Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    This Screen Saver replaces the build-in bar with a more readable look

    (for Symbian OS 7.0s based phones)

    Don't forget to restart the phone AFTER installation !!

    Update installation procedure :

    * install the sis file like usual in the same media of the first version

    * restart the phone and wait ...
    First installation procedure :
    * install the sis file like usual

    * go to the 'theme' section

    * edit the current theme

    * go to the screen saver section

    * select the '' screen saver

    * wait and enjoy the analog clock !

    Các file đính kèm:

  2. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Access your contacts ...

    More quickly - On average using approximately half the key presses
    More easily - It is all done with the joystick, there is no need to press fiddly keypad buttons or read tiny key labels
    With less errors - As it all happens with the joystick, you are not moving between keys so there are no mis-presses
    In the dark - All information is on the screen, dial in a cinema, in bed, etc.
    Without your glasses - Large fonts are displayed so it is possible to select contacts and dial them without needing reading glasses!

    ContaStick is a a radical new Phone Book application which dramatically increases the ease and speed of selecting a contact from your address book.

    This is done with just 3 or 4 movements of the joystick on average. And then it is just a matter of one more flick of the joystick and you are calling, texting or emailing them.

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  3. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    TrustMath Light v 1

    TrustMath Light v 1


    TrustMath Light is a free mathematical program for mobile phones created by JTrustN.

    It runs on all handheld mobile devices running java (midp 2.0, cldc 1.0).

    The unique TrustMath visual format and scratchpad interface integrate standard mathematical notation and text in a single worksheet making TrustMath ideal for knowledge capture, calculation reuse, and engineering collaboration.

    More information can be found on

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  4. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Large time v 1

    Large time v 1

    another screen saver

    its like XXL screensaver [​IMG]

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  5. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Powerful tool that assists you in managing your expenses while you travel or plan to travel. It is an absolute must-have for travelers!

    XpenseTravel is a powerful, yet simple expense manager for Series60 devices. Track your spending during the travel, and have the complete picture of where your money goes. With multiple file support, it makes a great reference tool - consult your old records when planning a new journey. It is an absolute must-have for a traveler.

    XpenseTravel features:

    Simple interface, easy navigation
    Record an expense with just a couple of clicks
    Create new Categories, arranged in two-level hierarchy
    Create new Payment types, with alerts when a certain limit is reached
    Create new Currencies, and set exchange rates
    Work with multiple files, for separate simultaneous records, or future travel planning
    View expenses filtered by date and time, category, payment type or currency
    Create reports and statistics, and easily export the data to a PC

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  6. MaiDinh

    MaiDinh Thành viên

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    G-text v 1.3 Symbian OS

    Phần mềm mới đây (Nguồn
    G-text v 1.3 Symbian OS

    Application Description

    G-TEXT is a JAVA Application for your mobile phone. It allows you to send SMS from your mobile phone via GPRS worldwide. Share this application with your friends and text each other for free. Alternatively send sms for just 5 pence per message. With G-TEXT you can also get FREE Delivery Reports when the sms is Delivered and when its Read.

    Supporting Devices:

    Samsung SGH-D7xx | Sony Ericsson P990i | Nokia N91 | Nokia N90 | Nokia | Nokia 7610 | Siemens SX1 | Nokia 6600/6620 | Nokia 9500
    N70 | Nokia 6670 | Nokia 6680 | Nokia 3230 | Panasonic X701 | Nokia 7710 | Nokia 6630 | Nokia 9300 | Nokia N Gage | Nokia 3600/3620/3650/3660 | SE P800/P900/P910i | Nokia 7650 | Nokia 6260 | Motorola A9xx/A1000 | Sendo X

    Các file đính kèm:

    nlp156 thích bài này.
  7. mmngoc

    mmngoc Thành viên

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    Remotes60 Khong Chay Duoc Help Me
  8. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    @ mmngoc: Xem kỹ lại nhé bạn, remote xài rất tốt đó. Bạn xài máy gì, có thể là các máy đời mới sau sẽ kg xài đc.(mình kg có điều kiện để tét hết các loại máy)
  9. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Photo Blaster 1.0

    Take pictures of your friends, and then blast them with tomatoes, kisses, slime, mud and more! Photo Blaster turns your camera phone into a dangerously fun weapon.

    Take pictures of your friends, and then blast them with tomatoes, kisses, slime, mud and more! Photo Blaster turns your camera phone into a dangerously fun weapon. Save your favorite photos and send them to friends, or submit them for review and possible selection as a top pick!

    Arsenal - Lots of fun items to choose from such as hearts, arrows, slime and more with great audio effects.
    Save and Send - Save your favorite photos and share them with friends and family.
    Top Picks - Submit your favorite photos to be reviewed as a possible Top Pick selection.

    Các file đính kèm:

    ilovevn1808 thích bài này.
  10. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Keep up to date with the latest news with HeadLine - the mobile RSS NewsReader!
    Connect to any Internet RSS feed and read wherever you are.

    RSS versions 0.9, 1.0 and 2.0 fully supported
    Automatic compressed news caching
    Automatic updates to subscribed feeds
    Configurable view settings - on a per-news basis
    OPML import / export, to import news feeds from desktop readers
    Automatic integration with your phone browser - Also supports Opera, NetFront & Doris browsers
    Support for Arabic & Hebrew RSS feeds

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