Phần mềm S60(Ngage,7610,N70,...) cập nhật liên tục P.3

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP, ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi nhikhan, 23 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    scanR v1.01 S60 SymbianOS J2ME
    scanR turns your camera phone into a scanner, copier and fax. Scan business cards, fax documents and capture whiteboard notes.
    The Java version works with many recent camera phones.
    The Symbian version requires a Series 60 3rd Edition phone.
    scanR is working on support for more phone models. If your model is not supported, you can email pictures directly from your phone. See for more information.

    1. scanR_v1.01.sis
    Size: 114.21 Kb
    Compatible with:
    All Symbian devices :: Any Symbian device


    2. scanr.jar
    Size: 148.14 Kb
    Compatible with:
    Sony-Ericsson 176x220 :: Sony-Ericsson D750, K600, K608, K610, K700, K750, V600, W550i, W600, W700, W800i, W810, W810iv, Z1010, Z800
    Sony-Ericsson 240x320 :: Sony-Ericsson K790, K800, K800iv, M600, P990i, S700, W900
    Sharp 240x320 :: Sharp GX20, GX22, GX25, GX29, GX30, TM-150, TM100
    Motorola 240x320 :: Motorola A1200, A768, E1000, E1070, E680, L2, Razr V3x, V1050
    Nokia Series 60v2 :: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, N70, N72
    Motorola 176x220 :: Motorola A835, C975, E1 ROKR, E398, E550, E770, E815, L7, MPx220, PEBL U6, Razr V3, V300, V400, V500, V525, V535, V547, V550, V551, V600, V620, V635, V80, V975, V980
    Samsung 176x192 :: Samsung SGH D500, SGH Z107
    Samsung 176x220 :: Samsung E530, E720, SGH D410, SGH D520, SGH D807, SGH E730, SGH E760, SGH E870, SGH T509, SGH T609, SGH X700, SGH X820, SGH Z140, SGH Z500, SGH ZV10, SPH A920, SPH A940
    Samsung 240x320 :: Samsung SGH D600, SGH D800, SGH D820, SGH D900, SGH E900, SGH T809, SGH Z400, SGH Z540, SPH A900

  2. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Nimbuzz v0.8.61 S60 SymbianOS J2ME
    Nimbuzz® is FREE software for your Internet enabled mobile phone that allows you to:
    Place global mobile 2 mobile calls at your lowest local rates. No credits needed.
    Call your IM buddies using your mobile phone at local costs. No credits needed.
    Chat with your Nimbuzz, MSN/Live Messenger and Google Talk buddies for free.
    Send text messages within the Nimbuzz community for free.
    Chat with your IM buddies on Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ and Skype (coming soon).
    Get your offline buddy online by Buzzing him/her.

    Compatible with:

    Nokia Series 60v2 :: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, N70, N72

    Nokia Series 60 :: Nokia 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 7650, N-Gage

  3. verylove

    verylove Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    bạn format = 4 ngón xem sao ???? :whew:
  4. help_titanic

    help_titanic Thành viên

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    mình đã nói bài ở trên rồi mà, chắc bạn không chú ý rồi, mình cũng bị vậy đó, bạn bỏ thẻ nhớ vào máy vi tính rồi format thôi, bỏ thẻ nhớ ra là máy khởi động được ngay, chúc vui
  5. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Grafitti V1.0 S60


    Use Grafitti to create your own MMS pictures (160x120 pixels) with your photo and your drawings (black and white). Simply draw a black picture in a white paper, take a photo of you, select the colour, and take a photo of your drawing. Insert as many drawings as you want and save them.

    Compatibility chart:
    Nokia: 3230, 6600, 6260, 6620, 6670, 7610, Others: X700, X800, D720, D730.

  6. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Reporo v3.20.1 java

    Reporo: FREE IM MSN YHO..., Flirt Chatrooms & more, *NEW* Blogs, Profiles/Pics + FREE Babes

    Reporo: The World`s Favourite Mobile Space:

    Your *NEW* Reporo Space: Blogs, Profiles, Find new Friends, Share Pics, Instant Messenger (MSN, Yahoo, GoogleTalk, AOL, ICQ), Flirt Chatrooms, Txt & Pic Msgs; And our FREE Mobile Content: Popular Nuts Babes, International News, Sport, Entertainment, Music, Horoscopes & much more.

    My Reporo Space: Create your own Blogs and subscribe to others. Tell the world who you are and what you are thinking. Create your profile upload your pictures. Find new Friends from near you or from anywhere in the world

    Instant Messenger (IM): MSN Messenger, Yahoo, AOL, ICQ and Google Talk. Register your accounts online or on your phone. Messages stored if you lose connection. Auto-reconnect. Login to multiple IM accounts simultaneously

    Texting: No need to create new contacts - Reporo accesses your Contacts on your mobile. Send free international SMS to invite your friends and family to Reporo. Then send free international or domestic text messages, for life.

    Picture Messaging: Preview pictures. Send free international and domestic picture messages for life.

    Chatrooms: Our chatrooms are buzzing with cool cats and crazy chicks - from South Africa to Sweden from London to L.A. Rooms include Flirt UK, Flirt South Africa, Flirt Asia, Flirt Us, Europe and Oz Share Pics in public and private chatrooms. Create your own invitation-only chatrooms

    Free PS3’s and iPod’s draw for every download and for best profiles

    Tabbed windowing to make it easy to switch between services in the application Dynamic application so the new services are available automatically without having to upgrade

    Data: Reporo uses an optimised protocol, sockets, compression and stores messages locally to minimise network traffic. If you don’t have an all-you-can-eat data plan this still means your network charges are very low. A 5MB data plan is more than sufficient for all your Reporo needs.

    Support: visit to manage your Reporo account, for any connection problems or otherwise.

    Compatible with:

    Nokia Series 60v2 :: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682

    Các file đính kèm:

  7. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Zidian Studio SmsOne v1.2.6 S60v1+v2 SymbianOS6.1+OS7

    A better flash sms software


    SmsOne is send flash sms software. If you like flash sms, it is does for you! You may create, reply and forward the message with flash sms. Such convenient, why doesn''t try?

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3230
    Nokia 3600
    Nokia 3620
    Nokia 3650
    Nokia 3660
    Nokia 6260
    Nokia 6600
    Nokia 6620
    Nokia 6630
    Nokia 6670
    Nokia 6680
    Nokia 6681
    Nokia 6682
    Nokia 7610
    Nokia 7650
    Nokia N-Gage
    Nokia N-Gage QD
    Nokia N70
    Nokia N72
    Samsung SGH-D720
    Samsung SGH-D730
    Siemens SX1
    P.S. this thread is to add S60v1 rls as v2 been posted be4 although this is an updated version!

    Các file đính kèm:

    TnTonly and truonggianghnou like this.
  8. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Mephisoft BikePowerCalculator V1.0 Java-N70


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Bike Power Calculator by Mephisoft v1.0, this is a simple programe that calculates necessary power to reach a given speed on bike (on road). Please note that the constants used are for any real situation for the "average" person and bike ; therefore not accurate for any real situation.

    However this programe correctly shows the characteristic of the necessary power as the function of speed, weight, and the rest of the input parameters.

    This programe was inspired by Curt Austin's Bicycle Velocity Predictor and uses some source code from it with Curt's permission.

    Enjoy, anad ride your bike now.

    Tested with Nokia N70

    Các file đính kèm:

  9. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Intellisense Infotech SMS Alert v1.00 S60 SymbianOS

    Know about the sender before opening the message


    SMS Alert helps you to save your time and unnecessary attention by showing the alert on main screen with beautiful graphics.

    Make an intelligent move to stay alert with SMS alert and be productive in your work.

    Các file đính kèm:

    donghai06 thích bài này.
  10. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

    Bài viết:
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    Lonely Cat Games ProfiMail v2.71 S60 SymbianOS F.U.L.L

    Dùng để soạn, viết email và gởi email thông qua GPRS

    ProfiMail is a powerful e-mail client for mobile devices. It allows you to read your mail on go,
    and send text with attachments directly from your device.

    Send photos, recorded sound or simply text messages to friends, from anywhere.

    Through your mobile Internet connection.


    Automatic synchronization of messages with mail server
    IMAP folders
    Attachments - view, save, send
    HTML messages with images and hyperlinks
    Built-in File Explorer
    Address book
    Support for POP3 / IMAP / SMTP mail servers
    Writing mails using T9 dictionary (if available on phone)
    Multiple email accounts
    Rules and filters allowing selective message download
    Opens and browses ZIP archives
    Support for various character encoding - Western, Cyrillic, Central European, and more
    Build-in image viewer - JPG, PNG and other popular formats
    Text viewer for standard text, HTML and Word documents
    Optimized for GPRS - get headers first, then download message bodies which you really want to see
    Scheduled message download
    Sound notifications


    1.01 - Initial release
    1.04 - Czech, Slovak language, Send by BT/IR in File Browser, Audio notifications
    1.06 - Support for Unicode file system, Cyrillic text entry
    1.10 - Added support for T9 dictionary and phone-native text entry
    1.20 - Port to UIQ
    1.22 - Built-in self-update, fixed Turkish charset coding
    1.23 - SSL for POP3/IMAP and SMTP
    1.24 - Russian language, language selection in Config, 'keep connection' option
    1.30 - Port to SmartPhone
    1.31 - Improved SMTP+SSL, improved Address Book, using "Reply-to" address for replies
    1.33 - Italian, German languages
    2.00 - Imap folders
    2.11 - Port to Pocket PC
    2.12 - French language, Greek coding
    2.18 - Polish language, Added Cc, Bcc address field
    2.20 - Hungarian language, port to Series80
    2.21 - Norwegian/baltic special characters, improved Series80 shortcuts
    2.30 - Port to Nokia 7710
    2.31 - Added In-reply-to field, preset Bcc copy for sent messages
    2.32 - Support for Pocket PC VGA screen
    2.34 - Big font size (S60/SmartPhone), allow setting limit of messages to download, delete messages from phone only, delayed download of attachments (on IMAP accounts)
    2.36 - Portuguese language, animated gifs
    2.37 - Partial message download
    2.40 - Clickable links in plain-text emails
    2.41 - Latvian language, improved Word reader
    2.50 - Port to Symbian S60 3rd edition
    2.51 - Fixed attachment problem sent from Mac, added Online Manual menu item
    2.52 - Auto-start (on selected Symbian phones), ProfiExplorer: scroll by page, multi-selection & file operation, Previous/Next in Image viewer
    2.53 - Compatibility with Nokia N93
    2.55 - Increased font size for high-resolution devices, improved compatibility with Nokia E61
    2.56 - Improved compatibility with Nokia E70, Led flash on E61, added Language menu in text editing
    2.60 - Port to UIQ 3.0, Turkish localization
    2.64 - Font increased on Series80, fixed problem background problem on UIQ3, fixed autostart (Symbian 2nd ed), fixed SMTP message format
    2.65 - Fixed bug in language selection, access point selection on UIQ, '1','3' scroll message list
    2.66 - Fixed connection problems
    2.67 - Spanish localization
    2.68 - Fixed Paste bug on E61, added Cut/Copy/Paste options, small improvements
    2.69 - Fixed compatibility with Nokia E62, fixed mouse-based selection of text, added Cc fields to header when reply/forward, fixed crash with mailbox download limit
    2.70 - Norwegian translation, improved IMAP and SMTP compliance, improved logging
    2.71 - Fixed bug with wrong order of limited message download, fixed UIQ 2 display problem (top bar obstruction), returned S80/S90 ProfiExplorer icons

    FIRST INSTALL Lonely.Cat.Games.ProfiMail.v2.70.S60.SymbianOS.Cr++ked-BiNPDA

    THEN OVERWRITE WITH Lonely.Cat.Games.ProfiMail.v2.71.S60


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