Phần mềm cho Symbian 60 (N6600, SX1, N-Gage, 7610..) cập nhật liên tục P.2

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi Volcano, 23 Tháng tư 2005.

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  1. youngmonkey

    youngmonkey Thành viên

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    Superimpose v1.6

    Take a picture and select the area of the image you want to keep. You can then paste it on top of the next picture you take. It enables you to create amazing photo effects.

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  2. youngmonkey

    youngmonkey Thành viên

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    Flexicam 0.8 Pro CRACKED!!

    'FlexiCam is the only app which allow you to save your photos in full quality @ 1600 x 1200 pixels. You can also use your own made Overlay Masks by just pick up them from the photoalbum. All fx may be mixed up together producing more complex filters.'

    Yup, you read it correctly...just register with 0. Enjoy. [​IMG]

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  3. youngmonkey

    youngmonkey Thành viên

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    Mobisophy Interactive Voice Call Master v1.50.S60.SymbianOS.Incl.Keygen.Patch-BiNPDA

    Interactive Voice Call Master, 1.50
    by Mobisophy, Inc.

    Super all-in-one call control + personal IVR (Interactive Voice Response) solution! Respond any caller group by IVR, busy, SMS, divert, record secretly and mute ringer as you wish.


    Super all-in-one, easy-to-use call control solution! Interactive Voice Call Master's intuitive classification feature can let you divide incoming callers up to seven groups including: callers on any five lists or phonebook, callers not on all above, and hidden callers (those who conceal phone number). Then you can assign one of seven responses to each group. Possible responses includes: accept, interactive voice, busy tone, reject + send SMS, divert calls to, record conversation secretly and mute the ringer.

    Personal IVR (Interactive Voice Response) in your smartphone! If you chose IVR as a response to any group. It will answer callers of this group automatically and play a introduction greeting first, then wait callers to press keys to choose the possible actions, like transferring to other numbers, leaving a voice message, etc... Looks like you own a personal IVR!

    Furthermore, IVR can play quizzes or interactive jokes with your specified friends when they are calling you! Or play a happy birthday tune to your girl or boy friend when her or he is calling on birthday, then rings to prompt you a incoming call is waiting.

    Main features
    Most all-around call control solution on the market
    Un-limited, definable profiles to meet all your demand in any situation.
    Personal and professional IVR (Interactive Voice Response)
    Very fast and reliable key tone (DTMF) recognition engine that can work very well under a noisy environment
    Super fast incoming call number recognition and search engine. It can determine an incoming caller whether on phonebook or a list within a part of a second, even phonebook/list contains thousands of contacts
    Flexible scheduler to enable you activate profiles automatically
    Real-time incoming call dialog monitoring by listening and/or looking at dialog view
    Take over or reject a IVR-answered call anytime when IVR is still in action
    Auto run at power-on
    Show an indicator on phone and menu screen when running

    Devices supported
    Nokia 3230/6260/6600/6620/6630/6670/6680/6681/6682/7610/N70/N90
    Panasonic X700/X800
    (sau khi cài xong mã đăng ký sẽ hiện lên)

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    MaiDinh and thelocmobile like this.
  4. youngmonkey

    youngmonkey Thành viên

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    SHAPE ServicesIMPlus v5.32 S60.SymbianOS7.Cracked-BiNPDA

    IM+: ICQ/AOL/MSN/Yahoo/Jabber/Google Talk Instant Messenger for Series 60 Phones, 5.31-5.32
    by SHAPE Services GmbH

    With IM+ ICQ, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, Jabber and Google Talks are available on your Series 60 phone.


    IM+ Mobile Instant Messenger by SHAPE Services is a complete messaging solution that allows users to exchange instant messages within the most popular IM systems (ICQ, MSN, AOL, Yahoo, Jabber and Google Talk) between mobile devices and PCs in real-time.

    IM+ users can use the same accounts on mobile devices and PC regardless of changing mobile operator - it's very convenient for using in business trips.

    Main IM+ features:

    Support of 5 the most popular IM systems MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, AOL, Jabber and Google Talk
    File transfer through ICQ and AOL with other IM+ Clients. Receive files from MSN-Software users. Send files to icq lite and ICQ pro 2002/2003 software users.
    Exchange Instant MMS with IM+ for Windows or other IM+ for Series 60 users. You can save money in comparison to normal MMS, since you pay only the less expensive internet traffic.
    IM+ makes direct connection to the supported services, without any "gate" in the middle. It's very important; because it means that you connected to your favourite services as a full rights user and get all the messages and events immediately just as if you were connected with the standard client.
    IM+ keeps the contact list information on the respective servers. So, IM+ and your convenient desktop client always use just the same contact list. E.g if you add new buddy to your contact list with IM+, you will see this user in your contact list when you connect with your desktop client next time.
    Simultaneous connection to all selected systems
    Full presence status support
    Multiple dialog windows
    Emoticons (Smileys)
    Message history in the dialog window.
    Multiple Code Pages support: You can exchange messages in any European language.
    Authorization for presence status subscription.
    Sound alerts for incoming messages and contacts coming online

    You will need a real (TCP/IP based) internet connection to use this IM+ version.

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  5. phuongve

    phuongve Thành viên

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    Reallusion WOWScreens Platinum v1.51.S60.SymbianOS7.Cracked-BiNPDA


    WOWScreens v1.5 Platinum, 1.51
    by Reallusion Inc.

    3D interactive WOWScreens providing customizable real-time system event monitors

    Imagine the greeting 3D bear jumping up on your mobile screen when receiving the incoming call and message? Now you can say goodbye to boring 'standby' mode screens for your mobile phone! WOWScreens(TM) places lively 3D animated characters and backgrounds at your fingertips with fully interactive interface for Symbian-based phones. Zoom in or out, move left or right, even rotate 360 degrees! Throughout the course of a 24-hour day the character's appearance will automatically change to reflect the morning, evening or nighttime. Also included in WOWScreens are Alarm and Timer functions, as well as an alert for incoming messages. WOWScreens comes with 2 fully featured animated 3D characters and the opportunity to add more exciting content inside our Character Pack library. WOWScreens 1.5 Standard Edition is available FREE. Experience this fully functional, no limitations 3D Interactive World of now. Additional features to add more characters and customized background photos can be found in the WOWScreens 1.5 Platinum Edition. v1.5 new features: * More characters * Load a photo background * Active message More About Reallusion Mobile, please visit hxxp://

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    vin and ronaldovfat like this.
  6. phuongve

    phuongve Thành viên

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    ALON Software Contact Guide PRO v1.30.S60.SymbianOS7.Cracked-BiNPDA

    ALON Contact Guide PRO for Nokia Series 60, 1.30
    by ALONsoftware

    ALON Contact Guide for Series 60 is an advanced contact manager which provides the fastest way to search the required contact in your contact list and get in touch with that person

    All types of operations with contacts: Call, SMS, MMS, send e-mail,
    opening web brouser
    Quick search of the required contact
    Language independent search
    Advanced Global search of the contact by any symbols from the personal information
    Tabs in the detailed contact list
    Support full-screen photos
    Support thumbnails
    Opportunity to select personal info to be shown
    Personal info is shown entirely
    Setting preffered number
    Backup/restore the contacts
    Get contacts base info
    Compress the base of contacts
    Button mapping
    The opportunity of examination and editing notes
    Send the category of contacts or single contact
    Create a new contact in certain category
    Sort contacts
    Show/hide company name
    Customize colors
    Page/line scrolling
    Main Features
    The detailed contact list supports tabs with: main personal info, notes, full-screen photos. All personal info is shown entirely on the screen.
    Contacts manager gives opportunity to:

    backup/restore your contacts
    compress the base of contacts
    completely delete the base of contacts
    find out the size of your contact base in the menu item "Contacts info"
    Button mapping: choose the most handy button to start Contact Guide.
    Sending group of contacts/one contact via multimedia, e-mail, Bluetooth or infrared.

    Tuning personal settings:

    Change the colors off odd/even/selected lines
    Sort contacts: last name, first name; first name, last name
    Show/hide company name
    Show/hide grid
    Main search is the quickest way to find the required contact by first/last name or by company - it uses information from the main contact list and it is the analogue of T9 search.

    Global Search looks through the personal information: you can find the contact by first and last names, company, job title, phone, note, e-mail, URL etc. just type any several symbols from abovementioned entries.

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  7. youngmonkey

    youngmonkey Thành viên

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    JWalter Datasafe S60 v1.20 [keygen included]

    DataSafeS60 is a small program, which allows easy access to secret data. Everybody knows the problem that you have a lot of PINs, passwords, user names and other secret data, but you cannot bear all in mind. So you often use the same password for many things, but the security is gone, or you write everything down, but this is not recommended to do with PIN or TANs
    Joerg Walter has ported his well known DataSafe for Nokia 9210 to the Nokia Series 60 phones (7650,3650 and N-Gage). The data is encrypted with the password you choose.

    Note - To save the reginfo add at least one category after applying the code and before closing the program and then you can safely exit the program and then use the it forever

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    vin thích bài này.
  8. helldevil

    helldevil Thành viên

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    Wildpalm.CameraFX.Pro.v2.60.S60.SymbianOS.Cracked. Read.NFO-BiNPDA

    chép vô rồi sao lúc chạy nó báo là sắp hết hạn phải nhập vào số nào vậy
  9. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    to helldevil: nhập 00000...



    * Two types of binary clocks.
    * Five different looks
    * A cheat mode that displays a ''normal'' clock

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  10. nhikhan

    nhikhan Ex-Mod

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    ---Bấm số 1 để crack :D ---

    YaOO FlexiCamPro v0.80 S60 SymbianOS
    Description: Take your Picture adding & manipulate them on the fly.
    from version 0.72 also works on N-Gage (just edit mode)
    from version 0.78 you can save your photos up to 1600 x 1200 pixels if you have enough free RAM ...
    now you can also apply/undo filters after picture is taken or manipulate an external one by loading it from photoalbum
    visit our photo gallery Photo Gallery :: FlexiCam :: YaOO dot NET

    FlexiCamLite is the first freeware Camera Application for Series60 Phones
    more info in the product home page FlexiCam :: YaOO dot NET

    The only which allow you to save your photo in different formats such as BMP & PNG
    you can also use your own made Overlay Masks by just pick up them from the photoalbum
    all fx may be mixed up together producing more complex ones.

    supported Languages

    Usage Keys:
    0 Zoom/Crop switch
    # custom mask select (only work if a mask is already active and the one you choose will replace that one)
    * Filters settings
    1 - Mirror Vert switch
    2 - Mirror Horz switch
    3 - Bright/Contrast and Automatic filters activation
    4 - FishEye Lens Vert on/off
    5 - FishEye Lens Horz on/off
    7 - Overlay Mask switch

    up - Increase Zoom
    dn - Decrease Zoom
    left - Decrease H Zoom
    right - Increase H Zoom
    fire - take/discard picture
    c - discard photo - reset fx (no fx) - reset Bright/Contras to default (depending on contest)

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    Anhanh12345 and thelocmobile like this.
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