Có câu hỏi dành cho các bác xài PXXX (nhất là P910i)

Thảo luận trong 'UIQ: THÔNG TIN PHẦN MỀM' bắt đầu bởi Lightblue, 28 Tháng mười hai 2005.

  1. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    Bác khách sáo quá rồi. Click vào Thanks thôi...
    Bác muốn voọc nhiều phần mềm hơn nữa thì có thể vào đây.
    rockone1909 thích bài này.
  2. vinh89

    vinh89 Thành viên

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    các bác ơi, có ai bị tình trạng P.910 dang xài tự nhiên màn hình không hiện nửa, chỉ có đèn sáng thôi. nhưng vẩn khời đông và điện thoại được không vậy ?
    rockone1909 thích bài này.
  3. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    Đèn gì sáng hả bạn?! Ý bạn nói là màn hình không hiện tí nào từ khi khởi động?! Ngay cả Logo SE cũng không lên?!
    rockone1909 thích bài này.
  4. vietson02

    vietson02 Thành viên

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    Các bác cho tôi hỏi,
    Tôi xài cái P910i second hand, nó bị như thế này:
    1/ Khi cắm xạc vào phải lắc lắc khi nghe tiếng "beep" thì mới chịu sạc, mà phải đạt úp nó xuống không thì nó sẽ không xạc tiếp???
    2/ Tất cả giao diện là TAnh, tự nhiên có chữ "Cuo*c g.o"i" , tôi muốn trở về tình trạng ban đầu lúc mới xuất xưởng dc ko? Tôi thử Master reset nhưng ko biết mã là gỉ? đã thử 0000, 12345, 000000, nhưng báo là mã sai!
    3/ Tôi format máy lại thì có về tình trạng xuất xưởng ko? Làm sao format được?
    4/ Làm sao cài dc file *.UIQ vào máy, tôi mới biết file *.SIS thỉ click vào sẽ cài?

    Tôi mới làm quen với máy P910i (OS: Symbian UIQ), chữ UIQ nghĩa là gỉ? Rất mong được giúp đỡ cám ơn nhiều.
    rockone1909 thích bài này.
  5. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    1. Bạn cắm charge vào đế Sync phải không?! Khi đặt máy vào và nghe tiếng Beep thì các chấu mới vào vị trí của nó, và quá trình charge mới được kích hoạt. Tiếng đó là báo hiệu thôi bạn.

    2. Tôi nghĩ hiện chứ Cuộc gọi (khi flip đóng) là do firmware của bạn. Hoặc bạn đã cài gói giao diện tiếng Việt nhưng chưa kích hoạt.
    Mã Master Reset mặc định là 0000 (4 số 0). Nếu bạn không thực hiện được thì có lẽ đã bị người sử dụng trước đổi rồi.

    3. Để format máy đưa về tình trạng xuất xưởng, bạn thực hiện như sau: (cần thận thì gỡ thẻ ra)
    Trong đó:
    > : cuộn Jogdial lên 1 nấc
    > : cuộn Jogdial xuống 1 nấc
    * : phím *
    Màn hình sẽ hiện ra menu Service. Bạn chọn dòng số 3 rồi chọn Yes khi có câu hỏi. Máy sẽ khởi động lại. Thế là xong.
    Lưu ý: phải đảm bảo pin đầy khi thực hiện.

    4. Các file cài ứng dụng Symbian đều là các tập tin có phần mở rộng .sis. Bạn chép vào thẻ nhớ, rồi vào menu Application, chọn Install.

    Vấn đề cuối cùng của bạn:
    What is UIQ?

    A short introduction to UIQ.

    UIQ is a user interface platform for smartphones. It is based on the Symbian OS.
    What does that mean? Not much. Okay, let's start another way.
    [​IMG]A typical UIQ-based smartphone has a 208 by 320 pixel color screen. The screen is touch-sensitive, and you use an included pen to tap buttons or to enter text using the built-in handwriting recognition system. You can run different applications on that system, and download new ones from the Internet (or even write your own). Actually, the smartphone's built-in contact list, calendar, etc. simply are applications like any other.
    UIQ is not developed by a single phone manufacturer. While Sony Ericsson's P-series (P800, P900, P910) is the most visible, there are other UIQ phones from Motorola, BenQ and Arima. An application written for UIQ will run on any of these (with the usual few exceptions).
    rockone1909 and vietson02 like this.
  6. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    Tiếp tục, định nghĩa UIQ: :)

    UIQ is a flexible and customizable user interface for data-enabled mobile phones, based on the Symbian OS platform. UIQ includes support for the latest and emerging wireless standards and comes with a set of essential and well-integrated applications. UIQ enables rapid device integration and offers mobile phone manufacturers a foundation for building attractive and cost efficient mobile phones. UIQ licensees are given extensive rights to customize the user interface to fit into their product portfolio and branding strategy.

    What is UIQ?

    UIQ is a user interface platform for smart phones based on Symbian OS. Being completely customizable and featuring access to services in 2.5 and 3G networks, enterprise applications, email, multimedia clips, web pages and personal information management, it enables Symbian licensees to rapidly build attractive and cost efficient devices.
    rockone1909 and vietson02 like this.
  7. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    What is UIQ?

    UIQ is a customizable user interface platform for smartphones based on Symbian OS. UIQ offers users enchanting interaction and is designed to offer easy access to the wide variety of data services in 2.5 and 3G networks.

    UIQ based phones are powerful and give access to enterprise applications, email, multimedia clips and web pages as well as personal information management; for exmaple address book, to-do lists and calendar. The excellent interaction and graphical capabilities also provide support for advanced gaming possibilities. UIQ offers mobile phone manufacturers a solid foundation to rapidly build attractive and cost efficient devices.

    UIQ licensees are given extensive rights to customize the UI to fit into their product portfolio and branding strategy. UIQ includes support for the latest and emerging wireless standards and comes with a set of essential and well-integrated applications, thereby enabling fast device integration. Through the open platform of UIQ, available to 3rd party developers, a multitude of applications and services are offered by various software companies.

    The newest UIQ version is UIQ 3.0 read everthing about it below! [​IMG]
    [​IMG] UIQ 3.0 – The Evolution of UIQ

    The requirements forming the base for UIQ 3.0 have come from the mobile phone industry. The platform is an answer to some of the pressing challenges that the industry meets. By offering support for multiple form factors on the same code base and ease of operator configuration, mobile phone manufacturers minimize their need for investment and maximize re-use and freedom to innovate. UIQ 3.0 is based on Symbian OS v9 and is well equipped to meet the various demands from phone manufacturers, network operators and end users.

    Easy to create
    UIQ 3.0 allows mobile phone manufacturers to innovate and create a highly diversified range of phones, each with its own form factor, from a single code base. This minimizes duplication of engineering effort. Mobile phone manufacturers can use this capability to create a portfolio of phones from the same platform. The entire range of phones can be served by just one developer community.

    UIQ 2.0 & 2.1 was delivered with a pen-based UI design only. UIQ 3.0 now, in addition, provides a UI design for one-handed use with softkeys. Of course UIQ 3.0 still supports touch screens and pen-based input. The classic pen-based UI and the new one-handed alternative are built on the very same code base. Additional UI designs, for other form factors, can easily be created by the mobile phone manufacturer.

    Easy to customize
    Customization of software is important for both mobile phone manufacturers and network operators. It enables them to promote their brand as well as tailor the phone for different user segments. UIQ 3.0 offers a new feature called Operator Configuration Package (OCP). Mobile phone manufacturers use the OCP to configure phones to meet requirements from network operators. The same configuration can then be re-used on other UIQ phones with different form factors.

    Easy to expand
    The UIQ platform comes complete with a feature-rich application suite, a GUI toolkit, and an application framework and system services. The application suite includes, for example, telephony, contacts, messaging and agenda. Developers use the GUI Toolkit to expand these applications or create new ones. Building blocks, layout managers and a wide range of controls, such as menus and dialogs, make it easier to design applications for UIQ. Using these tools also gives the applications the UIQ look and feel which users are familiar with. The application framework and system services are the basis of the UI platform. These give easy access to the power of UIQ 3.0.

    [​IMG] UIQ 3.0 Configurations - Diversity in Form Factors on One Code Base

    UIQ 3.0 provides a large variety of configurations. This in turn allows mobile phone manufacturers to develop a highly diversified range of phones, each with its own form factor. The best part is, all of the phones are based on one single code base. This enables manufacturers to create a portfolio of phones from the same platform and minimizes duplication of engineering effort.

    The configuration options cover areas such as interaction style (soft-keys, full keyboard or pen), display (screen size, screen rotation, touch support etc), hardware keys and method of functionality.

    Benefits for mobile phone manufacturers
    • Use one software platform for multiple products and market segments
    • Reduce time-to-market for spin-off and follow-on products
    • Reduce overall costs, such as maintenance
    • Work with only one developer community and use the same third party applications for all types of mobile phones, reducing licensing and integration costs
    Benefits for network operators
    • Deployment of one application across different form factors and manufacturers with consistent user experience and branding
    • Deeper integration of key revenue generating applications. For example, an Instant messaging application could show presence status in the Contacts manager application or video clips could be shared through the “Send as…” feature
    Benefits for Developers
    • Extended market for software developers. An application can run on any device with UIQ 3.0 regardless of form factor or network operator branding
    • Applications automatically receive the look and feel of the device they are running on
    • Optimize for specific phones to improve interaction, to take advantage of special features and to use the full potential of the screen
    [​IMG] UIQ 3.0 Configuration pieces

    Display properties
    Portrait mode
    Landscape mode
    Touch screen on/off
    QVGA - 2.2” up to 2.8”

    UI style
    Menu and button based

    Interaction style
    Full keyboard
    2-way to 8-way navigation keys

    Text input methods
    Predictive text input
    Handwriting recognition
    Full keyboard

    [​IMG] Experience a Richer UI

    Today’s users of mobile phones expect a visually appealing user interface. Great attention has been given to this in UIQ 3.0. Advanced Themes now include skins. Background images, color schemes, and sounds are enhanced. Animations and transition effects have been added. Pre-installed Themes can be modified and new ones can be installed. Themes can be used by the end user to personalize the phone and by manufacturers and operators for branding.

    Animations in UIQ 3.0 can be decorative and used to make the UI richer and more appealing. They can also be used for illustrating progress. They can be an integrated part of the UI or float on top of it. Decorative animations can appear anywhere in the UI, for example, in dialogs requiring user response. An animation can be used to highlight the icon for an application that has been selected.Transition effects are used between screen views, for example, when closing a dialog or switching between applications. It is possible for the licensee to create advanced types of transition effects on top of UIQ to create a unique user experience.

    A richer UI experience requires more than just an attractive interface. Users want to perform everyday functions easily and quickly. Special care has been taken in designing UIQ 3.0 so that tedious tasks are optimized. Complex and routine tasks can be completed with fewer clicks and menu selections.

    [​IMG] UIQ 2.1 user interface platform

    UIQ is flexible and can be adjusted to fit the needs of phone manufacturers. Two configurations are available in UIQ 2.1:

    Communicator configuration
    240 x 320 pixels (1/4 VGA), dot pitch 0.24
    This gives a physical screen size of 6 x 8 cm.

    Smartphone configuration
    208 x 320 pixels, dot pitch 0.192
    This gives a physical screen size of 4 x 6 cm.

    rockone1909 and vietson02 like this.
  8. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    [​IMG] A screenshot of the UIQ one-handed interface

    [​IMG] A screenshot of the UIQ 3 pen-based interface

    UIQ (formerly known as User Interface Quartz) by UIQ Technology is a software platform based upon Symbian OS. Essentially this is a graphical user interface layer that provides additional components to the core OS, to enable the development of feature-rich mobile phones that are open to expanded capabilities through third-party applications.
    One of the main attractions for developers to really unlock the power of the platform is the ability to program "natively" in C++. This is the language that the OS and platform were written in, and so provides the best performance for applications. In addition to this, all UIQ-based phones (2.x and 3) support Java programming.
    Version 2.0 and 2.1 are pen-based and used in the following 2.5G and 3G smartphones: Motorola A920/A925, Motorola A1000, Motorola FOMA M1000, Sony Ericsson P800/P900/P910, BenQ P30/P31 and Arima U300/U308 . UIQ phones employ touch screens with a resolution of 208-240*320 pixels and 12 or 16 bit colors.
    UIQ 3 is the latest version of the platform and, in addition to the pen-based UI, will also support one handed operation and a number of significant enhancements.
    For developers the significant items are:
    • Single SDK model - developers targeting core UIQ features can use the UIQ SDK to target any UIQ 3 device. Extensions targeting specific device features (such as WiFi, etc) are available from phone manufacturers websites.
    • Increased tools support - developers can use whichever tools they are familiar with (DevStudio, Eclipse, Carbide, CodeWarrior, NetBeans). Many of these tools are beginning to support extensive RAD features for both C++ and Java developers.
    • High volume, mid-range devices are now possible, to significantly increase the potential customer base.
    The first phones with the pen-based UIQ 3 will be the Sony Ericsson P990, the M600 and the W950 - the latest Walkman-branded phone.
    rockone1909 and vietson02 like this.
  9. Lightblue

    Lightblue Amie Staff Member

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    What is UIQ?
    UIQ user interface
    is a customizable pen-based graphical user interface for media-rich Symbian OS phones. Visit UIQ's website for more information: www.uiq.com
    Here is the list of devices that runs on UIQ:
    (If you have any of these devices you can select it to see applications that you can use on your device)
    BenQ P30

    Motorola A9xx/A1000

    Sony Ericsson P800/P802

    Sony Ericsson P900

    Sony Ericsson P910

    UIQ Technology

    UIQ Technology develops and licenses a world-class open software platform, UIQ, to the leading mobile phone manufacturers. It is an internationally focused company, working with usability design, software engineering, product realization, technical consulting, sales and marketing.
    rockone1909 thích bài này.
  10. vietson02

    vietson02 Thành viên

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    Cám ơn bạn lightblue nhiềi lắm:
    1/ Tôi ko có sạc trên đế Sync (vì ko có), tôi sạc = cục sạc bình thường, nhưng gặp v/d trên? Có phải lỗi phềm mềm hay cứng?
    2/ Master reset kha'c format ma'y như thế nào? Khi format máy xong, thì mã khóa sẽ trở về 0000 phải không bạn? Format nhiều có làm hư máy?

    Mong tin bạn lightblue!
    rockone1909 thích bài này.