New Games for Symbian (Update liên tục ...) P.2

Thảo luận trong 'S60/S80/S90: GAMES - TRÒ CHƠI' bắt đầu bởi kendoeyeless, 22 Tháng hai 2006.

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  1. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Midway Elite System - Paperboy - (java)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Description: You are the Paperboy! Deliver papers to the mailbox or doorstep of SUN houses, but be careful not to cause damage. If you damage customer houses, their inhabitants may chase you. Throw papers or ride over flowers to damage non-customer houses. Avoid moving and stationary objects which may cause you to crash. Some objects can be damaged if hit by a paper. Pick up extra paper bundles. Use jumps to mount kerbs. Ride swiftly to avoid swarms of bees. After each day's delivery, attempt to complete the 'Training Course' for extra points. If you crash while training you will not lose a life.

  2. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Infospace Games Aqua-Stax J2ME


    In Aquastax, your goal is to reach the top of the level to help for your companions. Unfortunately, all is not so simple. On the one hand the level of water goes up and quickly comes to tickle your feet.
    In addition, of many ambushes will be tended to you. Goats and goelands will try to block you in your rise. 50 delirious levels await you.

    Copyright @ 2006 Infospace Mobile.

  3. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Doom Nukem New wad game


    Doom Nukem - created by sin (Poland) and Martin Miřejovský (Czech Republic) offers 9 big levels, 8 varied weapons (including pistol, shotgun, freezer and more) and all enemies from original Duke Nukem.

    Game project still need few fixes (which have rather cosmetic character - menu buttons, difficulty levels and few more details), but after all - in my opinion it's one of the best WADs ever made!

  4. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Arberg Chess v. 1.0


    Chess game for series 60 (Nokia 7650, Siemens SX1 etc) just for fun (get a life you properly think).


    - Supports two languages (English and Danish).
    - Very small (uses only 30 kb).
    - Saves last game.
    - Undo last move.
    - Two player possibility.
    - 5 levels.
    - Let computer make your move.
    - Computer against computer.

  5. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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  6. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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  7. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Funmobile Doki Millionaire J2ME


    Doki and friends opt to be the new tycoons of Candy Land. Candies are equal to riches in this game and will help you buy and sell properties. Keep a watchful eye on rivals for they are plotting to make your holdings worthless!
    Roulette of fortunes and deals with the different candy flavours, are the sweetest excuses to party with Doki and well as being the perfect, candy-filled route to riches.

    Copyright © 2006 Funmobile. All rights reserved.

    MaiDinh thích bài này.
  8. drtiendiep

    drtiendiep Thành viên

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    Tui thấy có trang upload rất tiện anh em thử dùng và hãy dùng một số trang upload nào tiện cho mọi người dùng.Tôi ghét nhất Rapidshare!!!!!
  9. Coixaygio81

    Coixaygio81 Nick Vi Phạm

    Bài viết:
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    Tomb Raider Legend S60 Symbian OS6.1 & OS7


    This 3D game follows the story of [FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]Tomb [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]Raider[/FONT][/FONT] Legend, the new title inmassive Tomb Raider Franchise. Developed using ground breaking 3Dtechnology; it’s a 3rd-person action-adventure game with anevent-driven story & some of the most immersive 3D graphics everseen in a [FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]mobile [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]game[/FONT][/FONT].

    The adventure takes Lara around the globe, exploring treacherous tombsand uncovering mysterious ancient artifacts. Lara Croft's search for aPre-Incan relic changes course dramatically when she meets a dangerousfigure from her past.

    World-spanning adventure, intrigue & mystery - based in the realworld with layers of mythology and tomb-raiding. Striking, detailed,fast-moving graphics show off high-end handset capabilities andlegitimise [FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]mobile [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]phones[/FONT][/FONT] as gaming devices.

    Lara Croft comes to life! - the sexy, dual-pistol wielding adventurercomes to your [FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]phone [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]screen[/FONT][/FONT] in amazing detail, presenting Lara in thefinest fidelity to date
    Return to the Tombs: Lara’s new quest brings her to lost ancient realms that guard Secrets of the Past
    Platforms and Gunfights: Lara uses her natural physical prowess tocombine fast and frantic gunplay with unique platform adventure freedom
    This new adventure will take you through an impressive journey ofexotic locations from the high rise buildings of Tokyo, to the deepjungles of Ghana, in which there are some hugely unexpected situationsfor Lara to deal with in the way only she can........
    Due to the LARGENESS of this file,
    it is impossible to install this in N-gage/QD by transferring
    to the [FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]phone[/FONT][/FONT] first........
    so I recommend QD users to download the PC application
    called SIStool OR UnPackSIS.........
    then open the file using either one of these two softwares
    and extract the information from it.........
    Then copy-paste the extracted information to the E:/SYSTEM/APPS folder.......... just like any other [FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]N-gage [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana][FONT=Tahoma,Verdana]Game[/FONT][/FONT]

    theo yeu cầu of minhnguyenlong
  10. minhtam20

    minhtam20 Thành viên

    Bài viết:
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    Invasion 1.0

    Invasion is a new strategic game where you will conquest the world with bloody battles of ancient armies. The game combines a turn based strategic view, economic and military might management, and real-time tactical battles of hundreds of warriors.

    Improve military and economic might of your Empire, recruit and point your armies of infantries, archers, cavalry, foot guards, knights and war elephants to hordes of your enemy to conquest entire World.

    Excellent graphics, animation and stereo surround audio effects will make you feel a valiant effort of ancient battlefield.

    Supported phone models:
    Panasonic X800 ,Nokia 6682 ,Nokia 6680 ,Nokia 6681 ,Samsung SGH-D720
    ,Nokia 6630 ,Nokia 6620 ,Nokia 3230 ,Nokia 6260 ,Nokia 7610 ,Nokia 6600 ,Nokia N90
    Nokia 6670 ,Nokia N70

    NOTE:GIF is over 800kb so might take a few secs to show depending on your internet connection.
    Attached Files[​IMG] (1.58 MB, 6 views)
    tdhien1979 and chanhung79 like this.
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