Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Epocware Handy Calendar v1.0 s60v3 R*gg*d-takashiro


    Submitted: 10/08/07

    Handy Calendar is a powerful timekeeping system. It will help you organize your schedule, remind of your family special days, help you to be in time and won’t let you forget when and where you should do something.

    Handy Calendar has several views: Month, Week, Day, and Tasks.

    Month and Week views show all your meetings and events at a glance. Event and birthday icons remind you about the upcoming events. Busy bars in Week view and dots in Month view help you to quickly estimate your day workload.

    Day view shows a detailed list of entries for the current day. The time scale at the top shows your busy hours and prevents you from overcommitting your schedule.

    Task view shows all your tasks. You can sort them by due date, subject or priority. You can filter your tasks using predefined filters: all, active, overdue, today, next 7 days, undated and complete.

    You can open and preview any meeting or task from Day and Tasks views. Preview shows all the details of the current entry. Contact names, phone numbers, e-mails and URLs are recognized and highlighted. They can be used directly from Handy Calendar (e.g. you can call to meeting attendees).

    With Handy Calendar you can edit and create entries of the following types: anniversaries, all day events, tasks, appointments and reminders. Tabbed interface allows you to easily edit any entry detail from alarm settings up to comprehensive repeating rules.

    Handy Calendar has many unique features, which will help you to increase your productivity:

    * Hot keys for all important operations to speed up your work on keyboard devices;
    * Settings to personalize all views and application behavior;
    * Zooming text size in all views for better visibility and lager screen capacity;
    * Insert contact/message/location/note functions for composing your entries.

    Handy Calendar uses the same database as built-in Calendar application. This allows you to synchronize Handy Calendar entries with Outlook entries and vice versa.

    Want to organize your business and private life – HC is the best companion.

    Supported languages
    English, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Latin American Spanish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Serbian, Turkish, Ukrainian, Finnish

    Symbian S60 OS 9.1/9.2

    Compatible Devices
    Nokia N91 8Gb (S60 3rd Ed.), Nokia E65, Nokia E61i, Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition), LG JoY, Samsung SGH-i520, Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N93i (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 5700 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6290 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N76 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia E90 Communicator, Nokia 6120 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N75 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N77 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N80 IE (S60 3rd Edition)

    Serial Number:

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] handycalendar_s60_3_v.10_regged_takashiro.zip ( 531.39K )
    bamhu3835 thích bài này.
  2. tichau

    tichau Guest

    AutoLock v1.03 S60v3 Sign*d Freeware
    version 1.03 (build 2112)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    This program enables phone autolocked after a specific period.
    - Enable:Select YES to enable
    - Idle timem:s):To be locked after idle time (minute:second)
    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] __AutoLock_v1.03_S60v3_Signed.rar ( 58.53K )
    g_phuonganh, bamhu3835 and builekhoa like this.
  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    mIRGGI v0.4.98c
    Current version is v0.4.98c, released 2007-10-08

    mIRGGI is the first IRC client for S60 3rd Edition devices. It is also available for 2nd edition devices. It is currently in early stages because I just began writing it on 10th of March. I've been meaning to do this for a long time but haven't gotten to it. I don't like the J2ME IRC clients (one big reason is that they suck up a lot of memory on S60) and I don't like using PuTTY, especially on devices without keyboard. Also their fonts are quite ugly (I like small vector fonts, as is obvious from this release [​IMG]
    This is a hobby project and mainly targeted at my needs but I will try to find some relaxing time to enhance it. And especially the things that bother me personally will get fixed fast. There are most certainly some bugs but I have successfully used it for several hours at a time via GPRS without problems.
    mIRGGI has also been seen for a selected few as a terminal IRC client for Linux and Windows. Those versions haven't been updated for a loooong time and were never really released. I might do a version for Windows Mobile someday, too.
    mIRGGI has been tested by me on Nokia N93, E70, E61, N73, N95 and E60. Others have used it on almost every S60 3rd Edition device (N80, N73, E61i, E90 etc). 2nd edition version has been tested by me on 6260 and N70.

    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] mirggi_0498.zip ( 94.23K )
    bamhu3835 thích bài này.
  4. tichau

    tichau Guest


    xcalc is a scientific calculator with a precision of 8 decimal places. Support expressions, trigonometric functions


    xcalc is a scientific calculator with a precision of 8 decimal places. Support expressions, trigonometric (sin, cos, tan) and anti-trigonometirc functions, logarithmic functions, pi, e, logical operaions, and parenthesis.

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3230
    Nokia 3600
    Nokia 3650
    Nokia 6120 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 6600
    Nokia 6630
    Nokia 6680
    Nokia 6682
    Nokia 7650
    Nokia E65
    Nokia N-Gage
    Nokia N70
    Nokia N72
    Nokia N77 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 3620
    Nokia 3660
    Nokia 6260
    Nokia 6620
    Nokia 6670
    Nokia 6681
    Nokia 7610
    Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E90 Communicator
    Nokia N-Gage QD
    Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Attached File(s)
    [​IMG] Five.Deers.Xcalc.v1.1.05.S60.J2ME.Cracked_illusion.rar ( 80.62K )
  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Lonely Cat Games Slick S60v3v0.25


    Slick is messenger application for mobile devices.
    It allows you to chat with your friends connected though various online messaging applications.

    Currently it is still in development, and alpha version is available for free for public testing.


    * Supported protocols:
    ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN
    * Text messaging
    * Emoticons
    * Alerts - sound, backlight, vibration, notify window displaying number of new messages
    * Group and buddy management (add, delete, rename)
    * Message history
    * Downloading files sent as links
    * More features to be added

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] slick_s60_3rd_0_25.zip ( 470.74K )
    bamhu3835 thích bài này.
  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    bamhu3835 thích bài này.
  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Nova Epoc Systems XSafe v2.0.7 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 Cr*ck*d SergeyL

    X Safe for Series 60 3rd Edition is a perfect assistant for secure and convenient managing all your important information. Keep your sensitive information private and password protected. Store credit cards, calling cards, user names, passwords, accounts (bank, internet, email), web pages, contacts and much more. Flexible and fully customizable user interface, tree view and list view modes. Support for custom templates.

    Strong data security, encryption is done with 256 bit Blowfish cipher.
    Ability to store data of different kind and organize multilevel folder hierarchy.
    Well designed and flexible user interface. Tree view mode, that dramatically simplifies data browsing. “Quick Info” feature - view information without interruption of browsing
    Fully customizable user interface. Field icon support for different data types, double/single line editing mode, different data layouts, field dividers.
    Over 30 predefined templates for most commonly used entry types: different credit/debit cards, various accounts (bank, E-mail, internet), calling cards, user names, passwords, hosts, websites, etc.
    Custom templates support. Define your own templates, specify fields, their data types and initial values.
    Direct operations on fields, call specified phone number, create SMS/MMS message, send E-mail, etc.
    Send data via different services: IR/Bluetooth/SMS/MMS/E-mail.
    Over 60 icons are available for predefined and custom templates, also for individual entries.

    Setting password:
    First time when you run X Safe the program will ask you to set password. Enter password, then you will be prompted to confirm it, enter the same password again. Please choose as random password as possible, containing different letters and numbers. It is recommended to choose password with more than 8 characters in length. When the password is set X Safe initializes secure database for the first time, this may take up to 5 seconds. At the end program’s main screen appears, and you will see sample folders and entries in a list view. Next time when you start X Safe you must enter the password to access the program. You can change password later by invoking ‘Change password’ command from menu.

    Data browsing and manipulation:
    Use up and down arrow keys to move cursor.
    To open folder press OK (joystick center), or right arrow key.
    To close folder press left arrow key or OK (in case of Tree View layout).
    Current path is displayed at the top status bar. It is important because when you create new entries or folders they will be created in the current open folder (if no folders are open entry will be created in root folder).
    In case of Tree View layout pressing right arrow key on open folder will move cursor down to the next item.
    Pressing right arrow key on entry will display Quick Info window containing current entry information. Press any key other than right arrow and Quick Info window will disappear.
    In case of Tree View layout pressing left arrow key on entry will cause cursor jump to the parent folder.
    To view/edit entry press OK (joystick center) key.
    To create new entry, choose ‘Options->New entry’ command from menu. Template list will be displayed. Choose appropriate entry type and press OK softkey. Entry will be created and placed in edit mode. Fill fields with information and press ‘Back’ softkey.


    Attached File(s) [​IMG] nova_epoc_systems_xsafe_v2_0_7_s60v3_symbianos9_1_cracked_sergeyl_143.rar ( 222.75K )
    tnl and bamhu3835 like this.
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    MobileReference 25 Language Phrasebook


    FREE 25 Language Phrasebook: German, French, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Danish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Croatian, Turkish, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Malay, and Thai. Navigate from Table of Contents or search for words or phrases.


    Multi-Platform device capability (PDA, smartphone, PC)
    No matter which device you use (Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, Pocket PC, Palm OS, Blackberry, or Desktop), you will NOT lose any functionality.
    Search function
    Navigate from Table of Contents or read page by page
    Add Bookmarks
    Text annotation and mark-up
    Access the phrasebook anytime, anywhere.
    More Titles by MobileReference - Search keyword MobileReference for a complete list

    US: New York | Boston | Chicago | Las Vegas | Los Angeles | Miami | San Francisco | Seattle | Washington, DC | US National Parks
    Europe: FREE 25 Language Phrasebook | Amsterdam | Barcelona | Berlin | Dresden | Florence | Greece | London | Madrid | Milan | Moscow | Munich | Paris | Portugal | Prague | Rome | Spain | St. Petersburg | Venice | Vienna | Zurich
    Other: Israel | Montreal | Shanghai | Sydney

    General: Human Anatomy and Physiology | Cell Biology | Pharmacology | Medical Abbreviations and Terminology | Nutrition | Nursing and Physical Assessment
    Neuroscience: Human Nervous System | Neurophysiology | Neurochemistry | Psychology
    Biochemistry: FREE Periodic Table of Elements | Biochemistry | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry | Neurochemistry

    Biology: Biology | Cell Biology | Human Anatomy and Physiology | Psychology
    Chemistry: FREE Periodic Table of Elements | Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Biochemistry | Neurochemistry
    Neurobiology: Human Nervous System | Neurophysiology | Neurochemistry | Psychology | Pharmacology
    Math: Algebra | Calculus | Geometry | Linear Algebra | Statistics | Trigonometry
    Physics and Engineering: FREE Weights and Measures - Units Conversion | Physics

    Social Science: Philosophy | Psychology | Sociology | Art History | World Religions
    Art: Art History | Greek and Roman Mythology
    Law: US Constitution and Government | US Patent, Copyright, and Trademark Laws
    Languages: English Grammar and Punctuation | Rhetoric and Composition

    History: Art History Guide | Greek and Roman Mythology | World Religions | U.S. History | European History
    Biography and People: American Presidents | Kings and Queens of England | 100 Most Influential People of All Times | 100 Richest People in the World | 100 Most Influential Jews of All Times
    Encyclopedia: The World's Biggest English Encyclopedia - 1.5 Million Articles

    General: Acupressure Guide | First Aid Guide
    By Condition: FREE Hangover Remedy | Diabetes Care | Headache and Migraine Care | Asthma Care | Headache Acupressure Remedy
    Productivity: Blood Pressure Tracker, Weight Tracker, Glucose Tracker, Menstrual Cycle Calculator, Calorie Burner - Diet and Exercise Planner - distributed under SoundTells brand - search keyword SoundTells

    The Illustrated Holy Bible: King James | American Standard Version | World English Bible (Modern Translation)
    Reference: World Religions

    Home and Personal: Art of Love | Feng Shui Guide | Chinese Astrology | Art of Palm Reading | Chess Guide
    Encyclopedia: The World's Biggest English Encyclopedia - 1.5 Million Articles
    Cooking: Cookbook | Cocktails and Drinking Games | Diet Guide

    MobiPocket Reader Setup
    1. To read this book you need to download the Free MobiPocket Reader from MobiPocket, the Amazon.com company. You can install the Reader directly to your handheld. However, we recommend that you install the MobiPocket Desktop Reader first from this URL

    2. When you connect the handheld to the desktop PC, the MobiPocket Desktop Reader automatically detects the handheld and installs appropriate software on the handheld.
    3. Open the PRC file from the MobiPocket Desktop Reader. Click the Send button to send the book from the desktop PC to the handheld.
    4. Whenever you connect the handheld to the desktop PC, the MobiPocket Desktop Reader automatically synchronizes the book between the handheld and the desktop PC. You could read half of the book on the handheld, then finish reading on the desktop. Annotations and drawings are also synchronized.
    5. Alternative: You can download the Free MobiPocket Reader directly to your handheld from

    Compatible Devices

    Nokia 3230
    Nokia 3600
    Nokia 3650
    Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 6260
    Nokia 6620
    Nokia 6670
    Nokia 6681
    Nokia 6708 (UIQ)
    Nokia 7650
    Nokia 9210 Communicator
    Nokia 9300
    Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N-Gage
    Nokia N70
    Nokia N72
    Nokia N75 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N93 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 3620
    Nokia 3660
    Nokia 6120 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia 6600
    Nokia 6630
    Nokia 6680
    Nokia 6682
    Nokia 7610
    Nokia 7710
    Nokia 9290 Communicator
    Nokia 9500
    Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia E61i
    Nokia E65
    Nokia E90 Communicator
    Nokia N-Gage QD
    Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N77 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N90
    Nokia N92 (S60 3rd Edition)
    Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition)

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] phrasebook3.zip ( 192.49K )
    Pham Hoai Nam and bamhu3835 like this.
  9. tichau

    tichau Guest



    WirelessIRC v1.20 is a native IRC client for your S60 3rd Edition phone with additional support for Twitter and Bonjour Local Chat.​

    NEW! Twitter View, Event Scripting for Sounds/Replies/Posting on selective events, Info-Bubble on top of other Apps and more ... ​

    Chat with thousands of other people on the Internet Relay Chat or talk on your local WLAN network via Bonjour Local Chat! You can also conveniently post to Twitter and follow all your friends or strangers - while WirelessIRC collects, saves and auto-posts all or selective URLs to your del.icio.us account. ​

    WirelessIRC connects you to any IRC network while you're on the move. Be in touch with your friends everywhere at any time. ​

    With the help of WirelessIRC's Auto-Completion of commands, channels and nicknames, you can chat more comfortably and quicker. ​

    WirelessIRC will automatically grabs URLs, save them for copy & paste or post them to your del.icio.us account! ​

    Semi-transparent windows let you keep track of various conversations at a glance. You can also log all messages to a file on your phone for saving important discussions and you can even upload the logfiles! ​

    WirelessIRC requires an internet connection - either via WLAN or mobile internet (GPRS, UMTS, CSD, ...) ​

    Please configure your phone to accept ALL applications, because WirelessIRC is NOT Symbian Signed. ​

    Features of WirelessIRC for S60 3rd Ed.​
    1. NEW! Twitter View: conveniently post to Twitter and follow your friends/strangers
    2. NEW! Events: freely configure sounds or auto-replies or let WirelessIRC only post URLs for your interests
    3. NEW! Info-Bubble: WirelessIRC displays an info "bubble" on top of other applications to keep you informed
    4. NEW! Logging: Save all chat messages to a file and upload it.
    5. Auto-Completion of common IRC commands, channel- and nick-names
    6. Semi-transparent text input field, popup windows and menus
    7. Connect to multiple IRC servers at the same time
    8. "Private" chats get a separate window each
    9. Auto-parsing of URLs for copy & paste or posting to del.icio.us
    10. Simple Twitter-interface for /away and /me messages
    11. Auto-scanning and -connection to configured WLAN access points
    12. Bonjour Local Chat (via WLAN only, a phone with WLAN capabilities required!)
    13. CTCP support (+ PING and VERSION via menu)
    14. Supports IRC color codes and text-formatting
    15. Fullscreen-mode
    16. SSL for secure connections to certain IRC servers
    Have fun!

    Release Notes for WirelessIRC:
    V1.00 - 22.08.2007 - * Initial Release.​

    Transfer the file to your device and install​

    Register with any key. (Sometimes a specific amount of chars)

    Have fun with this release from team BiNPDA :idol: ​

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] Mobileway.WirelessIRC.v1.20.S60v3.SymbianOS9.1.Cracked_BiNPDA.zip ( 277.63K )
  10. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Snap & Sketch v.1.01 all phones


    With Snap&Sketch you can make original photos,drawings, or postcards and Email them to your friends. It is an easy drawing program especially designed for your mobile. It also supports snapping photos and make drawings on top of them.\n\n Snap&Sketch:

    * Make photos or drawings with

    Compatible Devices
    Samsung SGH-D730, Sony Ericsson P1, Nokia 3600, Nokia N75 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N80 IE (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N91 8Gb (S60 3rd Ed.), Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 7650, Nokia 7610, Nokia 6620, Nokia 6708 (UIQ), Nokia N-Gage, Sony Ericsson P900, Nokia N-Gage-Cingular, Nokia N-Gage-AT&T, Nokia N-Gage-TMobile, Nokia 9500, Nokia 6630, Nokia 3620, Nokia 3660, Nokia 6260, Nokia 3620-AT&T, Nokia 3620-TMobile, Nokia 3660-Cingular, BenQ P30, Arima U300, Nokia 3620-Cingular, Nokia 3660-AT&T, Nokia 3660-TMobile, Motorola M1000, Nokia 3650, Arima U308, Nokia 9300i, Nokia E61i, Nokia E65, Sony Ericsson M600i, Sony Ericsson P800i, Nokia 7710, Sony Ericsson M600, Sony Ericsson P910i, Sony Ericsson P990, Nokia 3230, Nokia 6670, Nokia 5700 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6290 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N76 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N93i (S60 3rd Edition), Panasonic X700, Panasonic X800, Sony Ericsson P800, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Motorola RIZR Z8, Nokia E90 Communicator, Nokia 6120 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N77 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 9500, Samsung SGH-i520, Nokia 9210 Communicator, Nokia 9290 Communicator, Nokia 3250 (S60 3rd Edition), BenQ P31, Nokia 6680, Nokia 6681, LG JoY, SendoX, Nokia N-Gage QD, Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition), Siemens SX1, Sony Ericsson P910, Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N72, Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 9300, Nokia N70, Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 5500d (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N90, Nokia N91 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N92 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N93 (S60 3rd Edition), Motorola A920, Motorola A925, Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 9200 Series Communicator, Nokia Series 60, Motorola A1000, Nokia 6682, Samsung SGH-D720, Nokia 6600, Sony Ericsson P990i, Sony Ericsson W950

    Attached File(s) [​IMG] snapnsketch.jar ( 98.11K )
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