Cập nhật ứng dụng trên source [20/01/2014]

Thảo luận trong 'Phần Mềm Cydia' bắt đầu bởi thieuhc, 24 Tháng mười 2011.

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  1. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    WeeKillBackground Pro for NotificationCenter 1.2 [Fabius Fixed]

    v 1.2
    * Added color picker for font color
    * Now you can choose between every font available on the system!
    * Other tiny improvements
    * Updated links

    NOTE TO REPO MANAGERS: To remove the "Conflicts" with other ....... apps from the same dev i had to make changes in the control file. So i set version number to "1.2k" in the control file, to prevent people using original DEB from having infinite updates shown in Cydia. Please remove the "k" and just leave "1.2" as version parameter when you repack this, since it's not necessary in repo DEBs.

    CurrencyConverter for Notification Center 1.0.5

    v 1.0.5
    * Fixed some issues with the keyboard, especially in landscape mode
    * Updated links
    Civic, thieuhc, minhque1 người khác thích bài này.
  2. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    WorldClockCenter for Notification Center 1.5 | Dependency

    - Add the flag of the South Korea (Thanks Steve)
    - Add the julian day format for date

    SwitcherLyrics 1.0.1 | Dependency

    Requires iOS 4.0 or higher

    With SwitcherLyrics you can have your song's lyrics and information right in your Multitasking bar. You just have to double tap the Home button to make it works. SwitcherLyrics takes the song's lyrics from's library. If doesn't have any lyrics, SwitcherLyrics will search it on the web automatically. See the Screenshots below for a preview.

    new server
    minor bug fix

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    thieuhc, Khỉ Con, Civic and 2 others like this.
  3. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    thieuhc, Khỉ Con, Civic and 2 others like this.
  4. thieuhc

    thieuhc Cydia Noob

    Bài viết:
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    Ôi, anh nhanh như điện :-t
    Khỉ Con and Civic like this.
  5. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    Cydia 1.1.5

    Up cho ai không đợi được jailbreak iOS 5.1! ;))


    thieuhc, Civic, conchuotduy and 2 others like this.
  6. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    thieuhc, Civic, minhque1 người khác thích bài này.
  7. ithang

    ithang Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    cái này cài vô sao chả thấy j ráo vậy bạn?.... có thể huong dẫn mình tí dc ko?....
  8. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    Lưu ý dòng chữ đỏ:
    Khỉ Con and Civic like this.
  9. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
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    CallActivator 1.0

    Requires iOS 5 or higher

    This tweak allows you to use Activator to do calls, send SMSs, Mails and launch sites fastly. Only go to Settings/CallActivator and set your favorites contacts and sites and an Activator gesture to Activatoe Pop-up. You can choose 3 favorites contacts/sites for every action. This tweak is fully compatible with iPhone and works on iPad/iPod touch on iOS 5 too [exept Call actions]

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Civic, thieuhc, minhque1 người khác thích bài này.
  10. 6006

    6006 Cydia Geek

    Bài viết:
    Được Like:
    WeeKillBackground Pro for NotificationCenter 1.2.1

    v 1.2.1
    * Fixed clear background for color picker on iPad
    * Added missing images for color picker

    NOTE TO REPO MANAGERS: To remove the "Conflicts" with other ....... apps from the same dev i had to make changes in the control file. So i set version number to "1.2.1k" in the control file, to prevent people using original DEB from having infinite updates shown in Cydia. Please remove the "k" and just leave "1.2.1" as version parameter when you repack this, since it's not necessary in repo DEBs.

    CurrencyConverter for Notification Center 1.0.5-1

    v 1.0.5-1
    * Fixed keyboard issues with IntelliScreenX

    iScheduler 1.3.5

    v 1.3.5
    * update profile, support more sound setting

    [NOTE] Since Forenjunkie released a k.eygen for this, if you have a Mac you can install original deb from BigBoss repo use that: DOWNLOAD (all credits to Forenjunkie)

    I will keep this c.rack up-to-date only untill a cross-platform k.eygen will be released, after that this updates will be discontinued (since it will no longer be necessary).

    LockInfo [Original] | dba-tech Common

    v - March 10, 2012
    * Fixes issues with calendar date headers.
    * Adds support for non-date reminders.
    * Fixes issue with media controls and lock clock activator actions on iOS4.
    * Fixes passcode grace period issues on iOS4.
    * Fixes Twitkafly client integration for some Twitter apps.
    * Fixes annoying "Unable to Delete" popup in mail related to Exchange emails deleted in LockInfo.

    RetinaPad 1.3.2

    v 1.3.2
    * Support for Emoji
    * Uses official iOS Retina images
    * Reduced memory use
    * Fix conflict with Copic
    * Fix sandbox issue
    * Workaround reboot bugs that other extensions have

    Lyricalizer 1.0.0-2

    v 1.0.0-2
    * Initial release

    Popup Blocker

    v - March 9, 2012
    * Fixes icon layout issues on iPads running iOS5.

    WeeSearch Pro for NotificationCenter 1.2.1

    - Fixed keyboard issues
    - Fixed missing images for color picker
    - Fixed clear background for color picker on iPad
    thieuhc, Civic, minhque1 người khác thích bài này.
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