Phần mềm S60(Ngage,7610,N70,...) cập nhật liên tục P.3

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi nhikhan, 23 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Moises Mariscal Draw v1.00 S60 SymbianOS

    Paint software that allows you to draw pictures in your phone. Select colour, line thickness.. and many tools: line, rectangle, elipse and hand-drawing like curves. See screenshots



    Do amazing drawings easily in your phone !!! Paint software that allows you to draw pictures in your phone. Select colour, line thickness.. and many tools: line, rectangle, elipse/circle and hand-drawing like curves. You can save your drawing at any moment.

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3230
    Nokia 6600
    Nokia 6620
    Nokia 6630
    Nokia 6670
    Nokia 6680
    Nokia 7610
    Nokia N70

  2. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Viren's Dictionary v2.1 S60 J2ME

    Viren`s Dictionary of the English language has over 143000 entries.

    Supports all Java MIDP 2.0 devices (mobile phones). The unlicensed version lets you search for words up to 6 letters long. Before you purchase the license I recommend you test it on your phone first. In some phone models the installation will take around 45-60 seconds so please be patient.


    Main features include:

    • Super fast search
    • Partial word search
    • Customizable font size
    • No internet connection required
    For more info check -

    Compatible with:
    All J2ME models :: All Any J2ME device

  3. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    MobileSystems MSDict Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary v3.01 S60

    MSDict Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary

    Over 340,000 Hard Copies Sold
    'No home should be without one'- Journal of the Institute of Health Education


    This dictionary provides full coverage of all the important terms and concepts used in medicine today. Written by distinguished practicing specialists and medical writers, it is intended primarily for workers in the paramedical fields: pharmacists, physiotherapists, speech therapists, social workers, hospital secretaries, administrators, technicians, and so on. It will also be invaluable for medical students and practicing doctors. Each entry contains a basic definition, followed- where appropriate- by a more detailed explanation or description. A feature of the dictionary is that the articles are written in clear and concise English without the use of unnecessary technical jargon. For this reason the book will also be of both interest and value
    to the general reader who needs a home medical dictionary.

    'Excellent layout and jargon-free style'- Nursing Times

    'An extraordinary bargain'- New Scientist

    binbeo thích bài này.
  4. minhtue

    minhtue Super Moderator Staff Member

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    Phiên bản Smart Movie mới nhất sửa lỗi mất tiếng ở bản 3.31

    Version: 3.32
    SmartMovie is a video player for your mobile device, with counterpart PC converter utility. With the converter, you may prepare any video clip for playback on your mobile device.

    How it works:[​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Locate source on your hard disk Load it into Converter utility Let PC converter make it smaller Transfer to your mobile device Use mobile player to play the clip ​

    Play your videos on your mobile device, anywhere, anytime, you need just a few steps:
    • Convert any video file on your PC into a phone-friendly video file.
    • Upload video into device/memory card.
    • Play the video in SmartMovie Player installed on your mobile device.
    Intuitive PC converter.Features:
    • Standard AVI format, allowing you to preview converted files on your PC.
    • Player uses the phone screen in portrait or landscape mode, utilizing full screen size of the device.
    • Rescaling of video to utilize full-screen area.
    • PC converter allows you to split video file into multiple segments, so that it fits onto your memory card, if not entire, then cut to more parts - you may watch your favorite video in parts, e.g. while traveling to work/school.
    • Support for subtitles - allowing you to watch movies in different languages.
    • Friendly PC converter - preview videos on PC, select parts you want to convert, alter quality.
    • Supports DirectShow codecs, so you may use video codecs downloadable from the internet.
    • Very fast conversion; on standard PC conversion is 5x faster than video clip playback time. You'll convert entire movie in just a few minutes
    • Bicubic rescale algorithm shrinks video to small screen size in best possible quality.
    • Adjustable quality parameters for video and audio streams, allowing tuning target video to your needs.
    • Customizable video Player (brightness, language, volume, and more).
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Play movies in portrait or landscape mode - whichever way you like.Requirements:
    • Mobile device with one of supported operating systems (Symbian, Windows Mobile, Palm)
    • PC with Windows 2000/XP/Vista
    Version History:

    1.00 - Initial release
    2.00 - Support for codecs, brightness, Cyrillic coding (russian subtitles), Italian and Czech languages
    2.03 - German and Hungarian languages
    2.04 - Turkish, Bulgarian and Swedish languages
    2.10 - French, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese languages, port to UIQ
    2.12 - Crop in UIQ Converter, improved compatibility with Nokia 6600, Dutch language
    2.20 - Port to Pocket PC
    2.24 - Danish, Polish language
    2.30 - Port to Palm OS
    2.40 - Port to Windows Mobile SmartPhone
    2.42 - Zoom to full-screen feature
    2.43 - Finnish language, Dual-channel audio selector in Converter
    2.44 - Hebrew language & subtitles, improved compatibility with Nokia 6600
    2.45 - Palm Treo600 support (160x160 screen)
    2.47 - Greek language & subtitles
    2.50 - Chinese, Japanese language & subtitles
    2.60 - Port to Symbian Series80, improved performance
    2.63 - Improved Converter compatibility, Support for Pocket PC 2003 SE
    2.71 - Port to Nokia 7710
    2.72 - Batch conversion, Send files/player by Bluetooth (in S60 version)
    2.73 - Compatibility with Nokia 6680, Panasonic X700, X800
    2.76 - Improved performance, bug fixes in Converter
    3.00 - Improved performance
    3.10 - New video codec, continuous/repeat mode, language selection, support for native resolution of high-res devices, playing movies at 24 fps
    3.12 - Latvian language, increased audio playback frequency
    3.13 - Fixed Series80 and Nokia7710 phone rebooting
    3.20 - Port to Symbian S60 3rd edition
    3.21 - Compatibility with Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd edition)
    3.22 - Improved performance
    3.25 - Fixed compatibility with Nokia N93, redesigned Converter
    3.31 - Improved audio/video synchronization, Converter fix 'Remove' button, saturation and contrast settings
    3.32 - Fixed no audio on Symbian 7.0s (Nokia 6600, etc)

    Downloads now!

  5. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    MobileSystems MSDict Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary v3.01 S60

    An OXFORD Spanish-English dictionary with over 85,000 words and phrases and 120,000 translations.


    MSDict Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary

    The Richest Choice of Words


    This dictionary offers the richest coverage of the 24 principal regional varieties of Spanish, with special emphasis on modern idioms and colloquial usage. Words and phrases are clearly marked to show the Spanish-speaking region where they are used, from Spain the Chile or Mexico, from Central America to the river Plate. In addition, variant pronunciations and the degree of formality of words, from formal through to taboo, are marked where necessary.

    kevinvn thích bài này.
  6. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    MobileSystems MSDict Pocket Oxford English Dictionary v3.01 S60

    MSDict Pocket Oxford English Dictionary

    The Core Vocabulary of the Current English

    An OXFORD English dictionary with over 140,000 words, definitions, phrases and pronunciations. Also, including derivatives, usage notes, etymologies and points of grammar and usage.



    This is an electronic reissue of the ninth edition of the world's longest-established pocket English dictionary by
    Oxford University Press
    . It is one of the new generation Oxford dictionaries derived from the database of the highly acclaimed New Oxford Dictionary of English and is particularly user friendly with its elegant open design, with different elements starting on new lines. It offers excellent coverage of English as an international language and thousands of examples illustrate idiomatic usage.

    All irregular noun, verb, and adjectival inflections are spelled out in full, while guidance on grammar and good usage is provided by in-text notes. Additional features include Wordbuilder boxes giving information on related.

    MaiDinh thích bài này.
  7. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Mobile Media Center Express v2.01 S60 SymbianOS

    With MMC (Mobile Media Center) it is easy to download all your photos, audio and video from your own PC to your mobile phone or any Web-connected device. Nearly every file format is supported. On top of that all your files can be easily shared with friends and family through the unique e-mail functionality. File downloads (music, videos, and photos) from your PC to your smartphone. Files can be easily found by using the search function. View all your photos in a perfect quality and size for your device. Photos are presented in thumbnails and easy to find with the search function. Send music, videos and photos from your PC or smartphone to any e-mail address. No detachable required, all files are send over the air, no need for conversion of your files.


    New in this version:
    Version 2.01 adds Slideshows for both PC and mobile device, German language support, and some Technical improvements.

    Compatible devices:

  8. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    VGPS v1.1 S60 J2ME

    VGPS was designed to use GPS map on your ordinary cell phone without the need of having GPS receiver or internet connection. VGPS does not require internal or external GPS receiver. However, if you have internal GPS receiver or external bluetooth GPS receiver, VGPS can work with your GPS receiver as well. VGPS does not require internet connection so you no need to worry about connection charge.


    Size: 564.71 Kb

    Compatible with:
    All J2ME models :: All Any J2ME device

  9. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    SHAPE Services IMPlus v5.51+v5.62 S60v1+v2 SymbianOS6+OS7+OS8.1

    IM+® Mobile Instant Messenger supports the most popular instant messaging systems: MSN®, Yahoo!®, AOL™, ICQ®, Google® Talk and Jabber®. It allows the always-on exchange of instant messages easily, cost-effectively and in real-time.


    IM+ users can use the same accounts on mobile devices and PC regardless of changing mobile operator - it's very convenient for using in business trips.



    * ICQ, AOL, MSN, Yahoo!, Jabber and Google Talk in one application.
    * Simultaneous work with all IM systems.
    * Unlimited IM, no cost per message, only standard payment for wireless data transfer.

    Main features:

    * Send SMS via Yahoo! to the following US carrieis: Cingular Media Net, Cingular MMode, Nextel, Sprint, Tmobile, Verizon.
    * Message history in the dialog window.
    * Upload Files via HTTP in all IM services.
    * Sending Photos.
    * Configurable Auto Away.
    * Simultaneous connection to all selected systems.
    * IM+ makes direct connection to the supported services, without any "gate" in the middle. It's very important; because it means that you connected to your favourite services as a full rights user and get all the messages and events immediately just as if you were connected with the standard client.
    * IM+ keeps the contact list information on the respective servers. So, IM+ and your convenient desktop client always use just the same contact list. E.g if you add new buddy to your contact list with IM+, you will see this user in your contact list when you connect with your desktop client next time.
    * Exchange Instant MMS with IM+ for Windows or other IM+ for Series 60 users. You can save money in comparison to normal MMS, since you pay only the less expensive internet traffic.
    * Full presence status support.
    * Multiple dialog windows.
    * Emoticons (Smileys).
    * Multiple Code Pages support: You can exchange messages in any European language.
    * Authorization for presence status subscription.
    * Sound alerts for incoming messages and contacts coming online.

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3230
    Nokia 3600
    Nokia 3620
    Nokia 3650
    Nokia 3660
    Nokia 6260
    Nokia 6600
    Nokia 6620
    Nokia 6630
    Nokia 6670
    Nokia 6680
    Nokia 6681
    Nokia 6682
    Nokia 7610
    Nokia 7650
    Nokia N-Gage
    Nokia N-Gage QD
    Nokia N70
    Nokia N72
    Nokia N90
    Nokia Series 60
    Panasonic X700
    Panasonic X800
    Samsung SGH-D720
    Samsung SGH-D730
    Siemens SX1

    842, tommyle and linhtinh3x like this.
  10. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Remotud Bluetooth Remote Control v0.2 Beta S60 SymbianOS

    Bluetooth remote control for PC




    Remotud is a software for mobiles phones with operating system Symbian s60 which allows remote control your PC to control different media players. In this version Zoom player and Media Player Classic have been added. . In addition a section of Media Centers has been added that includes Windows Media Center 2005, Media Portal ShowShifter y TotalMedia. The handling is similar to the first version 0.1b. The server software has not changed as soon as handling and the program client conserves the way of connection to the PC but as far as the ubucaciَn of the controls it has changed partly.

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