Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    3D Arts ImageViewer DSS Screensaver v1.20.S60.Retail-BiNPDA

    3D Arts ImageViewer DSS Screensaver v1.20.S60.Retail-BiNPDA


    Show your own image collection as a screen saver!

    Show your digital image collection as a screen saver! Smart automatic scaling and browsing system makes sure that you always see your pictures in best possible quality and proportions. No time consuming configurations, just lighting fast image viewing! Adjust the screensaver application with included DSS-program. Real time 3D-graphics, created with DieselEngine®.

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  2. BBY

    BBY Thành viên

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    badboyhvu cho xin lai key register cua phan mem pointWORLD cai, key 19135 khong dung, merci beaucoup
  3. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    Fexplorer v 1.15 "Never Expired"

    FileExplorer is a free browser for the Nokia 7650, it allows you to manipulate any files, you can use the cut/copy/paste functions through the directories, you can also send files via bluetooth or infrared. Other usefull functions are also available such as making or removing directories, keeping the light always on etc.

    New in this version:

    in a search, if a directory is found, the right key enters into this folder.
    the full path of the files is displayed while browsing the inbox, process and tasks.
    A check (with a message) is now performed before copying or moving files to ensure there is free space enough on the destination drive.
    in the 'tools menu', added a function to directly call the bluetooth manager.
    added a progress dialog with the name of the file being copied.
    in the hex viewer, the keys '3' and '9' can be used as page-up, page-down.
    in the hex viewer, when in full screen mode, the file is displayed on 8 bytes, the ascii characters are displayed at the top, line per line.

    in the hex viewer, with small files, corrected a bug to avoid FE to panic and exit when going down 'too deeply' in the text.
    added a function in the 'edit' menu to invert the selection of the current directory - marked files and dir become un-marked and un-marked become marked.
    it's now possible to mark folders (like the files) and copy/cut/paste them with the files.
    added the latest phones in the phone type list (3230,6680,6681,6682,N70,N90).
    added, in the 'tools' menu, an option to dump (into a log file placed in the root) a list of *all* the installed applications with their UID and their path; this file can then be sended to the pc via bluetooth, infrared; the result is something like this (06/29/2005) :
    when displaying the full path in the 'small scrolling windows (key : [2])', the [1] key copies the full path and filename into the clipboard to be used in the notepad, ....
    after a 'compress memory', the new -free memory- value is displayed in the navigation pane (ie: the screen is refreshed).
    fixed the bug to avoid to use 2 times the 'NO' key on exit.
    the attributes of a file can now be modified.

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  4. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Diginaut.MMSThePicture.v1.0.118.S60.SymbianOS.Incl .Keygen-ArBnPDA

    Diginaut.MMSThePicture.v1.0.118.S60.SymbianOS.Incl .Keygen-ArBnPDA


    MMSThePicture is an application for Symbian powered mobile phones. MMSThePicture simplifies sending captured photos from your phone to others. With MMSThePicture, process of preparing and sending MMS with captured photo becomes easier than ever. Actually, with MMSThePicture you can send fresh captured photos with just ONE click.

    With MMSThePicture you can assign any phone key with addresses from your contacts. After that, when you snap photo with that key, sending MMS is done in few seconds. You could assign up to 15 contacts to every key, which means that you could send one photo to 15 friends with just one click!

    Other options that make this process even more enjoyable are:

    Auto send (on/off)
    Text with MMS (on/off)
    Image Quality (Low/High)
    Format: (160X120 or 640X480)

    With MMSThePicture you could send photos even on the phones that has lower resolution than your. Just set quality and format and MMSThePicture will do the rest.

    On parties, celebrations, fancy places or on the street MMSThePicture is the kind of tool that you need and MUST TO HAVE!!!

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  5. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Artis Software Blue Tracker v1.0 S60 SymbianOS7 Including Keygen - HSpda

    Artis Software Blue Tracker v1.0 S60 SymbianOS7 Including Keygen - HSpda


    BlueTracker is a smart and useful software to track every Bluetooth device. This could be your headset, another Phone, a PC, etc. Example of applications: a) Target your headset, leave it in the pocket or your child when he’s playing in the park, and you will be advised if he gets too far from you.. b) Target your boss phone, you will know when he gets near to you.. c) Target your PC, if someone gets the phone too far from it, your Nokia will bark like a dog... d) Target your neighbour’s phone, you will know when he arrives at home.. e) Simply make jokes to your friends... Important notice for your fun: the target device does not need to be aware of being targeted ! Basic operations are the following: First you have to set the current target, that is the Bluetooth device you want to "track". You will pick it up from a list of Bluetooth devices in memory. You can add/remove devices from the list at your pleasure. Then you start to track current device and you can see in the black panel on the screen if it is near or far from your phone, i.e. in or out of range from Bluetooth communication distance (about 10/15 meters). When the device gets near or far from your phone, you can set which action to take: a vibration alert and/or to play a sound of your choice and/or to stop search. Simple and smart !

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  6. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Solun'-u v 1.30 [Freeware]

    Solun'-u v 1.30 [Freeware]


    Solun'-u is a small planetarium "midlet" designed for use on Java-enabled mobile phones (J2ME MIDP).

    The main features of Solun' have been squeezed into this tiny application. With Solun'-u in your pocket, you'll be ready for a spot of astronomy on the move.

    Solun'-u application should operate on most devices supporting MIDP 1.0. It works best with a colour screen but black and white devices are supported. It has been tested on a number of phones, from Nokia 3510i through to Series 60 and UIQ.

    Solun'-u is Freeware.


    main features
    Multiple sky charts
    View the sky from your location in different orientations.
    Shows the positions of the sun, moon and planets.
    Optionally shows stars and constellations.
    Moon phase
    Displays current phase of the moon.
    Easy to use
    Enter your longitude and latitude and go!
    Use current time and date, or enter your own.
    Control view direction with the direction keys.

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  7. trai_quynhon

    trai_quynhon Ex-Mod

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    Earth Explorer 3D ver.1.0 [FULL]

    Earth Explorer 3D ver.1.0 [FULL]


    Full 3D globe. Spin and zoom the virtual globe in any way.

    Extremely detailed maps. Over 7.5Mb of map data, compressed to only use 200Kb storage space.

    Switch between maps with or without country borders.

    Full annotated maps available, with automatically adjusted level of detail

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    help_titanic thích bài này.
  8. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    SymbianWare ScreenTaker v 1.01

    Create screenshots, simple, fast and free of charge!

    The year is almost over and SmartAppz-Symbianware wants to say thanks to all our engaged and enthusiastic customers - therefore we publish our newest tool ScreenTaker as freeware!

    ScreenTaker is a freeware utility which gives you the possibility to take screenshots on your Nokia Smartphone any time using the defined key combination. The screenshot with the name you assign to it will be saved in your images folder.


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  9. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    SymbianWare Skin Editor v 1.05

    With the help of this aplication you will be able to create and change Skins for the SmartLauncher. It also allows to send and receive skins through email, bluetooth and infrared.


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  10. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    SymbianWare SmartCrypto v 1.0

    Do you sometimes have doubts regarding the security of your personal data and photos on your Nokia 7650 Smartphone?

    Imagine you leave your device somewhere and an unauthorized person will get access to your confidential data! A worrying feeling, don't you think?

    Every user of a Nokia 7650 Smartphone will definitely store the following delicate information on his device: personal information, private photographs and so on.

    Protect these data with SmartCrypto now!

    Features of SmartCrypto:

    * reliable encryption of any kind of data and photographs by using the international industry standard system RC6 (ECB-Mode) and MD5 algorithms
    * fast and easy use
    * high speed encryption process
    * passwords are not stored on the device to further increase the safety
    * additional functions for a better comfort

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