Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Be advised, that our goal with Symella was to develop a BASIC Gnutella client for Symbian smartphones supporting multi-threaded downloads. Symella is far from optimal and it can't compete with the big names on the PC (like LimeWire, BearShare, etc.). It was developed from scratch in less than three months by only two persons! We hope that many developers will benefit from it and some day a mature client will be released. If you're up to the challenge feel free to start working on your own version based on our engine! In the near future we will try comment more lines of the code so it will be more straightforward for all of you.
    Main Features

    * Follows Gnutella 0.6 draft
    Most things that could be solved on this mobile platform are in it. Handshake, standard Gnutella messages, Pong caching, connecting, querying, downloading (except Push messages). It doesn't have a sharing subsystem though, it has no sense having one on a small platform like Symbian - it concentrates on searching and downloading. It has no GGEP or HUGE implementation, just plain Gnutella messages.
    * Uses GWebCache
    As the draft suggests, it uses GWebCache, hostcaching and a primitive message caching to make communication easier.
    * Search
    Does the search by the book - collects files with the same hash into one result, resulting in faster download later.
    * Swarming
    Uses swarming technique for downloading - splits the selected file into more small parts, and downloads them simultaneously - faster and more effective than the one-threaded download.
    * Multiple downloads
    Only one search can be active at a time, but multiple downloads can run in the background, even from different searches.
    * Open downloaded file
    Open the downloaded file with the corresponding program, if available (MP3 player, picture viewer, etc)

    System requirements

    All you need is a Symbian Series 60 (or 80) mobile phone, a fast internet connection (EDGE or 3G is great), enough free space for the downloaded files, and this program.

    Download Here
    zootycoonvn thích bài này.
  2. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Parked Aid v1.10 S60 J2MEv2

    Description: A very practical applcation to help you remember where you parked your car, how log it was parked and also its parked picture (if your phone has the Java camera snapshot feature).

    ParkedAid Version 1.1

    This is a simple applcation to help you remember where you parked your car and how long they were parked along with its parking picture (if your phone supports the Java Camera Feature). This program uses the Camera feature from Java''s MMAPI. Please note that not all camera phones that have MMAPI support this feature! (This program was tested on Nokia 3650, 6630, Siemens SX1, Sonyericsson K700 ) If your phone doesn''t support the Java camera feature, this program would omit its camera features and use only the time and note based parking log.
    Help is provided in each screen of the program, just choose the screen''s "Help" option.

    Same installation as with other java programs. (Refer to your phone''s manual)

    For example:
    - You can use your phone''s PC Suite to install the program. The JAR and JAD files are provided in the zip file together with this Readme file.
    - You can use some connectivity (such as Bluetooth or Infrared) to transfer the JAR file to your phone, it would appear in the INBOX and the installation would start from there. (as on some Series 60 phones)

    This application is provided AS IS. No warranties whatsoever are implied.

    The program would start with the parking details page. If it''s the first time, there would be no details. Choose the "Park Now" option (in Options) when you park your car. If your phone supports the Java camara capture feature then you would be shown a screen to take a snapshot, press your joystick in (jog-dial) to snap. You''d be shown the snapshot you''ve just taken along with a "Location & Notes" text field for you to enter details such as the parking location or additional notes, you can also leave it empty if you don''t need that info. Then you can choose "Save & Exit" to save and then Exit the program automatically. You would be shown the picture, notes, time & duration of your parking the next time you start the program. Further help is provided in each screen of the program, just choose the "Help" option.

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    zootycoonvn thích bài này.
  3. hoangbao777

    hoangbao777 Thành viên

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    Quảng cáo trắng trợn.!!!!!!!
    zootycoonvn and heaven like this.
  4. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Wireless1 Interactive Inc Call Cost Saver Full.Version

    Wireless1 Interactive Inc Call Cost Saver Full.Version


    Save on call costs! This app beeps a few seconds before every minute so you can decide to hang up before the next minute of the call.

    Save on call costs! Call Cost Saver is the must-have tool for you to monitor your call duration. This app beeps a few seconds before every minute so you can decide to hang up before the next minute of the call.

    Compatible Devices
    Nokia 3230, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, 7650, N-gage, N-gage QD

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    zootycoonvn and serip like this.
  5. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Blackballer v 2.0

    Blackballer v 2.0


    BlackBaller is an Extreme Mobile Filter that is designed to block (reject) unwanted calls and messages (SMS/MMS). BlackBaller is a full featured and easy to use program.

    • Instantly rejects Calls, SMS and MMS messages
    • Supports Blacklists and Whitelists
    • The easist most user friendly app around - true Killer Mobile style
    • Smart Reject Sensor ™lets you add blocked callers on the fly!
    • Tight integration with contacts
    • Real "Run in Background" mode
    • Complete log off all blocked Calls and Messages
    • Updated to run on the Nokia 6630 and all other phone models!

    Note: BlackBaller was fully tested on Nokia 7650/3650, 6600 & 6630 mobile phones. It should work on other Series 60 devices. Please test to verify that the program works properly on your mobile device prior to purchasing

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    zootycoonvn and gothong like this.
  6. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    OggPlay Non MMF version v1.0.8 [Update]

    OggPlay Non MMF version v1.0.8 [Update]


    Experimental new playback engine (see Options->Playback)
    3 buffering modes:
    No buffering - best for multi-tasking but unresponsive OggPlay UI
    Single thread - Fewer audio dropouts but still unresponsive OggPlay UI (needs an extra 256K free memory)
    Multi thread - Fewest number of audio dropouts, responsive OggPlay UI (needs an extra 1MB free memory)

    2 thread priorities:
    Normal - the default value, best for multi-tasking
    High - Fewer audio dropouts, but not so good for multi-tasking

    -24dB volume boost added

    Main features of OggPlay for Series 60 phones:
    + Plays .ogg audio files
    + Recognize Winamp playlist (.m3u)
    + Free!
    + Skins (you can make your own, or use already made ones)
    + User defined hotkeys
    + Frequency analyzer
    + Extra sound amplification
    + Autoplay
    + Usual music player functions like shuffle and repeat

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  7. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    InstantSIS v 2.1 with Keygen

    InstantSIS v 2.1 with Keygen


    InstantSis is an application that allows the transfer of any other installed application from your phone to another Series60 phone.

    New in Version 2.1
    - Add support for a new Sis format
    - Free upgrade from version 2.0 for registered users
    Version 2.0
    - Applications are listed alphabetically
    - More Sis formats supported (for example you can now beam embedded sis)
    - Registration memory leak bug fixed
    - Easy access to 'Send' menu using joystick
    InstantSis is an application for your Nokia phone that allows you to transfer software applications from your mobile phone to another mobile phone or pc.
    InstantSis works with any kind of sis compressed, uncompressed, signed, unsigned. You can share your applicatons in a much easy way.

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  8. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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  9. maidinhtai

    maidinhtai Thành viên

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    Cho mình bản dành cho n-gage nha. Cám ơn
  10. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    to maidinhtai:

    Hix, tự nhiên bạn hỏi mà kg có tên của soft đó, mà mình thì lại hay wên nên tìm nảy giờ muốn chít.. Mình kg có ngage nên mình kg test đc, nhưng theo lời quẳng cáu thì ngage xài ok mà bạn. Nếu kg đc thì bạn dùng thử bản này xem sao! :cool: . Thân!.

    ++Và nếu lần sau bạn có yêu cầu soft thì qua ben topic "soft theo yêu cầu" nhé bạn, kg thôi bị xoá bài đó, và cũng là chấp hành theo nội qui của forum lun, thế thì mấy Moc mới xương :D :D .

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