Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. tichau

    tichau Guest

    ClockSSConfig s60v3


    Developer: tongren
    Version: 1.02
    Language: Chinese
    Registration: FREEWARE

    It is necessary to sign. Only on 240 screens and h320 352 h416

    Another smart, unfortunately the Chinese language, but the preferences menu item 3:
    1. Display: black on white or black on white
    2. Display second arrow or not
    3. Screen Resolution

    MaiDinh thích bài này.
  2. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Mobile GMaps v1.38.00 [Update]


    A new version of Mobile GMaps is out, with a lot of major and minor improvements. Updates and bug fixes include:

    - The image last displayed in MGMaps is saved and displayed when MGMaps is started the next time.
    - The map can't be moved to the north or south outside the displayable area (approx. ±85.05 degrees).
    - A few problems with GPS functionality and web tracking were fixed.
    - A few problems with networking and connectivity were fixed.
    - Full-screen mode is turned off by default on Windows-Mobile, this displays the menu on smartphones that can't show it otherwise.
    - A few performance updates now make the application more responsive.
    - Some more changes will be announced later.

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] mg_maps_.rar ( 364.14K )
    cuthitam thích bài này.
  3. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    Opera mini HI-FI(russian mod) v2.05 english version


    2.05 07.10.07 list of the changes
    [ addition ]

    * 05.10.07 correcting for the starting on JVM Esmertec Jbed of 20070802. Compression is included.
    * The commands on the soft- buttons show on the Alerts, in order not to lead into error of users.
    * Filter in the list is file with eksporte\importe of list to the load.
    * For SE in the file manager occurs the conversion of name it is file from UTF in Cp-1251.
    * Konteksnoye menu of reference or data on the page with long tape (1.5s) on the afore-mentioned. It is permitted to move stilus relative to the point of pressure in the limits of 10 pikseley.
    * the start of the demonstration of the complete name page in the history
    * the prompt with url of the chosen reference
    * the support of cyrillic alphabet in the references (with the load, possibly, it is necessary to disconnect the automatic determination of name): -!
    * eksport/import of list is file to the load
    * the coder- decoder of file in Base64(raz already is unloading and coder is present) with the rerecording (only with ftp by module)
    * proxy for the load of the pages
    * is added the selection of the color of background and type with the survey of test it is file. THE FILES OF THE EXPORT OF TUNING DO NOT APPROACH removed lower border and button is back altered into the point of menu the output
    * straight and reverse sorting according to the name, the size, the date, the type in the file; straight and reverse sorting according to the name, the size, the date, attributam, type in ftp
    * separate error with the sending of the file (it was error about the network)

    [ change ]

    * Mini- windows with the communications (Alerts) are removed by pressure on the soft- buttons (it was any button), in order to avoid of the passage of important information.
    * If on the screen there was the window of Alert and must appear new, then information will be added to that existing, and not will be shown only the communication of the latter.
    * Stop into info about the reference operates and as back in the case of error in the stage of connection. Earlier simply it projected in this window
    * If in the window of editing and text changed, then it is permitted to open demand to closing of this window only
    * Reading the page of error - previously was caused exception.
    * Work with the file system in coding CP1251 only for SE -W810i.
    * It returned the heights of borders to the original.
    * Time out during unloading of file is opened.
    * With the removal of entire history separately is indicated the need for removal cookies.
    * Contextual menu in the file manager
    * With the presence of the working load in one panel and the call of charger in another, occurred the passage back in the panel, from which was caused the charger. Now active becomes that panel, in which the load is neglected and its state is opened.
    * The regime of copying again altered. If we the text of money-changers the size between the operations "note" and "to copy", then copyings does not occur and isolation is discarded.
    * The demonstration of the name page in the title of midleta (it will be evidently on the bodies, which support the demonstration of title in the polnoekrannom regime). It is disconnected in the tuning.
    * The name of file in status of load is cut under the width of screen.
    * We show prompt with url, when name in the file or ftp is cut either this is page or this of laying.
    * On the pressure "to the right" in FM, FTP, layings and the complete shift of page the cursor is established on the lowest element.
    * Base64: to the name of the coded file is added the expansion of "..base'ya"; with the decoding, if there was this expansion, then it is moved away. The code of decoding is a little changed.
    * Text files in coding UTF: the passage is only sequential paginal with survey utf. Shift to the correct position automatically occurs (levelling off of bytes). Symbols not in coding utf (or because of the incorrect position with the discovery) are ignored with reading and after editing do not remain.
    * In ftp after separation is opened the list of akkauntov.
    * Vzagruzchike, to the auto-recognition of codings of references in urlencoded added the recognition of names is file, coded in utf-8, but returned as in coding iso8859-1.
    * It changed the position of the commands: in the templates to the the dzhoye in siemens it was back, but not to note.
    * button Camera and PTT Siemens in control of the warming up of page.
    * teskt from the screen and the page works also for the windows of errors.
    * the size of buffer for the text remains between the sessions.
    * FTP: Altered the custody of list it was file. Hot to renew works onovleniyem of connection or list it is file in ftp. made the renovation of list after the change of attributov.
    * the code of passage on the field of the introduction of address is rewritten.
    * illumination not it is concrete for siemens, but for those having the classes of simensovskoy illumination.
    * because of sagem the charger was made with cleaning of buffer after each its sokhraneniya.eto it caused reduction in the velocity of rocking changed to cleaning of buffer only for telephones sagem.dl4 this into User- agent must be prescribed word "Sagem" - program establish from the designer or as conveniently, but with the indication of model in jad.
    * it restored working feet into info about the reference and removed colon from the reference in this window

    [ correction ]

    * 07.10.07 together with w810i for recoding fell k810i.
    * 07.10.07 v of version without the support of change it is color by the "manual" method: after the import of tuning the program "hovered" with the starting, if in the imported tuning color diagram from the server was selected, and this diagram of otstutsvovala or did not change generally on this telephone. Error with reading of the nonexistent color diagram appeared.
    * For opening of the window of poiska\zameny and export, the modified text had to be preserved.
    * Correcting the closing Alerts and the command to copy on the leftist of soft.
    * Text from the screen for the Alerts did not work.
    * Local correction in the final version: the window of editing was not opened repeatedly and was not discarded the flag of izmenennosti of text after retention.
    * FTP: afterward to separate in the list it is file, there was first passage to the page, then in list ftp-akkauntov. So it removed the attempt to uncouple the unestablished connection with the selection of new, as a result of what there was the switching into the window of status and back in list ftp-akkauntov.
    * Upon transfer between the panels during the demonstration of khinta of reference, it did not disappear.
    * Correcting the code of the drawing of panels.
    * After feet into Info about the reference it could zavisnut' in this window.
    * After the cancellation of the export of the changed text from the file, was opened the window of its editing, instead of the survey it disappeared FM.
    * With the discovery of reference in the background window, did not renew in the time the line of status of the load of page.
    * Excess and absent lines in the upper panels.
    * Dual lokal' (ruru) in "about the program".
    * With the auto-retention did not remain last position in FM, if folder changed between the auto-retention and the output.
    * In FM the names of folders, which are begun from the number, sometimes were not determined.
    * Checking to a change in the size of the text before the pressure to note. Were the same problems, as with udalenii/dobavlenii of the symbols between the pressures Note- copy.
    * Correction of the conclusion of contextual menu with the motion of stilusa and the stop without the release
    * The imposition of khintov for the references, inside which was present the telephone number (or the number, operedelyaemoye as tlf.nomer).
    * Correction of the control of the time out of connection in the charger and ftp.
    * If images are not included, then on khinte of otrisovyvalsya outline from the image.
    * If khint of reference is shown during its demonstration to move cursor by another reference, then showed url for the reference from the new position of cursor.
    * With the empty list to the load was ignored the command import. Eksport and Import from the history of loads are removed.
    * Correction of informations in the charger.
    * It did not depict last line in the checker of text it was file.
    * After import it did not work BY FM.
    * Removed the demonstration of the prompt of the reference with "0/", which is appeared with the Alert.
    * Showed the absence of the established shady connection, although it was established.
    * Correction of isolation dzhoyem and on the mask in ftp.
    * on Sokhr. in the code of authorization it passed to the previous page.
    * copying after the removal of symbols, moves away excess.
    * with renaming of file with the change of register was moved away the file
    * FTP: Correction of auto-passage into window ftp from another inactive window. Abortions in ftp. the correction of the processor of command cancellation with the connection and with the entrance into direktoriyu.perekhody on the panels in the charger and ftp(esli in two panels is opened charger and into one info about the reference, then on the passage back in one of the window info about the reference not to uyti).posle of the cancellation of the editing of that chosen in ftp, recovery was in that chosen of file manager.
    * system communications and dialogues shut the field of introduction.
    * illumination for Sek-750 is touched up.
    * in the charger of menu ->vap the browser passes according to the initial reference http://site.ru/a (on which was caused the charger) instead of that changed to http://site.ru/b

  4. ChiêuTrúc

    ChiêuTrúc Admin Executive Staff Member

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    MobileReference FREE Weight and Measures Quick Study Guide v8.1 -Full version

    Important: The e-book is supplied in .prc format. To read this e-book you need to download the Free MobiPocket Reader from MobiPocket, the Amazon.com company.


    MobiPocket Reader Setup
    1. You can install the Reader directly to your handheld. However, we recommend that you install the Free MobiPocket Desktop Reader for Windows PC first from CODE
    2. When you connect the handheld to the desktop PC, the MobiPocket Desktop Reader automatically detects the handheld and installs appropriate software on the handheld.
    3. Open the the e-book (.prc file) from the MobiPocket Desktop Reader. Click the Send button to send the book from the desktop PC to the handheld.
    4. Whenever you connect the handheld to the desktop PC, the MobiPocket Desktop Reader automatically synchronizes the book between the handheld and the desktop PC. You could read half of the book on the handheld, then finish reading on the desktop. Annotations and drawings are also synchronized.
    5. Alternative (use this method if you do not have a Windows PC or if you want to download the Reader from your handheld over the air): You can download the Free MobiPocket Reader directly to your handheld. Click on the link above and select your handheld OS. N.B. for BlackBerry users - you need the Reader 6.0 or later to be able to load eBooks on a memory card.
    Mobipocket Reader Navigation
    • To return to the Table of Contents from any page, click Menu>Navigate>First Page, or click Go to Start
    • To jump through the links, use the Navigation button up/down.
    • To scroll the pages, use the Navigation button left/right.
    • Drag maps and illustrations with the stylus (or up/down and left/right buttons).
    • Important: To maximize viewing area, please reduce Display Margins: Menu>Options>Margins>Very Small
    • Large images (maps and illustrations) are scaled to fit the screen. To expand the image, click on the image, or select the image, and click Menu>Zoom 1:1 or View full image
    • To read a different book from MobiPocket Reader, click Menu>Library, select the book you want to read.
    • To delete the trial version: from MobiPocket Reader, click Menu>Library; select the book you want to delete, click Menu>Delete.
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    Attached File(s) [​IMG] weightmeasuresfree4.zip ( 532.97K )
    cuthitam, MaiDinh, MuiKheo1 người khác thích bài này.
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    MobiStudio.MemoryUp.Mobile.RAM.Booster.v2.00.S60.J 2ME.Cr*ck*d-illusion

    MemoryUp is a powerful Java virtual machine (JVM) management and RAM boosting tool specially designed for Symbian S60 2nd, 3rd smartphones. What MemoryUp does is to take control of JVM for each smartphone system, smartly analyze running J2ME programs (including hidden programs), automatically allocate and recover respective occupied RAM, and boost system to its best performance. In cases that some JVM based applications are no longer active, MemoryUp will reclaim occupied resources and put them to better use...


    MemoryUp is a powerful Java virtual machine (JVM) management and RAM boosting tool specially designed for high-end smartphones (such like Symbian S60 2nd, 3rd edition). What MemoryUp exactly does is to take control of JVM for each smartphone system, smartly analyze running J2ME programs (including hidden programs), automatically allocate and recover occupied RAM, and boost system to its best performance. In cases that some JVM based applications are no longer active on your smartphone, MemoryUp can reclaim lost resources and put them to better use. By reclaiming resources, the smartphone does not need to access the hard drive as frequently. This will greatly enhance your smartphone's performance.boos


    Product Features

    For most smartphones, there are dozens of JVM based programs (such like J2ME progams) running in the front-end or back-end, which takes lots of RAM from your smartphone. MemoryUp can monitor your system in the background, freeing resources when needed. Many smartphone owners have also installed J2ME games and applications on their phones. MemoryUp can help you automatically analyze and recover redundant RAM occupied by these JVM based programs.

    The main features of MemoryUp includes:

    - Smart management of Java virtual machine (JVM)

    - Startup boost/Automatic boost/Manually quick boost for your choice

    - Real-time JVM RAM calculation & display

    - Warning/Auto-recovering RAM at your preset threshold

    - Run in the background and automatically help reclaim wasted memory on your smartphone

    - Effective utilization of memory resources

    - Intuitive interface and super easy-to-use for non-professional mobile users

    - Advanced boosting features (force system to use large cache, prohibit kernel to disk swapping, auto-allocate critical threads, etc.) for professional mobile users

    - Multiple Language support : English, German, Italian & Spanish

    - Full support for Symbian S60 2nd & 3rd

    Version 2.0

    Optimization on MemoryUp's processing load and RAM usage

    Multiple languages (English, German, Italian and Spanish) support are provided

    "Set Default" function is added on "Setting" page that allows users to reset back to default setting

    Other minor code optimizations

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3230
    Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 6260
    Nokia 6620
    Nokia 6670
    Nokia 6681
    Nokia 7610
    Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E61i
    Nokia E65
    Nokia E90 Communicator
    Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N77 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N90
    Nokia N92 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 6120 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 6600
    Nokia 6630
    Nokia 6680
    Nokia 6682
    Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N70
    Nokia N72
    Nokia N75 (S60 Erd Edition)
    Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N93 (S60 3rd Edition)

    Registration Code: 00000000000000000000

    thanhtruckh thích bài này.
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger v6.14 S60v3 SymbianOS-Cr*ck*d


    IM+ is a mobile messenger that allows you to chat in MSN® / Windows Live Messenger™, AOL® / iChat, Yahoo®, ICQ®, Jabber® and Google Talk™ from your mobile.​

    Current version is 6.14

    Main Benefits​
    • Direct and simultaneous connection to all supported IM systems: MSN®/Windows Live Messenger®, AIM®/iChat, Yahoo!® Google™ Talk, ICQ® and Jabber®
    • No cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.
    • One-Time Purchase Licence: all further updates included.
    Key Features
    • Message History. View correspondence with your contacts even when you're offline.
    • A list of contacts who you have new messages from will be displayed by focusing on the envelope in the upper right-hand corner.
    • Voice messaging enabled. Send and receive voice messages with IM+.
    • File transfer. Excellent alternative to MMS, send files over GPRS.
    • Full presence status support. Set your own status to give your contacts an idea of your mood.
    • You can see your contact's status in dialog window.
    • Contact list management functions including add/delete features.
    • Layout aware. Screen renovation during the orientation change (portrait and landscape).
    • Set up melody alert. Select the melody for messages received. Select the melody when another user gets online.
    • Multiple dialog windows. Don't miss a moment, chat with several buddies simultaneously.
    • Smileys. Add emotions to your messages, a huge set of funny faces available.
    • Multiple code pages support. Exchange messages in any language installed on a phone.
    • Integrated help function. Easy to configure and easy to chat.
    • Support requests. Send support requests directly from mobile devices.
  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Nitrio Supercar Screen Saver v1.1 S60 FlashLite R.e.t.a.i.l-SyMPDA

    Supercar Screen Saver - Flash Lite This product are using the latest in Flash technology from Adobe. If you don't have the Flash Player on your phone you can get it free by visiting h**p://www.adobe.com/ Installation After purchase, you'll download a zip file to your computer. Double-click to open it, and inside you'll find a 'swf' and a 'sis' file.​

    Use either infrared, bluetooth, or the USB cable that came with your phone to transfer the file to your phone. Bluetooth: If your PC and handset both support Bluetooth, you can connect the device with the PC and transfer the file via Bluetooth. USB: Most phone manufacturers supply a USB cable for synchronising the handset with a PC and transferring files. Memory card: Using a memory card reader, you can transfer the file to the memory card for the phone. IR (infrared): If your PC and handset both support infrared, you can connect the device with the PC and transfer the file via IR. Depending on your phone, you may need to copy the file to the proper folder on your phone. For S60 3rd edition phones, you need to copy the file to the "documents/flash" or "others/flash" folder of the phone memory or the memory card​

    Flash Lite require, User can download a free player from Adobe website​

    Compatible Devices
    Nokia 3230, Nokia 6670, Nokia N93i (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 5700 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6290 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N76 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 9500, Nokia N75 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N80 IE (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N91 8Gb (S60 3rd Ed.), Nokia 7610, Nokia 6620, Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 9300, Nokia N72, Nokia 9500, Nokia N70, Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6630, Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N90, Nokia 6260, Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 9300i, Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E65, Nokia E61i, Nokia 6682, Nokia 6600, Nokia 7710
    Tải về
    dpc thích bài này.
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Nokia Flame Wallpaper/Screensaver

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Very cool Nokia Flame Flash Screensavers/Wallpapers for your S60 phones.

    Requirement : Flashlite 1.1 and above

    Tải về
    MaiDinh thích bài này.
  9. tichau

    tichau Guest

    ActiveFile V1.24 S60v3 S*gn*d/Uns*gn*d

    Here are some key features of ActiveFile(File Explorer for S60 3rd Edition):

    * File management with 2 panels(File manager similar to Total Commander). so, you can view one folder in the first tab and browse to another folder in the second tab
    * File sorting by name, extention, uid, size, date, and ascending, descending
    * Full file management with copy, move, rename, delete, make directory, make file, file properties, and set attributes
    * Compress and decompress file using gzip format
    * Modify the attributes of files and directories
    * Quick check of available storage on your drives
    * Allow multiple instances. So, you can launch ActiveFile more than 1 instance.
    * Searching thru the directories
    * View running processes, tasks, kernel objects, and display system information(phone info and network info)
    * SMS creator tool to create SMS(fake SMS) and save it to a destination folder(Inbox, Drafts, Outbox, Sent folder) without used your sim card credit
    * Capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, GIF, BMP, PNG, and MBM format
    * Memory monitor tool
    * Have an option to access inbox files
    * Add shortcut
    * etc

    tuan_new and mtn like this.
  10. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Free DigiClock Screen Saver 3rd by splus
    Free Animation Digital Clock screen saver for your phone.
    File Information
    Last Updated on 10/21/2007
    Version 1.0
    0 sec download @ 300Kb/s

    Minimum Requirements
    Symbian 3rd


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