Ứng dụng cho Symbian 9.1 - Phần I

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi minhtv74, 18 Tháng năm 2006.

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  1. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Anti Theft v1.00 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 U.n.s.i.g.n.e.d [CHI]


    PhoneBAK Mobilephone is an innovative lost & found anti-theft software program that sends the thief's contact number, location and other details to a pre-defined mobile phone number when your mobilephone is stolen!

    The program works quietly in the device by automatically checking on the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card, all without the knowledge of the unauthorized user!

    When stolen, PhoneBAK Mobilephone will send out 02 SMSes (local and/or overseas) using the thief's own SIM card to destined pre-configured contact numbers together with other information to get the phonebak!

    MaiDinh thích bài này.
  2. tichau

    tichau Guest

    QIP PDA Symbian 1040

    - The ability to connect through a proxy
    - errors with the connection, the server stops, and running on another computer room query-added contact h-statusa

    - preservation h-statusa

    remember, full screen

    Updated / Fixed:

    [OPL] Authorization (inquiry is now displayed in the window messages and effect can be selected via the menu)

    [T] mistake with a password containing Russian letters or longer than 8 characters

    [T] interaction with some customers

  3. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Mini Excel Java For All Symbian 9.1 & 9.2

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Here is a quick excel software to do any office work at ease.


  4. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Devlex Industries PhoneTunes v4.03 S60v3 SymbianOS9.1 {Freeware}

    PhoneTunes provides an Apple iTunes interface for a Smartphone, allowing you to control your music collection from the comfort of your phone.


    * PhoneTunes collates your music collection into a format suitable for display on a smartphone
    * Seamless Bluetooth Integration (support for the Widcomm, Toshiba, BlueSoleil, Microsoft and other common bluetooth stacks).
    * Simple configuration - works right out of the box! Direct access to the bluetooth stack, no slow browsing-for bluetooth devices or time spent attempting to connect-to a Bluetooth device - it just works!
    * Supports Bluetooth, WiFi or even GPRS\3G connections
    * Phone is automatically updated when you add iTunes tracks
    * Support for queuing individual tracks, albums or whole playlists
    * Skip forward or back in the playlist from the smartphone
    * Pause current track from the smartphone
    * Adjust the iTunes volume from the smartphone

    System Requirements:

    * Apple iTunes 4.7.0 or later
    * Windows XP or Windows Vista
    * A Symbian Series60 (version 1,2 or 3) phone
    * Connectivity (one of)
    - Bluetooth PC support; PhoneTunes has Native support for Microsoft, Widcomm (Broadcom) and Toshiba Bluetooth stacks and Bluetooth Serial Port support for use with other Bluetooth configurations (e.g. IVT BlueSoleil)
    - A Series60 phone supporting WiFi
    - A Series60 phone setup with a 3G\GPRS access point

    Supported Devices include:

    3230, 3250, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5500, 6110, 6260, 6290, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, E50, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E65, E70, E90, N70, N71, N72, N73, N75, N76, N77, N80, N90, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N‑Gage, N‑Gage QD
    X700, x800
    SGH-d720, SGH-d730, SGH-i520, SGH-Z600
    KS10 JoY

    Get a FREE Registration code:

  5. tichau

    tichau Guest

    I2fly Love v1.0 S60v3 FlashLite R*t*il-SyMPDA


    Love u wallpaper and screensaver for your mobile phone.Falling random hearts looks really cute and beautiful.

    Release Notes
    No need to register this program, its the full version.
    Have fun with this release from team SyMPDA

  6. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Rock Your Mobile Call Recorder Pro v1.10 -BiNPDA (with new certificate)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This useful application will let you record incoming and outgoing phone calls. CallRecorder can start recording automatically or ask whether to record a conversation or not - this will depend on the rules you set.
    How to start:

    1. First, you should turn CallRecorder on. To do this, press Options and select Settings command. In Settings dialog you can turn CallRecorder on and set up some options;
    2. After that you should set rules for CallRecorder - considering these rules the application will or will not record phone calls;

    Main view:

    You can find all recorded phone conversations in the main view of CallRecorder. The following functions are available here:

    * Play record. You can change the volume with joystick left/right arrows while a record is being played. To change speaker from loud to quiet or vice versa set an option Play volume in Settings dialog to a corresponding value;
    * Call a contact or a phone number. If the highlighted record has a phone number, you can dial it even without exiting CallRecorder - just press Call button or select this command;
    * Send via Infrared/Bluetooth/Email/MMS you can send the recorded conversation with the help of this command;
    * View contact (hot key: '*') displays a dialog with a contact;
    * Properties (hot key: '5') displays a dialog with record's detailed properties;
    * Delete (hot key: 'C') deletes marked records;
    * Delete all (hot key: 'Pen+C');
    * Pack deletes all records that don't have a sound file;
    * Refresh actualizes the list of records;

    Records that don't have a sound file are marked by red color.

    MaiDinh and tanthanh2009 like this.
  7. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Lonely Cat Games Slick v0.30 S60 v3 SymbianOS

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    * Supported protocols:
    ICQ, Yahoo, AIM, MSN
    * Text messaging
    * Emoticons
    * Alerts - sound, backlight, vibration, notify window displaying number of new messages
    * Group and buddy management (add, delete, rename)
    * Message history
    * Downloading files sent as links
    * More features to be added

    Versions History:
    0.20 (Sep 7 2007) Initial testing version
    0.21 (Sep 11 2007) Fixed vibration crash, UIQ version, setting own status, setting auto-away mode after some time, receiving messages from users not in contact list, detecting and opening web links, reconnect option
    0.22 (Sep 26 2007) Dialog tabs, file download from url, download manager, traffic counter (on Shift key), Send by Enter key (option), groups that contain only offline contacts are hidden, drawing new msg icon also on collapsed groups, receiving html messages on ICQ/AIM
    0.23 (Oct 1 2007) Yahoo audibles, UIQ buttons, separate groups for each protocol, group management: create, delete, rename, buddy management: rename, change group
    0.24 (Oct 6 2007) MSN protocol
    0.25 (Oct 10 2007) Saving message history
    0.26 (Oct 14 2007) Online/total buddy count near group name, protocol-specific emoticons
    0.27 (Oct 17 2007) Fixed vibration crash (S60 3rd ed), fixed crash with emoticon selection, protocol logging
    0.28 (Oct 23 2007) Option to connect automatically or manually, better login progress display, protocol connection menu, option for more compact message display, optional message time display
    0.29 (Oct 26 2007) Copying text from history window, receiving messages from buddys not in list, auto-reconnect option, sending nudges (Yahoo)
    0.30 (Oct 27 2007) Windows Mobile version, multi-selection in history marking, small fixes

    Tải về
  8. tichau

    tichau Guest

    Xplore Me ! 4.0 Beta 1 for symbian 9.1 & 9.2
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    XploreME! 4 beta 1 is OUT!!!
    Now Supports Nokia series 40 and SonyErricson phones also!

    Download (pass: todose.com)


    Due lack of time i've decided to publish an open beta of XploreME! 4!
    This is still a beta version and not fully tested on Nokia/SonyErricson.
    There are more feature that im intent to add, and will be in the final
    version or in the following versions.

    XploreME! 4 doesn't support 176*220 yet, will be in future versions!

    XploreME! support phones with resolution of 320*240,
    to use utilities that uses files "file access" permission must be enabled.
    for using Rss reader, "internet access" permission must be enabled.

    More guides, screenshot and help will be published later on.

    Please report me on any bug you find trought the Bug Reports forum.

    Well im proud to present after a long developing time:
    XploreME! 4
    the biggest upgrade made so far to XploreME!

    Here is the changes log, updated screenshots will be published later on.

    4.0 Beta 1
    - Almost all of the program's code has rewritten from zero.
    - Added support for other phones platform besides motorola: nokia and sonyericcson
    - added "Choose platform" sceen in the first time XploreME! is launched
    - XploreME! is Working much faster, directory listing is more than 80% faster, waiting screens removed
    - Total new graphical interface (Xgui) in all XploreME! screen
    - new icons, some in replace and some are new.
    - New Xgui MainMenu, now includes the utilities, Choose Source, About screens also
    - New Xgui Options menu
    - New Multi-language support, XploreME! can now be translated to other languages
    - XploreME's saving and loading options(RMS) is now faster means XploreME! loading is faster
    - Added language selection to Options menu

    - Added icon on topic.
    - Added Xgui Menu in replace of the Menu that supplied with the phone.

    - Now in Xgu
    - New Listing module working way faster than before
    - Mixed mode now loads drive E (at motorola) also
    - Removed : Move to top / Move to bottom items from list.
    - Files Actions is now from Soft1, Menu is from Soft3(middle)
    - Multi-files selections and operations are now available
    - Added Cut-Copy-Paste actions
    - New Controls: (joystick or keys 4 6 8 2 5)
    Up / Down - Move up down
    Left / Right - Page up down
    5 - run item
    1 - move to top
    3 - move to buttom
    * - Search files
    - Added text scrolling for long filenames.
    - Added File's info.
    - Added "View in reader" in file actions.

    - new Playlist module
    - faster player loading (by loading the skin only once)
    - can return the the player screen from almost all XploreME!'s screen
    by pressing "#"
    - Can Add files from multi paths
    - Can Enqueue new files to exsiting playlist
    - Can SAVE AND LOAD play list
    - Playlist File extension is: ".xmpl" can be launched via browser

    playlist file structure:
    every line is a track file name (without a path)
    line that starts with # indicates the current path
    line that start with * adds the folowing path with all it's files and subfolders

    - Can load player skins from phone's memory/card, not only from
    Jar-File! By the Options menu or by pressing the "player.ini" file in
    the broswer.
    - added new graphics to Winamp and Default Skins.
    - WMP11 skin renewed, looking better
    - Added looped playing of the same track by pressing 1 in the player.(playing mode)
    - Added "Play Tree by default" in options.
    - Changes in skin making definitions:
    -"barS" changed to "vols" (space between volume bars)
    - added "barP": (time bar mode)
    0 = only bar
    1 = bar with graphic on the edge(9.png)
    2 = only graphic on the edge(9.png)
    - added "barPH": bar's graphic(9.png) Y loacation.

    - new Xgui inteface
    - New Controls: (joystick or keys 4 6 8 2)
    Up / Down - Move up down
    Left / Right - Page up down
    1 - move to top
    3 - move to buttom
    - now reads Unicode and Uncode-BigEndian
    files as well as Ansi files like before
    - more reader options will be availabe in future versions

    - Uses Xgui interface
    - Loads pictures up to 20-30% faster
    - new Xgui Menu
    - The keys "5" and "Soft1" flipped back: 5 - center the image(and opens menu in V3x)
    and Soft1 - Fit to screen.
    - Loading big images at Nokia/Sony Erricson isn't supported yet.

    - 3 new utilities: RSS Reader, Dicer, Scorer
    - Utilities via mainmenu

    RSS Reader
    - Needs internet enabled phone.
    - can read textual(only) RSS feeds
    - maitains feeds (add,edit,delete)
    - Feeds are saved via RMS on exit

    - Based on an old program i once made
    - Used to maintane a scoreboard list
    - can add/remove players
    - can change scores with keys 7,9
    - can change player names on selection
    - has keys help screen.

    - A simple dice tool
    - can choose one or two dices
    - can choose dices type

    - Added ***Alarm tool***, thanks to IceM@N(adark3).
    - can choose alarm sound
    - can use vibration
    - when sound path is empty, uses the Alarm.mp3 that
    inside XploreME's Jar.

    - Changed user interface
    - Added: Can choose "Records path" from browesr.

    - Added "Save lap time".
    - keys changed.
    - Added keys help screen.

    anhphi thích bài này.
  9. tichau

    tichau Guest



    Summary :

    Engineering calculator

    Description :

    ECalc is a simple and easy to use application that acts like a standard engineering calculator. Enjoy the simple access for quick calculation of difficult problems. Solve your math problems at work, school, the lab, or even on the road. You can perform any of the standard operations of a normal calculator.

    Compatible Makes/Models :


    3250, 5300, 6110, 6126, 6131, 6230i, 6233, 6234, 6265, 6265i, 6270, 6275, 6275i, 6280, 6282, 6288, 6290, 6300, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7370, 7373, 7390, 8800, 8801, E50, N70, N71, N72, N73, N75, N91, N92, N93, N95


    C75, CX65, CX65T, CX65v, CXT65, ME75, S65, S65V, SFG75, SL65, SL75


    K600, K600a, K600c, K600i, K700, K700a, K700c, K700i, K750, K750a, K750c, K750i, S700, S700a, S700c, S700i, W800, W800a, W800c, W800i, W800iv, W810, w810c, W810i, W900, W900a, W900c, W900i, Z1010, Z1010i, Z500, Z500a, Z500c, Z500i

  10. tichau

    tichau Guest

    ^Update^Morange V3.3.3(26/10/07)


    Morange is an application java that allows of: to read-send email, light feed rss, chatting (it supports msn, yahoo, google talk, icq and aol).

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