    ~ bug-fixes
    what it needs:
    ~ python have to be installed
    ~ MegaPyModulePack have to be installed
    Remove previous versions before installing.

    Have Fun with this program!


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  2. tichau

    tichau Guest

    PyNetMony v2.2.3 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Python FreeWare

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    PyNetMony is a GSM, UMTS, WLAN and Bluetooth Monitor tool with support for internal, external or assisted GPS.

    It shows and logs GSM and UMTS network information like Cell ID, Location Area Code, Mobile Network Code , RX level and so on. It supports Nobbis clf v3.0 format, but only decimal at this time, please read the readme.txt for details.

    The white headline shows always the current cell, how many WLAN and Bluetooth devices are in range, how many GPS satellites are fixed and the current time.

    If you use a clf V3.0 with cell coordinates, the radar shows the cell position from your GPS position. The Map feature downloads a map centered with the current cell or your own GPS position in 12 different zoom levels.

    All found WLAN and Bluetooth devices in range are logged into a file on e:/data/others/pynetmony/ You can also start a GSM/3G measurement log file, and a WLAN measurement log file, that logs the RX Lev and coordinates. If you press the upper arrow key you can toggle between SSID and MAC address.

    With a detailed clf file, it is possible to calculate a neighbour cells list around your current GPS or cell position within a certain radius.

    PyNetMony supports all display sizes. And it is freeware!

    Please see readme.txt for installation notes! You have to use Symbian Online Signing with your own email address!!!

    Note: You can view and edit your PyNetMony database using PyNetMony PC-Tool.

    Please convert all your clf, wlan and bt files to UTF-8 before installing PyNetMony if not done before!

    What's New :

    · internal changes in position upload with GPS coordinates
    · added info about the update download size
    · removed update option when using a beta version

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  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyCalls Info v1.0 unsigned{analyze outgoing calls and incoming calls graphically}

    Whats New??


    First application which analyze outgoing calls and incoming calls graphically.

    First application which provides a detail about with whom you have talked maximum.

    First application which provide you detail about your bill.



    Know how much sms you have sent to which number.

    Detailed analysis of Incoming, Outgoing and sms.

    Know your expected expenditure without contacting the operator.


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    tienthembg, MaiDinh and ngquangbien like this.
  4. tichau

    tichau Guest

    FontRouterMan, GUI for FontRouter LT

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

    FontRouterMan, GUI for FontRouter LT This software can reading and writing through the configure file to setting sth when u need. Chinese & English Support.welcome to use and tell me bug in order to fix it.


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    awp1323 and nhu*hieu like this.
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Tong Ren Shakesms v1.04 beta for N95{8GB} N82 unsigned{update 13/02/09}

    Main Functionality(V1.00 Beta):
    SensorTimerout : 30, 60, 90, 120 (seconds) ---- To save Battery
    Sensitivity: Slider Level 1-10 ---- more control over how hard you have to shake
    ShakeNewSMS: View&Unlock, ViewOnly ---- When New SMS is In
    Extended Functionality: Yes, No (See below) ---- More control over the SMS
    AutoStart: No, Yes, Yes&Hide ---- Start the Application automatically

    Scenario: when you receive a short message.
    1, Normally without ShakeSMS:
    you need to unlock the phone first, then read the message, after replying, lock the phone again.
    2, With ShakeSMS:
    just shake your phone, you can read the sms;
    Action ------ How to remember
    Lean Left -- Leave (delete) SMS
    Lean Right -- Write (Reply SMS)
    Lean Up -- Up to the SMS Folder In
    Lean Down -- Done (Back to Previous Screen and Lock keypad)


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    BinhDa, awp1323 and nhu*hieu like this.
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    [UPDATE] Calls!nfo v1.0.0 S60v3 {Bundled with Python interpreter}


    Calls!nfo is basically a enhanched way of representing the normal call logs in S60 phones. Call!nfo breaks the monotonous way of getting the call logs infomation and gives you details about your logs in a new graphical fashion. Following are the details about the application:

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


    * Recent Calls:A graphical analysis of your recent incoming and outgoing Calls.
    * Calls Distribution:Know the persons who you contacted the most in recent days. It finds 6 most contacted numbers and shows the total call duration of each of them. It compares it to the rest all other calls' duration.
    * SMS Info:Now get to know how many SMS you sent to a particular number and know the total umber of SMS sent.
    * Estimate Bill:Calculate your monthly amount spent on SMS and Calls and get to know the total bill at the end of the month.

    with all the above mentioned features there are some tasks which we are kept for future development and we will try to complete them as early as possible.

    Future Plans:

    * Location Tagging : Know at which location you have made the calls and receive the calls.
    * Itemized Bill: Upload all your data to a particular secure server and fetch it when you want no need to pay extra to the operator for itemized bill.

    UPDATE : SIS Bundled with Python Interpreter :
    * The main requirement of the application is you need to have a Python interpreter in you device prior to installing this application.
    * But if you don't have python interpreter in your device download the sis bundled with Python interpreter from this link and get Going.
    * After downloading the sis do not forget to get it signed with capabilities at symbian signed.
    * Also fixed the autostart bug

    Các file đính kèm:

    tienthembg, misun83, nhu*hieu1 người khác thích bài này.
  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    pyShuffle Ultimate by Lifenexus Shake your Music(16/02/2009)

    Here is Your dream come true. This new version has support for videocentre, TTPod and Music player.

    The program by default is in Automatic mode. Any where in the menu, system or standby screen, the program is in music player mode. If you press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the right, it will go to the next track in your DEFAULT MUSIC PLAYER. If you press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the left, it will go to the previous track in your DEFAULT MUSIC PLAYER. If you press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone downwards, it will pause/play the track in your DEFAULT MUSIC PLAYER.

    If you goto Video Centre and play a video in LANDSCAPE MODE(Phone in horizontal position or video watching position), You can press and HOLD the gallery key and tilt the phone to the right and the video will fast forward. You can press and HOLD the gallery key and tilt the phone to the left and the video will rewind forward.

    If you goto TTPod music player and press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the right, it will go to the next track in TTPod. Default Keys(play-5, previous- 4 next -6. You can define your own keys from the settings). If you goto TTPod music player and press and hold the gallery key and shake the phone to the Left, it will go to the previous track in TTPod.

    The Settings Menu:
    In this menu, you can set vibration for the Default Music player ON or OFF by selecting on on the options. The

    Current Settings option shows the current selected settings. Settings will be saved and the same will be available even after a program restart.

    TTPod settings:
    In the key configurations, you can define keys for the TTPod music player. These keys correspond to the keys that you

    have set in TTPod for play/pause, previous track, next track. To set this, start the TTPod music player, press the left softkey >goto options >select hotkeys

    and set a key for play/pause, next track and previous track. Then go back to Shuffle >options >settings >TTPod Settings >Key Configurations and set the

    appropriate key that you set in TTPod. The next menu Display current settings shows the current set keys.

    Program Mode:
    The Program Mode changes the behavoiur of Shuffle. The first mode :
    1.Automatic: This will make Shuffle

    automatically. When You shake the the phone anywhere, the musicplayer tracks will change. When you open videocentre and tilt the phone by pressing the

    gallery key, it will fast forward or rewind the video. When you go to TTPod and shake the phone using the gallery key, it will change TTPod tracks.
    2. Music

    player only: This mode will change tracks only of the default music player and it will not work in TTPod or Video Centre.

    3. TTpod Only: This mode will only change tracks of TTPod. If You shake by pressing the gallery key, it will start TTPod player and the you can continue shaking for music. It will not work in

    any other players in this mode.

    4.VideoCentre only: In This mode, it will vork only in Video centre and not other app. In video Center press and hold the

    gallery key and tilt the phone either right or left to fast forward or rewind the video.

    5.TTPod and video centre: The App will work only in TTpod and Video Centre.

    6. Current mode: It shows the current selected mode

    Current Settings:
    Current Settings Shows the current selected settings for Shuffle

    Hope Everything is Clear.

    Installation Instructions:
    2. UNINSTALL pymegamodulepack.
    3. Uninstall keypress module if you installed it seperately
    4. Install Shuffle shell from my attachment.
    5. Install UltraPymodule pack.(It has all the modules)
    6. Install Shuffle ultimate.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    misun83 and nhu*hieu like this.
  8. manbk401

    manbk401 Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Sleep Music V1.06 beta1 [Updated 02/23/2009]


    This program is for the person who likes to listen to music while getting sleep, and not have to worry about the music player running all night, if he or she falls asleep. Simply open the program, enter the amount of hours you wish the program to wait until turning off, Music Player and Radio will close at the time we set .


    * Timer presets available for 15 , 30 and 60 min

    * Also users can enter the time manually

    * Now you can set timer for any application

    * Application can run in background

    * Inactive sensor

    * Automatic Switch Off Device

    1. Install "sleepmusicv160.sis" sis file to your phone memory (dont have to sign the application **note in some mobile you need to sign this sis file also)

    if you already installed these modules then no need to install it again


    2. Sign the attached "keypress102_unsigned_dev_certfree.SIS" sis file

    3. Sign the attached "appswitch103_unsigned_devcertfree.SIS" sis file

    4. Sign the attached "misty193_unsigned.SIS" sis file

    5. Install the signed files in your phone memory

    if the application is not openning then please try to install in memory card

    *please uninstall the previous version before installing the new version

    Updated on Feb 2009

    ** Bug fixed (Unable to Open the Sleep Music)
    Please install the python and megamodule pack and Sleep Music in the 'C' drive

    Các file đính kèm:

    Hoang An, Pháp Sư, nhu*hieu1 người khác thích bài này.

    DOAN DUNG Ex-Mod

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    Python (or PyS60) for samsung i8510 (INNOV8)

    Python (or PyS60) for samsung i8510 (INNOV8)


    Samsung Mobile Innovator's team signed a version of Python for S60 a few weeks ago and then forgot to tell anyone. You can grab it here

    Note that this isn't a complete system, in that there's no signed 'Script shell', so you can't run scripts directly. However, Python apps packaged properly as SIS files should now work OK on the Samsung INNOV8 and i7110, which is a good start.

    Hoang An and nhu*hieu like this.
  10. Leonidas®

    Leonidas® Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Python for S60 v1.9.2 s60v3 update 24/2/09

    Python for S60 v1.9.2 s60v3 update 24/2/09

    This release runs on S60 3rd edition, S60 3rd edition FP1, S60 3rd edition FP2 and S60 5th edition devices. The release includes: - Self signed device binaries for S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP2 (which will work even on S60 3rd Ed FP1 and S60 5th Ed devices respectively). - unsigned device binaries for S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP2 (which will work even on S60 3rd Ed FP1 and S60 5th Ed devices respectively). - Separate SDK zips for 3rdEd, 3rdEdFP1 and 3rdEdFP2. SDK zip contains both gcce and armv5 link libraries - Installer for Windows platform that includes
    * Getting started guide
    * selfsigned PyS60 runtime sis
    * selfsigned PythonScriptShell sis
    * Application packaging tool with GUI and README
    * Python HTML documentation updated with S60 module reference
    * sensor module documentation for S60 3rd Ed FP2 and S60 5th Ed. - Archive

    package for Linux/Mac that includes
    * selfsigned PyS60 runtime sis
    * selfsigned PythonScriptShell sis
    * Application packaging tool with README
    * Python HTML documentation updated with S60 module reference - Python source code - OpenSSL source code.

    This source code is released just to be in complaint with the terms of LGPL licensed software. This source code is nothing to do with PyS60 software. sensor module is now available for accessing the sensors on S60 3rd Ed FP2 and S60 5th Ed devices that have S60 Sensor Framework libraries. The existing sensor scritps has to be rewritten using the new module to make it work on S60 3rd Ed FP2 and S60 5th Ed. The rewritten sensor scripts will not work on S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP1 devices, the support for the same will be provided in the consecutive dot releases. The existing sensor applications will still work on S60 3rd Ed and S60 3rd Ed FP1 devices without any change. The selfsigned Python runtime component and the PythonScriptShell packages are available with the user-grantable capability set. The capability set for S60 3rd Ed is ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment. The capability set for S60 3rd Ed FP2 is ReadUserData WriteUserData NetworkServices LocalServices UserEnvironment Location. The unsigned Python runtime component and the PythonScriptShell packages are available with high capability set. The capability set is LocalServices NetworkServices ReadUserData WriteUserData UserEnvironment Location PowerMgmt ProtServ SwEvent SurroundingsDD ReadDeviceData WriteDeviceData TrustedUI The UID of Python runtime is changed to 0xE0201514. Expectation management: THIS IS NOT A FINAL PRODUCT. This is one of the rough releases of a code-base that has been rewritten to a large extent. Just like we did with the 1.1.x and 1.3.x series. We want to involve you in the development and testing process so that you can point out any sharp edges and pointy bits that the releases may have. The idea is to expose the code to early testing and gather feedback so that the final PyS60 2.0 can be solid and fulfill YOUR needs. Now, on to what we have now - the 1.9.2 release. On the brighter side: - sensor module support for accessing the sensors on the devices that have S60 Sensor Framework libraries. This module's API compatibility between 1.9.x versions isn't guaranteed until 2.0. It won't be broken without good reason, but it can happen. Refer to the sensor-module-specifications.doc available from the installer for more details. - Reduction in the installer size! The application packager GUI is now based on Tkinter, hence PyQt setup is removed from the windows installer. - The UID of PythonRuntime has changed from '0xF0201514' to '0xE0201514' - PyS60 Application Packager is now based on ensymble 0.28 Here are some of the things that are worse in 1.9.2 when compared to 1.4.5: - The runtime package is much bigger than with 1.4.x. This'll get smaller once we have the modified packaging model working - estimate is that the final base runtime would be less than 1MB. - There is an additional dependency to the OpenC libraries, which must be installed for the runtime to work. - Sadly, S60 2.x devices are not supported by the new code-base, and never will be. This is because OpenC libraries aren't available for S60 2.x. - Binary compatibility between 1.9.x versions isn't guaranteed until 2.0. We won't break it without good reason, but it can happen. - API compatibility of new sensor module isn't guaranteed until 2.0. We won't break it without good reason, but it can happen.
    [URL="https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/5531/Python_1.9.2_3rdEdFP2.sis"][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Python_1.9.2_3rdEdFP2 [/COLOR][/URL]
    [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=DarkRed][URL="https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/5529/PythonScriptShell_1.9.2_3rdEdFP2.sis"][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]PythonScriptShell_1.9.2_3rdEdFP2 [/COLOR][/URL]
    [/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=DarkRed][URL="https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/5526/Python_1.9.2_3rdEd.sis"][COLOR=Black]Python_1.9.2_3rdEd [/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=2][B][COLOR=DarkRed] [URL="https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/5532/Python_1.9.2_3rdEd_unsigned_high_capas.sis"][COLOR=Black]Python_1.9.2_3rdEd_unsigned_high_capas [/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/5528/PythonScriptShell_1.9.2_3rdEd.sis"][COLOR=Black]PythonScriptShell_1.9.2_3rdEd [/COLOR][/URL]
    [URL="https://garage.maemo.org/frs/download.php/5527/PythonScriptShell_1.9.2_unsigned_high_capas.sis"][COLOR=Black]PythonScriptShell_1.9.2_unsigned_high_capas [/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
    Hoang An, nhu*hieu, sonnippon1 người khác thích bài này.