DrJukka Theme Scheduler - Tự động chuyển đổi themes theo thời gian.

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TIỆN ÍCH' bắt đầu bởi tichau, 19 Tháng mười 2009.

  1. manbk401

    manbk401 Thành viên

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    DrJukka Theme Scheduler v1.10(9) S60v3 v5SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Datecode 23.04.10


    Theme Scheduler is a free theme scheduler application that allows automated theme scheduling with timer.
    It also has option on scheduling themes with profile changes, and if you wan your profiles to be automatically scheduled as well, then do remember to download Profile Scheduler available at this site as well.
    With this application you can easily have your business theme on while at the office and automatically get it to more relaxed one when your work day ends, or simply use the random themes to get your phone appearance to surprise you..
    This freeware application is designed for S60 OS 9.1 Symbian smart phones, and tested only with Nokia S60 devices. It should work with All S60 3rd & 5th edition devices, including Nokia 5800 and N97.

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    peter 1 and kkk2010 like this.
  2. khoinguyen1068

    khoinguyen1068 Thành viên

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    Báo ứng dụng bị lỗi ,mình ko cài đươc
  3. Be Yeu

    Be Yeu Super Moderator Staff Member

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    Bạn nêu cụ thể lỗi lên để mọi người còn giúp bạn được . Nói chung chung thế thì chịu thôi . Tốt nhất bạn nên h@ckphone hoặc sign phần mềm rồi cài . Thân !