Ứng dụng mới cập nhật Symbian OS 9 (Phần II)

Thảo luận trong 'ỨNG DỤNG TỔNG HỢP - ỨNG DỤNG KHÁC' bắt đầu bởi ChiêuTrúc, 29 Tháng mười hai 2007.

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  1. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    SysOpen Digia Corporate Phonebook v1.4.1 S60v3.SymbianOS9.1 Uns igned Cr@cked-illusion


    Corporate Phonebook by Digia stores detailed information of all your business contacts on your phone. When you receive a call, you see immediately all the details about the caller. The information is stored in a separately on your phone, keeping your personal address book small and tidy.

    - Advanced caller identification (Name, Title, Company, Location, Reports To)
    - Easy and fast search using multiple criteria
    - Easy import and integration with existing back-end systems (MS Outlook, Exchange, LDAP, CRM, Database)
    - Available locally on your phone, no network connection required
    - Unlimited number of contacts

    Pc application can be downloaded using this link:


    Note: Requires Windows 2000, XP or Vista as well as any version of Outlook

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  2. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    Facematch v1.0


    It will be great if my camera mobile phone can only be accessed by me. J2MEFaceMatch is such an application. It stores one or several master faces of the mobile phone owner, the user need to have a sanpshot of the face and match with owner`s face, if it passed the match, it will allow the user see/edit some secrete info (ex. phone number), otherwise it will deny the access.

    Sounds interesting, does it really work? Test yourself! Remember the face should be straight front face filled with viewfinder the way as you take the master face. To create your own master face in your mobile, you need to signup after you take a good quality master face. Of cource the master face is not necessary a face, it can be any image that only you know. When match, you need to snapshot that image to compare.

    FAQ : Why the BestMatch take so long
    Answer: The time to match depends on the mobile. If you have a powerful mobile phone, the match will be faster.
    FAQ: Why the match is always failed?
    Answer: One reason is that the light condition of the snapshot face is changed too much from when you taking your master face. Your snapshot face position in the viewfinder is also important, it should not shift too much compare to your master face for FastMatch. Another reason is that pass threshold is too high. By default we set 80%. When you SignUp you can specify youw own threshoLD


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    hoangloc11 thích bài này.
  3. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    CAMalarm v1.0 s60v3{ a movement detector}

    Through your phone's camera you can use your phone as a movement detector! CAMalarm can emit a sound, to catch a photo, to record the sound or send a sms to a number choosen by yourself.


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  4. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    GDesk S603 v0.30l*update 26/05/08*

    * Long cross-page keys fixed
    * Design mode auto-repeat fixed
    * (Menu accel) Menu bug fixed
    * (Menu accel) Memory footprint reduced
    * (Menu accel) Navigate with left/right/4/6 bug fixed
    * Speed up and clean up of GDD load
    * Design mode: press Fire or shortcut key brings up icon menu
    * Assign Shortcut sms/call fixed


  5. petrus1105

    petrus1105 Thành viên

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    Klaar Mobile Syntrax v2.02 s60 3rd symbian 9.1{music composer }Update


    Meet Syntrax, the long awaited sequel to Jaytrax, the first mobile synthesizer and sequencer for Windows mobile and Symbian smartphones. It has everything the modern musician wants when away from the studio! A sequencer, sound synthesis and sample editor all wrapped up in a nice little package! A mobile synthesizer in your pocket.
    Syntrax runs on Symbian phones as well as Windows mobile powered PDA's. Syntrax is the first and only professional music software for the mobile phone.
    Syntrax is packed with all the professional features you might expect from a mobile music studio. This includes MIDI support, a sequencer, sample editing, software synthesizer, realtime echoes, morphing etc.


    Upto 8 stereo audio channels simultaneously (previously only 6)
    Playback of samples with bi-directional looping support
    Realtime sound synthesis with 15 sound generation effects
    Realtime effects like filters, morphs and echoes
    A built in small sample editor
    A full featured sequencer
    Dynamic playback options (songspeed, groove, muting etc..)
    Realtime instrument parameter changing
    Full library of preset songs and sounds for you to start working with
    User adjustable sound quality for slower devices
    MIDI compatibility
    Syntrax is also available for PocketPC and other smartphones!

    There is also a free PC version available from The developers site allowing you to hear and export the songs to .wav format. This PC version is identical to the mobile version, and even comes with a mobile device skin.

    The free version offers no limitations other than the disabling of the save functionality. If you register for free, this limitation is removed!Start composing now!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]


  6. Red Apple

    Red Apple Thành viên

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    Easy Reject: Từ chối cuộc gọi, tin nhắn “spam”

    Bạn hay phải nhận rất nhiều tin nhắn quảng cáo, cuộc gọi làm phiền? Thật đơn giản với Easy Reject. Đây là chương trình chặn cuộc gọi hiệu quả nhờ có nhiều tùy chọn đáng giá.

    Bạn chỉ cần cài đặt các chế độ khác nhau là khi có cuộc gọi đến không mong đợi, phần mềm sẽ tự động báo bận.Bạn tải bản dùng thử tại địa chỉ:

    Bạn cài đặt như thông thường đối với Symbian thế hệ 3. Chương trình được chia nhỏ ra thành các chức năng chặn tin nhắn, cuộc gọi. Bạn có thể đặt chế độ tự động hoạt động hoặc hoạt động thông thường khi được kích hoạt.

    Để đưa các số điện thoại vào “danh sách đen”, bạn chọn phần Options. Sau đó, bạn chọn Import Contact để đưa vào số trong danh bạ hoặc nhập trực tiếp. Phần Eject Log sẽ là nhật ký ghi lại toàn bộ những số điện thoại đã bị từ chối, các tin nhắn… Log sẽ ghi lại thời gian chi tiết để bạn có thể theo dõi chính xác.
    athars and Hoang An like this.
  7. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    CalSyncS60 v0.3.1 Beta
    (Update 27-05-2008)


    CalSyncS60 provides two-way synchronization between Nokia S60 phone and Google Calendar.​

    For example, when you add an appointment to Google Calendar it will appear also in your phone calendar.
    Just start the application and hit sync.


    * Bi-directional synchronization
    * Scheduled automatic sync (Currently if turned on, syncs every 2 hours)
    * Supports standard appointments, all-day events, alerts and recurring events
    * Fast sync - only changes are transferred over the network
    * Completely free!


    Please note that this is an early stage beta version and there might
    be problems with some special calendar events. Eventhough there hasn't been any reports
    of data losses, it is recommended to backup your calendar using e.g. PC-Suite.

    This version will expire 10th of July, 2008.


    CalSyncS60 can be uninstalled normally from S60 Application Manager.

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  8. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    WorldMate v6.00.35 S60v3

    WorldMate for S60 is the most comprehensive travel software around. It provides travelers with information that organizes all their travel needs.
    With WorldMate you will have access to the most critical information when you need it most.

    NEW - WorldMate for S60 now offers most of its services completely free of charge.



    All you need to do is download the trial offered here and start using the application for an unlimited time. Weather forecasts with a live "weathercaster" service, constantly updated currency converters, an easy to use world clock with five different locations viewed simultaneously and much more are now just a click away.

    In addition, for all the real Road Warriors out there, MobiMate has compiled the most essential travel information services available. Real time flight status updates, flight schedules and weather satellite imagery are available for a small subscription fee.


    Compatible Devices
    Nokia N81, Nokia E65, Nokia E61i, Nokia N95 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N80 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N71 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N73 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N82, Nokia 5700 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E60 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6290 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6121, Nokia E50 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E61(S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E70 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N76 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N92 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N93 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia N93i (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E90 Communicator, Nokia 6120 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia E51, Nokia E62 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N75 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N77 (S60 3rd Edition), Nokia N80 IE (S60 3rd Edition)

    Link :



    vn2006 and trungzena like this.
  9. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    dungp2011 thích bài này.
  10. minhque

    minhque Ultra Member Staff Member

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    Beeper v5.10 Multifunctional freeware utility
    (Like Timebar)


    Beeper for S60What does it do? It is really hard to say what the Beeper is because it is the multifunctional application with lot of handy and highly customizable features.

    The application itself is similar to Timebar but it has more useful features and completely configurable window which allow you to select where and which information you want to display. Application of course stays resident in memory and continues to update the display in real time.

    However, what is most interesting about this application is that everything is under control, bar is completely customizable, fonts, colors, items, everything. You can change the Bar size, Bar position and Bar color. It is the same with the text and application allows you to change the Text style, Text color and of course Text position. Furthermore it supports the bunch of items to choose from, you can choose between the Time, Date, Ram, Signal and battery.

    Basically it is capable to show the any system information anywhere on your display and not only on the standby screen, clock, or date, or ram will be displayed on the top of all layers so no matter what you are currently working and which application is active you’ll always be able to check the necessary information with the zero effort.
    Beeper for S60 Beeper for S60

    Beside the Bar functionality it is also capable to play a sound file of your choice for the every hour or to use one sound as the alert for all 24 hours. If you want the same tone for all hours than it will be enough to select a single sound but if you want to have your own custom Big Ben chimes you’ll have to select a folder that contains 24 sound files named as 00.mp3 …. . . .24.mp3 where the 00-23 are sounds for hours, while the file 24 is for battery.

    Of course notification volume is also adjustable but keep in mind that notifications will not work if your phone is in silent mode. There is an also option to set this hour notification to be activate only from 6 through 23 for example and give you a chance to sleep on the night without interruption by sound notifications.
    Beeper for S60 Beeper for S60

    That’s not all of course, there is many additional features make this small application much more practical all in one solution. For instance, you can track the battery charging and choose the sound that will warn you once when the battery is full.

    There is also a handy Program starter and you can choose which allows you to choose one application that will be started automatically for certain time. Further more there is an option Restart the phone, Export SMS messages to the txt file and quite surprising call recording feature with customizable pat and format.

    The last but not the least there is an embed simplified version of the his WakeUpMe soft which basically means that it has fully customizable WakeUp assistant that lets you WakeUp with any of your favorite songs, albums or radio stations.
    Beeper for S60 Beeper for S60

    The best of all, applications is completely free and you’ll get all these useful features free of charge and therefore you should give it a try. If nothing else, once you start using Beeper you'll know exactly what time it is, clock, calendar or any other item can stay always on top and inform you about the time or system status.

    To get it to work you have to install latest Python version. It is also high suggestible to install application and Python in the phone's memory (C: drive). There is no need to sign Beeper but if you sign it Beeper will autostart with phone.

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