Change Operator Logo: Đổi logo mạng cho máy Symbian 3rd

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG HỆ THỐNG' bắt đầu bởi mobileman, 20 Tháng tám 2007.

  1. molotok

    molotok Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Thực ra là có thể làm logo màu được, hay chính xác hơn là "giả logo" :D.
    Đầu tiên đổi logo thành 1 bức ảnh trong suốt, không có gì.
    Sau đó tự làm 1 cái ảnh nền theo ý muốn, chỗ tương ứng vị trí logo thì ta thay biểu tượng cần làm vào. Ai mà pro hơn thì dùng carbide làm luôn cho mình 1 cái theme luôn. Nói chung là không khó, chỉ cần tỉ mỉ tí thôi.
    Anh em làm thử xem nhá, thú vị lắm đấy. Mình lấy ảnh cờ VN làm logo luôn, hehe.
  2. chutieu_dotchua

    chutieu_dotchua Thành viên

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    sao làm mãi mà đc cái logo màu đen xì, chả có chữ chiếc j` cả :((
  3. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Operator logo change

    Operator logo working in all regions s60v3


    NokiaLogo is a free Operator Logo changer for Nokia S60 3rd Edition NSeries and ESeries Mobile Devices such as N73, N80, N95, E60 or E65. Currently you can only set a 128 X 32, black and white picture as a logo. The Operator Logo is a special message stored on your mobile phone under the Mail2 folder. When you run the application for the first time, this utility removes the Mail2 directory and exports the desired logo into it, deleting all the previous messages in it (hence backup is recommended). On an SD Card, this folder is usually located under the \private folder.

    Usage Instructions:

    1) Create a 128 X 32 Black and white picture
    2) Connect the mobile device in the USB mass storage mode
    3) Backup the Mail2 folder (only the first time)
    4) Run Nokia Logo on your PC
    5) Right-click on the default preview image to choose load/reverse/mirror your custom photo (in BMP format), select the correct operator, choose the correct SD Card in the drop down menu and click Export.
    6) Disconnect your mobile device and change it into the normal mode
    7) Go to Messaging->Options->Settings->Other->Memory in use, use SD card as storage. Then open Inbox and select the message with the logo, and save it


    jarod.opl file found in SD:\Private\1000484b\Mail\00001001_S\a\0010000a_F

    get your home network code by PhoNetInfo from Patrick Frei app

    fully working


    72F610 = Albania, AMC
    72F620 = Albania, Vodafone Albania
    06F310 = Algeria, AMN
    45F411 = American Samoa, Blue Sky
    12F330 = Andorra, MOBILAND
    43F403 = Antigua & Barbuda, APUA PCS
    27F270 = Argentina, UNIFON
    82F310 = Armenia, Republic of, ArmGSM
    05F580 = Australia, One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty Limited
    05F520 = Australia, OPTUS
    05F510 = Australia, Telstra MobileNet
    05F530 = Australia, VODAFONE
    32F210 = Austria, A1
    32F230 = Austria, max.mobil.
    32F250 = Austria, ONE
    32F270 = Austria, Tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH & Co KG
    04F010 = Azerbaijan, Republic of, AZERCELL GSM
    04F020 = Azerbaijan, Republic of, Bakcell
    24F610 = Bahrain, BHR MOBILE PLUS
    74F020 = Bangladesh, AKTEL
    74F010 = Bangladesh, GrameenPhone
    74F091 = Bangladesh, Mobile 2000
    52F710 = Belarus, Republic of, VELCOM
    02F602 = Belgium, KPN Orange
    02F601 = Belgium, Mobistar
    02F610 = Belgium, PROXIMUS
    16F630 = Benin, BeninCell
    16F610 = Benin, LIBERCOM
    16F620 = Benin, Telecel Benin
    37F610 = Bolivia, Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia SA
    12F830 = Bosnia Herzegovina, Eronet Mobile Communications Ltd
    12F809 = Bosnia Herzegovina, GSMBIH
    12F850 = Bosnia Herzegovina, Mobilna Srpske
    56F210 = Botswana, MASCOM
    56F220 = Botswana, Vista Cellular
    25F811 = Brunei Darussalam, DSTCom
    82F410 = Bulgaria, M-TEL GSM BG
    16F320 = Burkina Faso, Celtel Burkina Faso
    46F220 = Burundi, SAFARIS
    46F210 = Burundi, Spacetel - Burundi
    54F610 = Cambodia, Kingdom of, MobiTel
    54F620 = Cambodia, Kingdom of, SAMART
    26F420 = Cameroon, MOBILIS
    26F410 = Cameroon, MTN Cameroon Ltd
    03F273 = Canada, Microcell Connexions Inc
    26F510 = Cape Verde, CVMOVEL
    26F220 = Chad, Libertis
    37F001 = Chile, Entel PCS
    37F010 = Chile, Entel PCS
    64F000 = China, Peoples Republic of, China Mobile
    64F010 = China, Peoples Republic of, CU-GSM
    36F020 = Congo, CelTel Congo SA
    36F040 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, CELLCO
    36F020 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, Celtel Congo
    36F010 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, CONGO-GSM
    36F098 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, OASIS
    26F901 = Congo, Libertis Telecom
    16F210 = Cote d'Ivoire, CORA de COMSTAR
    16F230 = Cote d'Ivoire, IVOIRIS
    16F250 = Cote d'Ivoire, Telecel
    12F910 = Croatia, CRONET
    12F901 = Croatia, VIPnet
    63F810 = Cuba, C_Com
    82F010 = Cyprus, CYTA
    32F020 = Czech Republic, EuroTel
    32F030 = Czech Republic, Oskar Mobil
    32F010 = Czech Republic, Paegas
    32F803 = Denmark, Orange
    32F820 = Denmark, SONOFON
    32F810 = Denmark, TDK-MOBIL
    32F802 = Denmark, TELIA DK
    73F010 = Dominican Republic, Orange
    06F220 = Egypt, CLICK GSM
    06F210 = Egypt, ECMS-MobiNil
    07F610 = El Salvador, CTE Telecom PersonalSA de CV
    07F620 = El Salvador, DIGICEL, S.A. de C.V.
    42F810 = Estonia, EMT GSM
    42F830 = Estonia, Q GSM
    42F820 = Estonia, Radiolinja Eesti
    36F610 = Ethiopia, ETMTN
    82F810 = Faroe Islands, Faroese Telecom
    45F210 = Fiji, Vodafone Fiji Ltd
    42F450 = Finland, Alands Mobiltelefon A.B
    42F421 = Finland, DNA
    42F490 = Finland, Finnet
    42F450 = Finland, GSM 050 (Radiolinja)
    42F419 = Finland, Jippii
    42F419 = Finland, Kiss GSM (RSL Com)
    42F419 = Finland, Sonera
    42F421 = Finland, Suomen 2G Oy
    42F430 = Finland, Telia City
    02F802 = France, Bouygues Telecom - GSM 1800
    02F802 = France, Bouygues Telecom - GSM 900
    02F810 = France, ITINERIS
    02F801 = France, SFR
    45F702 = French Polynesia, VINI
    43F010 = French West Indies, ORANGE CARAIBE
    26F830 = Gabon, Republic of, Celtel Gabon SA
    26F810 = Gabon, Republic of, LIBERTIS S.A.
    26F820 = Gabon, Republic of, Telecel Gabon SA
    82F210 = Georgia, Geocell Limited
    82F220 = Georgia, Magti GSM
    62F220 = Germany, D2 PRIVAT
    62F270 = Germany, E2
    62F230 = Germany, E-Plus
    62F210 = Germany, T-D1
    26F020 = Ghana, Ghana Telecommunications Company Ltd
    26F030 = Ghana, MOBITEL
    26F010 = Ghana, SPACEFON
    62F610 = Gibraltar, Gibtel GSM
    02F210 = Greece, Cosmote
    02F250 = Greece, PANAFON
    02F201 = Greece, TELESTET
    92F010 = Greenland, Tele Greenland
    32F455 = Guernsey, Guernsey Telecoms
    16F120 = Guinea, Lagui
    16F110 = Guinea, Mobilis Guinee
    54F400 = Hong Kong, CSL GSM 900/1800
    54F401 = Hong Kong, New World Mobility
    54F440 = Hong Kong, Orange-Dual Band
    54F421 = Hong Kong, PEOPLES
    54F460 = Hong Kong, SMARTONE
    54F461 = Hong Kong, SUNDAY
    12F610 = Hungary, Pannon GSM
    12F607 = Hungary, VODAFONE
    12F603 = Hungary, Westel Mobile Co.
    72F410 = Iceland, Landssiminn
    72F420 = Iceland, TAL hf
    72F440 = Iceland, Viking Wireless
    04F424 = India, AIRCEL
    04F401 = India, AirTel
    04F442 = India, AT&T - Gujarat
    04F422 = India, AT&T - Maharashtra/Goa
    04F494 = India, Bharti Mobile Ltd - Andhra Pradesh
    04F454 = India, Bharti Mobile Ltd - Karnataka
    04F464 = India, BPL Mobile - Kerala
    04F472 = India, BPL Mobile - Maharshtra/Goa
    04F412 = India, BPL - Mobile - Mumbai
    04F434 = India, BPL Mobile - Tamil Nadu/Pondicherry
    04F450 = India, CELFORCE
    04F403 = India, Command
    04F421 = India, Escotel Haryana
    04F491 = India, Escotel Kerala
    04F465 = India, Escotel UP(W)
    04F451 = India, Essar Cellphone
    04F411 = India, Essar Cellphone (Delhi)
    04F407 = India, Oasis Cellular
    04F402 = India, Orange
    04F414 = India, RPG Cellular
    04F404 = India, SkyCell
    04F444 = India, Spice - Karnataka
    04F441 = India, SPICE - Punjab
    04F413 = India, Spice Telecom (Modi Telstra)
    04F470 = India, TATA Cellular
    15F011 = Indonesia, Excelcom
    15F080 = Indonesia, Lippo Telecom
    15F010 = Indonesia, SATELINDO
    15F001 = Indonesia, TELKOMSEL
    34F241 = Iran, Payam Kish
    34F211 = Iran, TCI
    72F220 = Ireland, Digifone
    72F210 = Ireland, EIRCELL
    72F230 = Ireland, METEOR
    32F485 = Isle of Man, PRONTO GSM
    24F510 = Israel, Orange
    22F289 = Italy, Blu SpA
    22F201 = Italy, OMNITEL
    22F210 = Italy, Telecom Italia Mobile
    22F288 = Italy, WIND
    32F405 = Jersey, JT GSM
    14F610 = Jordan, Fastlink - Jordan
    14F677 = Jordan, MobileCom
    04F120 = Kazakhstan, K'cell
    04F110 = Kazakhstan, K-MOBILE
    36F930 = Kenya, Kencell Communications Ltd
    36F920 = Kenya, SAFARICOM
    14F920 = Kuwait, MTCNet
    14F930 = Kuwait, Wataniya Telecom
    34F710 = Kyrgyz Republic, BITEL GSM
    54F710 = Lao, Lao Shinawatra Telecom
    42F710 = Latvia, LMT GSM
    42F720 = Latvia, TELE2
    14F510 = Lebanon, CELLIS
    14F530 = Lebanon, LIBANCELL
    56F110 = Lesotho, Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd
    16F810 = Liberia, LonestarCell
    92F550 = Liechtenstein, FL1
    92F577 = Liechtenstein, Tele 2 AG
    42F620 = Lithuania, Bite GSM
    42F610 = Lithuania, OMNITEL
    42F630 = Lithuania, TELE2
    72F010 = Luxembourg, LUXGSM
    72F077 = Luxembourg, TANGO
    54F500 = Macau, Hutchison Telecom Macau
    54F500 = Macau, SMC Macau
    54F510 = Macau, TELEMOVEL+ GSM900-Macau
    92F410 = Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, MobiMak
    46F620 = Madagascar, ANTARIS
    46F610 = Madagascar, Madacom
    56F010 = Malawi, Callpoint 900
    56F001 = Malawi, CelTel Limited
    05F291 = Malaysia, CELCOM
    05F261 = Malaysia, DiGi
    05F221 = Malaysia, Maxis Mobile
    05F271 = Malaysia, TIMECel
    05F231 = Malaysia, TMTOUCH
    74F210 = Maldives, DhiMobile GSM 900
    16F010 = Mali, Malitel
    72F812 = Malta, go mobile
    72F810 = Malta, Vodafone Malta - GSM 900
    16F710 = Mauritius, Cellplus Mobile Comms
    16F701 = Mauritius, Emtel
    52F920 = Moldova, Republic of, Moldcell
    52F910 = Moldova, Republic of, VOXTEL
    24F899 = Mongolia, MobiCom
    06F410 = Morocco, I A M
    06F400 = Morocco, Meditel
    46F310 = Mozambique, Mcel
    46F910 = Namibia, MTC
    24F910 = Nepal, Nepal Mobile
    02F461 = Netherlands, T-Mobile
    02F402 = Netherlands, Orange N.V
    02F480 = Netherlands, KPN Mobile The Netherlands BV
    02F440 = Netherlands, Vodafone
    02F421 = Netherlands, Telfort
    45F610 = New Caledonia, Mobilis
    35F010 = New Zealand, Vodafone New Zealand Limited
    16F420 = Niger, Celtel Niger
    26F102 = Nigeria, Econet Wireless Nigeria Ltd
    42F220 = Norway, NetCom
    42F210 = Norway, Telenor Mobil
    24F220 = Oman, Sultanate of, GTO
    14F010 = Pakistan, Mobilink
    24F550 = Palestinian Authority, JAWWAL
    13F010 = Papua New Guinea, Cellnet
    47F420 = Paraguay, COPESA
    47F410 = Paraguay, VOX
    15F520 = Philippines, Globe Telecom
    15F510 = Philippines, ISLACOM
    15F530 = Philippines, Smart Gold GSM
    62F020 = Poland, ERA GSM
    62F030 = Poland, IDEA
    62F010 = Poland, PLUS GSM
    62F830 = Portugal, OPTIMUS
    62F810 = Portugal, TELECEL
    62F860 = Portugal, TMN
    24F710 = Qatar, QATARNET
    46F700 = Reunion (La), Itineris RñÖnion
    46F701 = Reunion (La), SRR
    22F610 = Romania, CONNEX GSM
    22F630 = Romania, Cosmorom S.A.
    22F601 = Romania, DIALOG
    52F099 = Russia, BeeLine
    52F070 = Russia, BM Telecom
    52F099 = Russia, CJSC VimpelCom-Region
    52F001 = Russia, Don Telecom
    52F071 = Russia, Ermak RMS
    52F082 = Russia, Extel
    52F021 = Russia, FECS-900
    52F031 = Russia, Kuban-GSM
    52F020 = Russia, Megafon GSM
    52F050 = Russia, Mobile Comms Systems
    52F010 = Russia, Mobile Telesystems
    52F030 = Russia, NCC
    52F044 = Russia, North-Caucasian GSM
    52F020 = Russia, North-West GSM
    52F061 = Russia, NTC
    52F029 = Russia, Primtelefone
    52F010 = Russia, SANTEL
    52F050 = Russia, SCS-900
    52F070 = Russia, Smarts
    52F019 = Russia, Sonic Duo
    52F093 = Russia, SUCT
    52F010 = Russia, Tambov RUS
    52F039 = Russia, Telecom XXI JSC
    52F050 = Russia, Tomsk Cellular Communication
    52F093 = Russia, Uraltel
    52F050 = Russia, Yeniseitelecom
    36F501 = Rwanda, Republic of, Rwandacell
    15F000 = Satellite, ACeS Indonesia - PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara
    15F511 = Satellite, ACeS Philippines - ACeS Philippines Cellular Corp
    64F686 = Satellite, ACeS Taiwan - ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd
    25F002 = Satellite, ACeS Thailand - ACeS Regional Services Co Ltd
    09F150 = Satellite, Thuraya
    24F070 = Saudi Arabia, E.A.E
    24F010 = Saudi Arabia, Saudi Telecom
    06F810 = Senegal, ALIZE
    06F820 = Senegal, Sentel GSM
    36F301 = Seychelles, AIRTEL
    36F310 = Seychelles, Cable & Wireless (Seychelles)
    25F530 = Singapore, MOBILEONE
    25F510 = Singapore, SingTel Mobile
    25F550 = Singapore, StarHub
    25F520 = Singapore, ST-PCN
    32F120 = Slovak Republic, EuroTel
    32F110 = Slovak Republic, Globtel
    92F314 = Slovenia, MOBITEL
    92F304 = Slovenia, SI.MOBIL
    36F710 = Somalia, BARAKAAT
    56F501 = South Africa, MTN
    56F510 = South Africa, Vodacom
    12F410 = Spain, Airtel
    12F430 = Spain, AMENA
    12F470 = Spain, MOVISTAR
    14F330 = Sri Lanka, Celltel Infiniti
    14F320 = Sri Lanka, DIALOG GSM
    36F410 = Sudan, MobiTel
    47F610 = Suriname, GSM 900
    56F301 = Swaziland, Swazi MTN (Ltd)
    42F080 = Sweden, EUROPOLITAN
    42F070 = Sweden, IQ
    42F010 = Sweden, Telia AB
    22F810 = Switzerland, NATEL
    22F830 = Switzerland, ORANGE
    22F820 = Switzerland, sunrise
    14F720 = Syria, 94
    14F790 = Syria, MOBILE SYRIA
    64F629 = Taiwan, Chunghwa GSM 1800
    64F629 = Taiwan, Chunghwa GSM 900
    64F610 = Taiwan, Far EasTone GSM 900/1800
    64F688 = Taiwan, KG Telecom
    64F639 = Taiwan, MobiTai
    64F699 = Taiwan, TransAsia
    64F679 = Taiwan, TWNGSM
    46F010 = Tanzania, TRITEL
    46F040 = Tanzania, Vodacom Tanzania Ltd
    46F030 = Tanzania, ZANTEL
    25F051 = Thailand, ACT Mobile
    25F010 = Thailand, AIS GSM
    25F001 = Thailand, CP Orange Co
    25F032 = Thailand, HELLO
    25F081 = Thailand, Worldphone 1800
    16F510 = Togo, TOGOCEL
    06F520 = Tunisia, Tunicell
    82F630 = Turkey, Aria
    82F640 = Turkey, AYCELL
    82F620 = Turkey, TELSIM GSM
    82F610 = Turkey, Turkcell
    34F810 = Turkmenistan, BCTI
    46F110 = Uganda, CelTel Cellular
    46F101 = Uganda, MTN-Uganda
    46F111 = Uganda, UTL Mobile Network
    52F550 = Ukraine, Golden Telecom GSM
    52F530 = Ukraine, Kyivstar
    52F510 = Ukraine, UMC
    52F520 = Ukraine, WellCOM
    24F420 = United Arab Emirates, ETISALAT
    32F401 = United Kingdom, BTCellnet (Now O2)
    32F403 = United Kingdom, One 2 One (Now T-Mobile)
    32F433 = United Kingdom, ORANGE
    32F451 = United Kingdom, Vodafone
    13F046 = U.S.A., Airadigm Communications
    13F036 = U.S.A., Choice Wireless L.C.
    13F051 = U.S.A., Cingular Wireless/BellSouth Mobility DCS
    13F071 = U.S.A., Cingular Wireless/Pac Bell
    13F096 = U.S.A., Conestoga
    13F077 = U.S.A., Iowa Wireless Services LP
    13F086 = U.S.A., NPI Wireless
    13F085 = U.S.A., PCS One
    13F097 = U.S.A., PinPoint Wireless
    13F072 = U.S.A., Powertel
    13F053 = U.S.A., South Carolina
    13F062 = U.S.A., VOICESTREAM
    13F062 = U.S.A., VOICESTREAM
    13F043 = U.S.A., Westlink Communications
    13F011 = U.S.A., Wireless 2000 Telephone Co.
    34F410 = Uzbekistan, Buztel
    34F450 = Uzbekistan, Coscom
    34F440 = Uzbekistan, Daewoo Unitel
    34F420 = Uzbekistan, Uzmacom
    37F410 = Venezuela, Infonet (Redes de Informacion)
    37F420 = Venezuela, Corporacion Digitel C.A
    37F430 = Venezuela, Digicel
    54F210 = Vietnam, MOBIFONE
    54F220 = Vietnam, Vinaphone
    22F030 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, Mobilna Telefonija Srbije
    22F010 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, MOBTEL
    22F040 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, MONET
    22F020 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, ProMonte GSM
    46F510 = Zambia, Celtel Zambia
    46F840 = Zimbabwe, Econet
    46F810 = Zimbabwe, NET*ONE
    46F830 = Zimbabwe, Telecel

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] NokiaLogo071220.rar ( 386.27K )
  4. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    Operator logo working in all regions s60v3


    NokiaLogo is a free Operator Logo changer for Nokia S60 3rd Edition NSeries and ESeries Mobile Devices such as N73, N80, N95, E60 or E65. Currently you can only set a 128 X 32, black and white picture as a logo. The Operator Logo is a special message stored on your mobile phone under the Mail2 folder. When you run the application for the first time, this utility removes the Mail2 directory and exports the desired logo into it, deleting all the previous messages in it (hence backup is recommended). On an SD Card, this folder is usually located under the \private folder.

    Usage Instructions:

    1) Create a 128 X 32 Black and white picture
    2) Connect the mobile device in the USB mass storage mode
    3) Backup the Mail2 folder (only the first time)
    4) Run Nokia Logo on your PC
    5) Right-click on the default preview image to choose load/reverse/mirror your custom photo (in BMP format), select the correct operator, choose the correct SD Card in the drop down menu and click Export.
    6) Disconnect your mobile device and change it into the normal mode
    7) Go to Messaging->Options->Settings->Other->Memory in use, use SD card as storage. Then open Inbox and select the message with the logo, and save it


    jarod.opl file found in SD:\Private\1000484b\Mail\00001001_S\a\0010000a_F

    get your home network code by PhoNetInfo from Patrick Frei app

    fully working


    72F610 = Albania, AMC
    72F620 = Albania, Vodafone Albania
    06F310 = Algeria, AMN
    45F411 = American Samoa, Blue Sky
    12F330 = Andorra, MOBILAND
    43F403 = Antigua & Barbuda, APUA PCS
    27F270 = Argentina, UNIFON
    82F310 = Armenia, Republic of, ArmGSM
    05F580 = Australia, One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty Limited
    05F520 = Australia, OPTUS
    05F510 = Australia, Telstra MobileNet
    05F530 = Australia, VODAFONE
    32F210 = Austria, A1
    32F230 = Austria, max.mobil.
    32F250 = Austria, ONE
    32F270 = Austria, Tele.ring Telekom Service GmbH & Co KG
    04F010 = Azerbaijan, Republic of, AZERCELL GSM
    04F020 = Azerbaijan, Republic of, Bakcell
    24F610 = Bahrain, BHR MOBILE PLUS
    74F020 = Bangladesh, AKTEL
    74F010 = Bangladesh, GrameenPhone
    74F091 = Bangladesh, Mobile 2000
    52F710 = Belarus, Republic of, VELCOM
    02F602 = Belgium, KPN Orange
    02F601 = Belgium, Mobistar
    02F610 = Belgium, PROXIMUS
    16F630 = Benin, BeninCell
    16F610 = Benin, LIBERCOM
    16F620 = Benin, Telecel Benin
    37F610 = Bolivia, Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia SA
    12F830 = Bosnia Herzegovina, Eronet Mobile Communications Ltd
    12F809 = Bosnia Herzegovina, GSMBIH
    12F850 = Bosnia Herzegovina, Mobilna Srpske
    56F210 = Botswana, MASCOM
    56F220 = Botswana, Vista Cellular
    25F811 = Brunei Darussalam, DSTCom
    82F410 = Bulgaria, M-TEL GSM BG
    16F320 = Burkina Faso, Celtel Burkina Faso
    46F220 = Burundi, SAFARIS
    46F210 = Burundi, Spacetel - Burundi
    54F610 = Cambodia, Kingdom of, MobiTel
    54F620 = Cambodia, Kingdom of, SAMART
    26F420 = Cameroon, MOBILIS
    26F410 = Cameroon, MTN Cameroon Ltd
    03F273 = Canada, Microcell Connexions Inc
    26F510 = Cape Verde, CVMOVEL
    26F220 = Chad, Libertis
    37F001 = Chile, Entel PCS
    37F010 = Chile, Entel PCS
    64F000 = China, Peoples Republic of, China Mobile
    64F010 = China, Peoples Republic of, CU-GSM
    36F020 = Congo, CelTel Congo SA
    36F040 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, CELLCO
    36F020 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, Celtel Congo
    36F010 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, CONGO-GSM
    36F098 = Congo, Democratic Republic of, OASIS
    26F901 = Congo, Libertis Telecom
    16F210 = Cote d'Ivoire, CORA de COMSTAR
    16F230 = Cote d'Ivoire, IVOIRIS
    16F250 = Cote d'Ivoire, Telecel
    12F910 = Croatia, CRONET
    12F901 = Croatia, VIPnet
    63F810 = Cuba, C_Com
    82F010 = Cyprus, CYTA
    32F020 = Czech Republic, EuroTel
    32F030 = Czech Republic, Oskar Mobil
    32F010 = Czech Republic, Paegas
    32F803 = Denmark, Orange
    32F820 = Denmark, SONOFON
    32F810 = Denmark, TDK-MOBIL
    32F802 = Denmark, TELIA DK
    73F010 = Dominican Republic, Orange
    06F220 = Egypt, CLICK GSM
    06F210 = Egypt, ECMS-MobiNil
    07F610 = El Salvador, CTE Telecom PersonalSA de CV
    07F620 = El Salvador, DIGICEL, S.A. de C.V.
    42F810 = Estonia, EMT GSM
    42F830 = Estonia, Q GSM
    42F820 = Estonia, Radiolinja Eesti
    36F610 = Ethiopia, ETMTN
    82F810 = Faroe Islands, Faroese Telecom
    45F210 = Fiji, Vodafone Fiji Ltd
    42F450 = Finland, Alands Mobiltelefon A.B
    42F421 = Finland, DNA
    42F490 = Finland, Finnet
    42F450 = Finland, GSM 050 (Radiolinja)
    42F419 = Finland, Jippii
    42F419 = Finland, Kiss GSM (RSL Com)
    42F419 = Finland, Sonera
    42F421 = Finland, Suomen 2G Oy
    42F430 = Finland, Telia City
    02F802 = France, Bouygues Telecom - GSM 1800
    02F802 = France, Bouygues Telecom - GSM 900
    02F810 = France, ITINERIS
    02F801 = France, SFR
    45F702 = French Polynesia, VINI
    43F010 = French West Indies, ORANGE CARAIBE
    26F830 = Gabon, Republic of, Celtel Gabon SA
    26F810 = Gabon, Republic of, LIBERTIS S.A.
    26F820 = Gabon, Republic of, Telecel Gabon SA
    82F210 = Georgia, Geocell Limited
    82F220 = Georgia, Magti GSM
    62F220 = Germany, D2 PRIVAT
    62F270 = Germany, E2
    62F230 = Germany, E-Plus
    62F210 = Germany, T-D1
    26F020 = Ghana, Ghana Telecommunications Company Ltd
    26F030 = Ghana, MOBITEL
    26F010 = Ghana, SPACEFON
    62F610 = Gibraltar, Gibtel GSM
    02F210 = Greece, Cosmote
    02F250 = Greece, PANAFON
    02F201 = Greece, TELESTET
    92F010 = Greenland, Tele Greenland
    32F455 = Guernsey, Guernsey Telecoms
    16F120 = Guinea, Lagui
    16F110 = Guinea, Mobilis Guinee
    54F400 = Hong Kong, CSL GSM 900/1800
    54F401 = Hong Kong, New World Mobility
    54F440 = Hong Kong, Orange-Dual Band
    54F421 = Hong Kong, PEOPLES
    54F460 = Hong Kong, SMARTONE
    54F461 = Hong Kong, SUNDAY
    12F610 = Hungary, Pannon GSM
    12F607 = Hungary, VODAFONE
    12F603 = Hungary, Westel Mobile Co.
    72F410 = Iceland, Landssiminn
    72F420 = Iceland, TAL hf
    72F440 = Iceland, Viking Wireless
    04F424 = India, AIRCEL
    04F401 = India, AirTel
    04F442 = India, AT&T - Gujarat
    04F422 = India, AT&T - Maharashtra/Goa
    04F494 = India, Bharti Mobile Ltd - Andhra Pradesh
    04F454 = India, Bharti Mobile Ltd - Karnataka
    04F464 = India, BPL Mobile - Kerala
    04F472 = India, BPL Mobile - Maharshtra/Goa
    04F412 = India, BPL - Mobile - Mumbai
    04F434 = India, BPL Mobile - Tamil Nadu/Pondicherry
    04F450 = India, CELFORCE
    04F403 = India, Command
    04F421 = India, Escotel Haryana
    04F491 = India, Escotel Kerala
    04F465 = India, Escotel UP(W)
    04F451 = India, Essar Cellphone
    04F411 = India, Essar Cellphone (Delhi)
    04F407 = India, Oasis Cellular
    04F402 = India, Orange
    04F414 = India, RPG Cellular
    04F404 = India, SkyCell
    04F444 = India, Spice - Karnataka
    04F441 = India, SPICE - Punjab
    04F413 = India, Spice Telecom (Modi Telstra)
    04F470 = India, TATA Cellular
    15F011 = Indonesia, Excelcom
    15F080 = Indonesia, Lippo Telecom
    15F010 = Indonesia, SATELINDO
    15F001 = Indonesia, TELKOMSEL
    34F241 = Iran, Payam Kish
    34F211 = Iran, TCI
    72F220 = Ireland, Digifone
    72F210 = Ireland, EIRCELL
    72F230 = Ireland, METEOR
    32F485 = Isle of Man, PRONTO GSM
    24F510 = Israel, Orange
    22F289 = Italy, Blu SpA
    22F201 = Italy, OMNITEL
    22F210 = Italy, Telecom Italia Mobile
    22F288 = Italy, WIND
    32F405 = Jersey, JT GSM
    14F610 = Jordan, Fastlink - Jordan
    14F677 = Jordan, MobileCom
    04F120 = Kazakhstan, K'cell
    04F110 = Kazakhstan, K-MOBILE
    36F930 = Kenya, Kencell Communications Ltd
    36F920 = Kenya, SAFARICOM
    14F920 = Kuwait, MTCNet
    14F930 = Kuwait, Wataniya Telecom
    34F710 = Kyrgyz Republic, BITEL GSM
    54F710 = Lao, Lao Shinawatra Telecom
    42F710 = Latvia, LMT GSM
    42F720 = Latvia, TELE2
    14F510 = Lebanon, CELLIS
    14F530 = Lebanon, LIBANCELL
    56F110 = Lesotho, Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd
    16F810 = Liberia, LonestarCell
    92F550 = Liechtenstein, FL1
    92F577 = Liechtenstein, Tele 2 AG
    42F620 = Lithuania, Bite GSM
    42F610 = Lithuania, OMNITEL
    42F630 = Lithuania, TELE2
    72F010 = Luxembourg, LUXGSM
    72F077 = Luxembourg, TANGO
    54F500 = Macau, Hutchison Telecom Macau
    54F500 = Macau, SMC Macau
    54F510 = Macau, TELEMOVEL+ GSM900-Macau
    92F410 = Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of, MobiMak
    46F620 = Madagascar, ANTARIS
    46F610 = Madagascar, Madacom
    56F010 = Malawi, Callpoint 900
    56F001 = Malawi, CelTel Limited
    05F291 = Malaysia, CELCOM
    05F261 = Malaysia, DiGi
    05F221 = Malaysia, Maxis Mobile
    05F271 = Malaysia, TIMECel
    05F231 = Malaysia, TMTOUCH
    74F210 = Maldives, DhiMobile GSM 900
    16F010 = Mali, Malitel
    72F812 = Malta, go mobile
    72F810 = Malta, Vodafone Malta - GSM 900
    16F710 = Mauritius, Cellplus Mobile Comms
    16F701 = Mauritius, Emtel
    52F920 = Moldova, Republic of, Moldcell
    52F910 = Moldova, Republic of, VOXTEL
    24F899 = Mongolia, MobiCom
    06F410 = Morocco, I A M
    06F400 = Morocco, Meditel
    46F310 = Mozambique, Mcel
    46F910 = Namibia, MTC
    24F910 = Nepal, Nepal Mobile
    02F461 = Netherlands, T-Mobile
    02F402 = Netherlands, Orange N.V
    02F480 = Netherlands, KPN Mobile The Netherlands BV
    02F440 = Netherlands, Vodafone
    02F421 = Netherlands, Telfort
    45F610 = New Caledonia, Mobilis
    35F010 = New Zealand, Vodafone New Zealand Limited
    16F420 = Niger, Celtel Niger
    26F102 = Nigeria, Econet Wireless Nigeria Ltd
    42F220 = Norway, NetCom
    42F210 = Norway, Telenor Mobil
    24F220 = Oman, Sultanate of, GTO
    14F010 = Pakistan, Mobilink
    24F550 = Palestinian Authority, JAWWAL
    13F010 = Papua New Guinea, Cellnet
    47F420 = Paraguay, COPESA
    47F410 = Paraguay, VOX
    15F520 = Philippines, Globe Telecom
    15F510 = Philippines, ISLACOM
    15F530 = Philippines, Smart Gold GSM
    62F020 = Poland, ERA GSM
    62F030 = Poland, IDEA
    62F010 = Poland, PLUS GSM
    62F830 = Portugal, OPTIMUS
    62F810 = Portugal, TELECEL
    62F860 = Portugal, TMN
    24F710 = Qatar, QATARNET
    46F700 = Reunion (La), Itineris RñÖnion
    46F701 = Reunion (La), SRR
    22F610 = Romania, CONNEX GSM
    22F630 = Romania, Cosmorom S.A.
    22F601 = Romania, DIALOG
    52F099 = Russia, BeeLine
    52F070 = Russia, BM Telecom
    52F099 = Russia, CJSC VimpelCom-Region
    52F001 = Russia, Don Telecom
    52F071 = Russia, Ermak RMS
    52F082 = Russia, Extel
    52F021 = Russia, FECS-900
    52F031 = Russia, Kuban-GSM
    52F020 = Russia, Megafon GSM
    52F050 = Russia, Mobile Comms Systems
    52F010 = Russia, Mobile Telesystems
    52F030 = Russia, NCC
    52F044 = Russia, North-Caucasian GSM
    52F020 = Russia, North-West GSM
    52F061 = Russia, NTC
    52F029 = Russia, Primtelefone
    52F010 = Russia, SANTEL
    52F050 = Russia, SCS-900
    52F070 = Russia, Smarts
    52F019 = Russia, Sonic Duo
    52F093 = Russia, SUCT
    52F010 = Russia, Tambov RUS
    52F039 = Russia, Telecom XXI JSC
    52F050 = Russia, Tomsk Cellular Communication
    52F093 = Russia, Uraltel
    52F050 = Russia, Yeniseitelecom
    36F501 = Rwanda, Republic of, Rwandacell
    15F000 = Satellite, ACeS Indonesia - PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara
    15F511 = Satellite, ACeS Philippines - ACeS Philippines Cellular Corp
    64F686 = Satellite, ACeS Taiwan - ACeS Taiwan Telecommunications Co Ltd
    25F002 = Satellite, ACeS Thailand - ACeS Regional Services Co Ltd
    09F150 = Satellite, Thuraya
    24F070 = Saudi Arabia, E.A.E
    24F010 = Saudi Arabia, Saudi Telecom
    06F810 = Senegal, ALIZE
    06F820 = Senegal, Sentel GSM
    36F301 = Seychelles, AIRTEL
    36F310 = Seychelles, Cable & Wireless (Seychelles)
    25F530 = Singapore, MOBILEONE
    25F510 = Singapore, SingTel Mobile
    25F550 = Singapore, StarHub
    25F520 = Singapore, ST-PCN
    32F120 = Slovak Republic, EuroTel
    32F110 = Slovak Republic, Globtel
    92F314 = Slovenia, MOBITEL
    92F304 = Slovenia, SI.MOBIL
    36F710 = Somalia, BARAKAAT
    56F501 = South Africa, MTN
    56F510 = South Africa, Vodacom
    12F410 = Spain, Airtel
    12F430 = Spain, AMENA
    12F470 = Spain, MOVISTAR
    14F330 = Sri Lanka, Celltel Infiniti
    14F320 = Sri Lanka, DIALOG GSM
    36F410 = Sudan, MobiTel
    47F610 = Suriname, GSM 900
    56F301 = Swaziland, Swazi MTN (Ltd)
    42F080 = Sweden, EUROPOLITAN
    42F070 = Sweden, IQ
    42F010 = Sweden, Telia AB
    22F810 = Switzerland, NATEL
    22F830 = Switzerland, ORANGE
    22F820 = Switzerland, sunrise
    14F720 = Syria, 94
    14F790 = Syria, MOBILE SYRIA
    64F629 = Taiwan, Chunghwa GSM 1800
    64F629 = Taiwan, Chunghwa GSM 900
    64F610 = Taiwan, Far EasTone GSM 900/1800
    64F688 = Taiwan, KG Telecom
    64F639 = Taiwan, MobiTai
    64F699 = Taiwan, TransAsia
    64F679 = Taiwan, TWNGSM
    46F010 = Tanzania, TRITEL
    46F040 = Tanzania, Vodacom Tanzania Ltd
    46F030 = Tanzania, ZANTEL
    25F051 = Thailand, ACT Mobile
    25F010 = Thailand, AIS GSM
    25F001 = Thailand, CP Orange Co
    25F032 = Thailand, HELLO
    25F081 = Thailand, Worldphone 1800
    16F510 = Togo, TOGOCEL
    06F520 = Tunisia, Tunicell
    82F630 = Turkey, Aria
    82F640 = Turkey, AYCELL
    82F620 = Turkey, TELSIM GSM
    82F610 = Turkey, Turkcell
    34F810 = Turkmenistan, BCTI
    46F110 = Uganda, CelTel Cellular
    46F101 = Uganda, MTN-Uganda
    46F111 = Uganda, UTL Mobile Network
    52F550 = Ukraine, Golden Telecom GSM
    52F530 = Ukraine, Kyivstar
    52F510 = Ukraine, UMC
    52F520 = Ukraine, WellCOM
    24F420 = United Arab Emirates, ETISALAT
    32F401 = United Kingdom, BTCellnet (Now O2)
    32F403 = United Kingdom, One 2 One (Now T-Mobile)
    32F433 = United Kingdom, ORANGE
    32F451 = United Kingdom, Vodafone
    13F046 = U.S.A., Airadigm Communications
    13F036 = U.S.A., Choice Wireless L.C.
    13F051 = U.S.A., Cingular Wireless/BellSouth Mobility DCS
    13F071 = U.S.A., Cingular Wireless/Pac Bell
    13F096 = U.S.A., Conestoga
    13F077 = U.S.A., Iowa Wireless Services LP
    13F086 = U.S.A., NPI Wireless
    13F085 = U.S.A., PCS One
    13F097 = U.S.A., PinPoint Wireless
    13F072 = U.S.A., Powertel
    13F053 = U.S.A., South Carolina
    13F062 = U.S.A., VOICESTREAM
    13F062 = U.S.A., VOICESTREAM
    13F043 = U.S.A., Westlink Communications
    13F011 = U.S.A., Wireless 2000 Telephone Co.
    34F410 = Uzbekistan, Buztel
    34F450 = Uzbekistan, Coscom
    34F440 = Uzbekistan, Daewoo Unitel
    34F420 = Uzbekistan, Uzmacom
    37F410 = Venezuela, Infonet (Redes de Informacion)
    37F420 = Venezuela, Corporacion Digitel C.A
    37F430 = Venezuela, Digicel
    54F210 = Vietnam, MOBIFONE
    54F220 = Vietnam, Vinaphone
    22F030 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, Mobilna Telefonija Srbije
    22F010 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, MOBTEL
    22F040 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, MONET
    22F020 = Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, ProMonte GSM
    46F510 = Zambia, Celtel Zambia
    46F840 = Zimbabwe, Econet
    46F810 = Zimbabwe, NET*ONE
    46F830 = Zimbabwe, Telecel

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] NokiaLogo071220.rar ( 386.27K )
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  5. thaiphong82hp

    thaiphong82hp Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Thử soạn LG 5555 gửi 8330 xem sao bác :D
  6. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    các pro ơi sao mình cài cái phoneinfo vào nó báo lỗi như thế này " Unable to install a protected ..." là sao vậy các pro mình cài trên N73Me
  7. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

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    sao không ai nghiên cứu trả lời dumg mình hết vậy hic hic

    xin lỗi các bạn nhé mình làm được rùi do mình ko chịu sign hehe
  8. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

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  9. namtuyen

    namtuyen Thành viên

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    sao không ai giúp mình hết vậy

    giúp mình với chủ topic đâu rồi
  10. 0914387001

    0914387001 Thành viên

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    Chả hiểu thế nào mà mình lam dược khoảng 3 lần thì ok đẹp lắm, sau đó đến lần thứ 4 thì khi mở tin nhắn ra dinh save thì máy báo là Delete all operatior logos? cuối cùng vẫn là VN VINAPHONE. chán thật có ai biết giúp mình với. Thanks!